Love to Death [SkyClan patrol]


Just not built that way
Apr 2, 2023
Pigeonsong was eager to reach the border with his patrol. He'd never lead a patrol before but the opportunity was exhilarating, never in a dozen moons would he have expected Orangeblossom to choose him. Even though he wasn't one to be hard on himself, he felt like there were many more experienced warriors who might do better. Especially a cat like Thistleback, a tom he'd learned to respect but was still slightly concerned for and about. Pigeonsong had witnessed Kuiper's execution, from the behind the crowd and although he felt it was justified, he couldn't imagine how the arguably intimidating tom felt about taking a life.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he'd tread closer to the border, taking in the air and tasting for any markings left past the border. He didn't scent any but he certainly took his time. After the last gathering, this seemed extra important. That didn't mean that he wasn't enjoying his time though. It was always nice to get out of camp and although he didn't know Thistleback or Snowpaw very well, Bananapaw was someone he'd consider to be a good friend.

The sandy tabby would let his gaze look over the patrol, a confident look on his face. His face looked a bit confused as he tried to think of what he should say. Surely he wouldn't have to tell them what to do. He left his own mark along the border and waited for his clanmates to do the same. His demeanor was relaxed and his posture said as much.

This wasn't really as hard as he'd imagined it to be when Orangeblossom had announced he'd be leading a patrol. Still though, he felt that Thistleback would've been a better choice given his own lack of experience but he supposed everyone had to learn at some point.

"Beautiful morning, isn't it?"

@Bananasplash @ThistleBack @Snowpaw
( Please feel free to post first, I don't mind <3 )

.°☀ I'll believe it all

The sun was high in the sky and not a cloud dared touch the pure blueness above, and she couldn't help but smile a little bit at Pigeonsong. The tom seemed rather excited to lead a patrol and Bananapaw was excited for a little bit of freedom. Her ceremony was here soon and the anticipation was absolutely killing her. Regardless! The patrol moved along the border and she tilted her head up to sniff the air for anything outside of Skyclan. There didn't seem to be much disturbance as of right now but she wondered if they would come across anyone.

Thunderclan was an iffy stance with Skyclan and she wasn't sure if they'd be met with welcoming words or claws unsheathed. Green hues turned towards the sandy tabby cat as he commented about the day and she gave a nod of agreement, smirking slightly, "It is very peaceful, I wonder if we will run into any Thunderclanners," She remarked back.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png



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The undergrowth diminished the closer you drew near SkyClan territory. She doesn’t understand how these cats live with so little ground coverage… always in their trees they were. If she had to live in that barren forest she’d feel like a RiverClan cat with no water. As she noses a leaf off her shoulder she strolls along the border, the patrol she was accompanying not far behind. ”SkyClan.” She monotones the greeting with a dip of her head. She doesn’t recognize any of the cats present… maybe aside from the beastly one with the purple collar. She’s not amused by the item he fashions and finds it unfitting for a clan-cat. If there was anything she liked about Howlingstar it was the fact that woman knew better than to allow pellet-eating cats into their clan… The only thing she could say she admired them for was their cleanliness.

On the heels of Prickleflower follows Flycatcher. The patrol had been a fairly standard affair up until that point, the marking of their territory going about peacefully. Flycatcher had only been a bit further behind Prickelflower when he hears her address the SkyClan patrol and joins her to greet them himself. "Hello, SkyClan," He mews to them, dipping his head in greeting. "How fares your clan?"
"Good." The sandy tabby would respond evenly, ignoring Prickleflower's attempt to incense him. He hardly notices in fact. He would utter proudly, proud of his clanmate and his friend for remaining calm in the face of adversity.

"I trust that your clan is also doing well?" He'd ask evenly, his signature smile never leaving his features. It wasn't a false one either, more than anything, the sandy tabby desired peace. There was no prey between them and he had no intent to cause any conflict.

