I don't know who else to ask... Lupinepaw is an immediate no. It feels like telling her would be more trouble than what it's worth. Drowsypaw is fine, but I don't want him to try and get others involved. He means well, but it was bad enough when Silversmoke dragged Lupine and I to talked to Fireflypaw. Fireflypaw is nice and he listens to me and gives good advice. I just don't think asking him about romance or love is a good idea. And Silversmoke? Nope. Definitely not. Orangestar is a bit weird to ask. I don't think she hates me, but it's kind of awkward to explain since she's Owlpaw's mom. A sigh leaves his maw as he slumps to the ground. Romance was such a fickle thing. He knows bits and parts of what cats did to sort of piece together what he's supposed to do, but he has no clue what a romantic relationship really entails. He never thought he would go on a date or someone would even want to go on one with him.

Growing up he always loathed when things weren't direct. To be honest it still bothered him. Not knowing what romance was exactly was frustrating. Don't even get him started on love or what the heck he had between Owlpaw now. He didn't lie when he said he would like to go on more romantic dates, but it was only after in the solace of his nest did he realize... I don't know what qualifies as a romantic date! Stars! The urge to pull at his fur to ease his nerves was almost unbearable. There's only one cat left to ask and he knows it's going to be the most awkward conversation in his life ever. Uggghhh I don't know what I'm doingggggg. But If i don't ask her then I'll hurt Owlpaw more. I don't want that. Owlpaw deserved more than a tom who refused to learn. A tom who left his mate? Partner? Date friend to figure everything all by themselves.

And so, he would rise to his paws and make his way towards someone he'd been avoiding for moons. Who? Why his own mother. She knew more about love and romance than him. When he enters the den of the nursery, he can't help but wonder... Was it always this small? hazel eyes land on Bobbi- his mother. She's looking at him almost as if he was a ghost. It's peculiar. She was smaller than before. When he draws closer to her, it's unsettling to tower over her. It's time like these where one is reminded of the passage of time. "Hi." There is so much between them. It's almost insulting that a simple greeting is what he has to say, or maybe his mother is happy she isn't hallucinating.

Usually this is the point where he turns his back to her and pads away. Instead he takes a seat next to her. I don't think I thought this through. "I went on a date with Owlpaw." it takes him a second to register what he's said. What? Why? I, uggghhh. The apprentice grimaces. "That's not how I wanted to start," he grumbles to himself. Though it's not like he's being quiet about it. He hadn't thought about the fact that she didn't know much about him other from what she's heard. Either from Lupinepaw, Drowsypaw, or others. This news could be met with anger as a result.

With a huff he slumps to the ground. "I was going to ask for advice! Come on Crowpaw! How'd you mess that up? Aww what does it matter anyway? Everything's been messed up already, I can't start over." The apprentice turns to his mother. "I'm going to ramble because why not? This has been going well and I'm totally not losing my mind not knowing. So! Mom, I went on a date with Owlpaw. The problem is, I don't know what a date is still! Owlpaw sort of explained it to me, but she doesn't know what a romantic date is either. I hate not knowing what the heck is a date, and are there even non romantic ones? Aren't those just hang outs? Friend dates?"

"Anyway! She said she likes me. A lot. She also said she wants to keep going on dates with me and get to know me better and spend time with me. Owlpaw is... Owlpaw is nice mom. We both love birds and collect feathers. She's funny too. I like her and want to know her better too. Going on more dates doesn't sound too bad, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right? If I like her the right way? I don't know if that makes sense... We don't know what we are either, and mates seems like a grown up thing. Is there a word for it mom? I know nothing about romance or love or dates. I just learned what flirting was not too long ago! And that's 'cause the grownups told me Orchidpaw was flirting with me! How was I supposed to know being told I'm handsome was Orchidpaw flirting with me? UGH! All of this makes no sense at all! I told Owlpaw I don't know anything about... This and I might hurt her a lot because of that. She said that's okay, but I don't. Want to hurt her mom. I just want to learn what to do."
  • @bobbie imagine your child who hasn't spoken to you in months kicks open your door and rants about romance as if your husband didn't pass recently SOBS
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / single / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou