pafp love takes all 〰 kit-sitting

They try not to think of it like saying goodbye... Sitting beside Lupinesong like they are about to diverge on two very separate and lonely paths. They tilt their ears forward to listen to whatever rambling Lionkit is going on about, entertained by the excitable nature of their friend's little siblings- they have so much of Blazestar in them, it makes their heart lurch. Bobbie must feel that ache too, more than anyone... to look them in their round kitten-bright eyes and know there's a piece missing. They lift a paw, pulling it out of reach from his toothy, menacing grin, already recognizing it to be one of mischief before he has the chance to lunge at them.

"Feisty," they purr, glancing towards their jet-furred clan-mate to size up how doting she was on her half-siblings. The answer is: very. "Did I tell you that Candorkit asked if I got powers from the sun?" They're careful not to imply it isn't true, for fear the valiant boy's sibling might reveal it a farce if they do. "Twitchbolt said anyone can harness the power of the sun," they notice a flash of movement from the corner of their eye, yanking their paw higher out of Lionkit's reach with an amused whip of their tail.

"You'll have to jump higher than that," they encourage, scrunching their nose playfully at him before returning to their conversation. "They're due to be apprentices any day now right? Are you hoping you'll get one of them to train?" It'd be generous of Orangestar... though they aren't sure if she's quite so soft-hearted as to pit family with family. After the attack that ravaged Blazingpaw and his litter-mates, it was hard to imagine putting that kind of burden on those who'd only graduated a few moons ago.

They try not to frown, thinking of Spicepaw and how nice it would've been to share this part of their world with her on their terms, rather than someone else's. It wasn't that they didn't trust Momowhisker- actually.. maybe this wasn't their real opinion, just one summoned by confusion and muddled fears. A frustrated sigh escapes them without their thinking, hoping instead that this won't brew up some new, exaggerated feeling like everything else seemed to.

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 13 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back / filling out where previously skinny
    -- color #728c69​
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Reactions: CANDORPAW
There is an unusual glint in Lionkit's eyes... one of mischief, perhaps, driven by boredom. Anticipation. He and his littermates were counting down the days to freedom — to apprenticehood. It was going to be so exciting to start warrior training ( although they'd miss Bobbie a whole lot... Lionkit tried not to think about that, though ). However, the nursery was growing far too small to house him and his littermates... or perhaps they were just growing too big.

They are not usually outwardly playful to just any clanmate, but Edenberry is someone who they trust. Plus, they're friends with Lupinesong. Lionkit had grown all the more accustomed to Edenberry's presence, especially at times when their big sister played and spent time with them. She is here now, talking to Edenberry while also entertaining the antics of the kits.

His attempt to capture his prey — a singular white paw — is foiled by the warrior's quick reflexes. Lionkit skids across the ground, still retaining a clumsy kittenlike sense of balance but with notably improved motor skills. Hopefully, his potential will be tapped into during his training. With a huff, Lionkit gets back to his paws, accepting defeat for the moment.

Triangular ears twitch as Edenberry talks to Lupinesong about potentially mentoring one of the kits. Oh... that would be fun, wouldn't it? Lionkit would already know who Loopy was, and she would be nice to him because they were kin! He dreaded the idea of being paired with the more intimidating members of the clan, like Silversmoke or Chrysaliswing. They were good fighters, but his heart sank as he imagined being severely scolded by one of them for a mistake.

The torbie point turns toward their siblings @CANDORKIT and @HOLLYKIT now, mewing, "Who're you hopin' your mentors will be?" What if he got paired with Mama? Giddiness flutters in his chest at the thought of being able to train under Bobbie. She could teach him to fend off eagles as she once had!

  • 78922242_RoBq9inRj8ibOv1.png
  • 79110682_4AHaCt43N8s9eS5.png
    he/they; kit of skyclan
    longhaired chocolate torbie point with blue eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
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Reactions: CANDORPAW
Candorkit doesn't join in on the fun just yet, only because, unbeknownst to the others, he was playing his own game! As a future warrior of SkyClan, he ought to know each and every thing about his clanmates! Once Edenberry makes themselves known, the quiz begins at once. Edenberry is... a Daylight Warrior! That harnesses the power of the sun! As if on cue, he thinks his very keen, amazing, great warrior senses pick up an utterance of such a thing. Confirmation for a job well done! And then... he and Lupinesong were kin. Even though she looks nothing like him or either of his brothers, which is a little funny, but they're definitely kin! Siblings, even!