Maybe her words would affect a lesser cat but he wasn't one to give easily to his emotions.
With a nod he'd continue.
"Good to see you here, our clan grows stronger by the day and I wish the same for yours'.", he'd acknowledge Flycatcher. His words were honest, no hint of betrayal or falsity among them. As long as the clans were at peace so was his mind. They could remain friends into the foreseeable future as far as he was concerned.
Any unnecessary bloodshed, easily avoidable as far as he could see.
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approaching the skyclan border, figures appeared on the other side. they always seemed so chipper in the pines, it almost could make her forget the ghosts of blood spilt where they stood. it was odd wasn't it? that day almost seemed forgotten amongst the newer dramas. nightbird wondered if riverclan would treat them so jovially the next time she stood across the river. a humor filled grin dashed along her maw at the thought. the fish-eaters were much too prideful, and the wound was still very much raw. however, it was a funny sight to imagine.

the warrior would join flycatcher and prickleflower, duskpaw in tow. she listens idly as a sandy furred cat drones about how well skyclan is doing, how strong they are. it feels like bees stinging her ears repeatedly. although she held skyclan in a higher regard than shadowclan and riverclan combined, nightbird wasn't keen on listening to their successes. a wide yawn parts her jaws as pigeonsong boasts. she didn't care how heartfelt the tom's words were, they would bolt at the sight of claws. their weight comparing to that of a feather. she would leave the other patrol members to deal with the painstaking formalities, continuing to mark their side and sending a flick of her tail to her apprentice to show her where to go next.

[ ☾✩ ]

Raccoonstripe brushes against Prickleflower's flank with a smirk. "Careful, with that tone you'll scare 'em away," he mutters in a low voice, for her benefit only, with a wink. He pads closer to the border, signalling with his tail for both Wildpaw and Moonpaw to approach. The patrol lead is a pale tabby, confident -- or at least trying to mask the truth behind the facade of confidence. The tabby snorts softly, marking a thicket of bramble before turning dark eyes on the SkyClan patrol.

"Haven't lost anymore warriors, have you?" It's not said unkindly, but it's clear it isn't a friendly remark by the set of his jaw. Blazestar had taken Little Wolf's daughter from her and let her die to a rogue. It's the kittypet's fault their forest is over-run with Twolegs, snatching cats left and right. He can't find it in him to have sympathy for SkyClan, not when his sister grieves the loss of another child.

// optional tag for @WILDPAW @Moonpaw



Wildpaw held his head high as he followed Raccoonstripe's lead as they joined up with the other ThunderClanners as they addressed the SkyClan patrol. He's unsure about his feelings when it comes to the neighbouring clan, so he decides to keep it neutral for the time being. No point in causing a stir, or embarrassing his mentor. The thought made his nose wrinkle, but he knew that sparing a little more patience would soon see him become a full fledged warrior who would no longer dawdle along at the heels of another. Turning his gaze to that of the SkyClanners he then decided to make himself known. "Hello there."
In all honesty, he hadn't expected so many ThunderClan cats but he didn't falter. Keeping his head up, he'd respond to Raccoonstripe's question evenly and as best as he knew how. He knew it would be unwise to reveal the extent to which their Clan was being taken.

There were many answers he could give and in reality the number was likely more than had been spoken of at the last gathering. In the end he decided to give as neutral of an answer as he could, so as not to reveal anything new to these cats.

"Not that I'm aware of, no." The sandy tabby would mew at last, keeping his fur flat and his tone even.

Silently he wished that the rest of his patrol would finish their marking so that they could leave. This was getting to be a bit uncomfortable for his liking.

.°☀ I'll believe it all

Spoken too soon, Thunderclan cat started to appear from the depths of the foliage and Bananasplash found herself stiffen slightly. She made a point to pad up beside Pigeonsong and brush her shoulder against his with a nod of her head towards Wildpaw, Raccoonstripe, Nightbird, Flycatcher and Prickleflower. She offered her best smile towards the cats as she didn't want to cause anymore bad blood between the clans as of right now. She just wanted to get the patrol over and then they could head back to camp, a meal of mice was calling her name and then she could retreat back to her twoleg home.