He and Lionkit are both training for their rapidly approaching apprenticeships... simply in different ways! And of course, he would never ever deny his brother attention, especially when talking about something as exciting as mentors! " I hope mine is um, Orangestar! " He wants to be the best warrior ever, so he has to be trained by one of the greatest warriors of all time... and a requirement to be leader was definitely to be one of the best warirors ever, right? Orangestar or... Bobbie. ...But Bobbie wasn't one of the best warriors ever anymore... was she?

This dawns on him suddenly. ...Quite suddenly, in fact! He gives his brother this open - mouthed look, pondering... Pondering is one of his favorite words. " Do you think, um, Bobbie is a worser warrior because of us? " He's been talking wrong this entire time, he realizes... but it's too late to fix. " ...Do you believe so, I mean? "
❀‿ There was a bittersweetness to the afternoon, even as the sun was warm and tickling upon Lupinesong's whiskers and caressing her eyelids to tempt her into a late afternoon snooze. Sitting close to Edenberry did not bring her the easy well of comfort physical proximity to others usually did. She knew precisely why, this time, that thing she could not put words to but knew all too well. The familiar that clung to her side. Edenberry's cheerful disposition and steady offer of companionship shouldn't have tasted so bitter on her tongue. It wasn't their fault.

Guilt did not taste so bitter as to force her to face them about it, though. The seed had already rooted itself deep into her heart (perhaps it had more moons ago than she could even fathom), and Lupinesong was not so selfless as to tear it up for the sake of a friend.

It was in a blink of an eye that her little siblings had grown big enough to become apprentices, and watching Lionkit and Candorkit play brought a mist to her eyes that was all too commonly seen from her these days. Her weepiness was not a virtue, exactly, but she couldn't help the tenderness that her young half-siblings brought to the surface like she was an overripened fruit. A smile is brought to her face at the game Edenberry plays with Lionkit, her own paws tucking in to watch them as she sits back to intentionally put effort into enjoying the moment. "Mm, I think Twitchbolt has the right idea, I feel like I can't reach my full power without getting warmed by the sun first. It's probably why I'm so fond of napping during sunhigh," She purrs, playing along with their tall tales of wonder.

Edenberry acknowledges the unspoken cloud at the horizon, and Lupinesong is gripped with another twist of anxiety, though it manifests in only a single tap of her tufty tail and a breathy giggle, "That would be something, wouldn't it... I'd love, like, getting to spend more time with them..! But I trust Orangestar's judgment, there are plenty of skilled warriors to choose from." Would her friend hear self-consciousness in her words? Were they aware of the lingering doubt she held of her own prowess, especially held up to the rest of Skyclan? Really though, at the suggestion of mentoring her beloved little siblings... Lupinesong could not pry away the thoughts of all the ways she could fail them as their mentor. Privately, she hoped they went to more senior warriors.

"Orangestar's a good choice! Duskpool mentored Drowsynose well, too..." The older warrior had a sturdy sort of dependable aura to him, she thought she could trust him with another sibling... Of course, Dandelionwish would have been a preferred choice of hers too. "Lionkit, who do you want to be mentored by?"

"Bobbie's a great warrior, Candorkit," Lupinesong said, perhaps a touch too quick to correct the kitten. Of course, it was just youthful pondering, and Lupinesong wasn't mad... But she felt it was important to assert, "Trust me, she's a skilled queen and warrior."

  • OOC:
  • cpj5ve.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw . lupinesong
    — trans she/her. 15mo warrior of skyclan. formerly mentored by dandelionwish, padding after falcongaze
    bobbie x duke. littermate to crowsight & drowsynose. older half-sister of hollykit, lionkit, and candorkit
    — a tall, pretty, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by pikaihao and funnyguy by pin
    — penned by eezy
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