Racconstripe inquired about missing cats and she lifted her head a bit as Pigeonsong responded to him, "Skyclan is thriving, as I hope Thunderclan is as well," She spoke diligently and hoped it came across as friendly rather than terse like she felt it did. Bananasplash glanced towards the sandy tabby tomcat for a moment before taking a small step back from the border to create a more comfortable distance from the Thunderclanners. She could understand their upset, with the last gathering and Howlpaws' death, but surely they could get out of there rather easily.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png



♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡
Amusement shines in her eyes at Raccoonstripe’s words, but the resting unfriendly look on her face doesn’t vanish. Stifling a purr she looks to the small patrol and cannot help but let out a snort, they claim their clan to be strong? That they were thriving? Last she had heard they were getting plucked up and imprisoned by twolegs, Blazestar had said it himself. She narrows her eyes accusingly, ”I wouldn’t call SkyClan’s state thriving. The she-cat growls and lashes her tail, unable to hold her tongue. If there was anything she could not stand it was liars, she would not let them spew their trash claims of “doing well” to her clan. Not when their kittypet indulgence has costed them all Howlingpaw!
Pigeonsong suddenly didn't feel as enthusiastic about this patrol as he had when they'd left but he did his best not to let her remarks shake him. Considering his next words carefully, the tom would clear his throat, allowing his muscles to loosen. This wasn't him representing himself, Orangeblossom had entrusted him to represent his entire clan. This wasn't something he took lightly and he would never dream of dishonoring her, or Blazestar over one flea-brained Thunderclanner.

"I'd consider continuing to survive in the face of such adversity to be thriving."
The words leave him at last, and with that he'd look over his patrol. They seemed to be done with their duties and so with that he'd cast an apologetic glance at Bananasplash before speaking.

"Skyclan, we're done here, let's go home." Maybe ThunderClan believed themselves to be below slinging insults over the border but he knew that his clan truly was above such kitlike trifling. Stuffing down a building frustration, he'd turn his back on the ThunderClanners, leading the way back home.

nightbird's brow raised ever slightly at the declaration that skyclan was thriving. there was no sarcasm in the pale warriors voice as would have been expected with such a bold claim. just a tight, suffocating attempt at kindness. prickleflower beat her to a response, the corners of her mouth twitching upward at her outburst.

the patrol leader seemed speechless at her remark, finally spitting out a wild justification. if skyclan believed that losing more warriors every week was thriving, who was she to burst their delusion. "may we all continue to thrive then," if the only criteria to thrive was perseverance in the face of adversity, then she could safely say all of the clans were thriving. a goodbye was quickly bid by a sandy tail in their faces, but she was unbothered at their rather hasty departure, returning to mark the scent line separating the oaks from pines.
[ ☾✩ ]

Behind the sandy tabby, Thistleback trails at the back of the pack. His eyes scanning the canopies where pines thin and make way for the clunky leaved oaks, where the limbs are gnarled and unstable. Fit for squirrels but hardly as safe for traveling the skies such as the evergreens for cats. Thistleback licked his grime wedged jaws, Pidgeonsong’s eyes turn back toward his followers and the piebald had given him an encouraging nod.

Bananpaw is chipper, the sun setting upon their apprenticeship. It was still strange to watch the moons tick by, to watch the youth grow up. It seemed only yesterday that the blizzard was combing through the territory and his kits were mewling in the nursery, now they were training to be warriors.

A scowl rides over his scarred maw, collar clasp gleaming in the sunlight as he catches up to the diplomatic pleasantries. The lead warrior studies Pidgeonsong as he speaks, upholding the expected truce of the border and not stoking any fires. Haven’t lost anymore warriors have you?, the burly tabby Thunderclanner speaks and silvers settle on him with Thistleback’s wordless stare. The lad behind him, bobtail with a coat of fire- greets with a kindness, the thorny furred lead offers the younger a tip of his chin in greeting.

The Thunderclanner growls a retort on Bananapaw’s pleasantries, and Thistleback’s white tipped tail flicks. His own former apprentice was in the clutches of twolegs, creatures he loathed now swarming their forest. All the piebald could feel and taste was rage, having only swallowed a bit of it when he took Kuiper’s life but his soul is stirred from the peace he had founded when his kittens were born. War would likely pave his future, but Thunderclan was an anthill in the mountains of his political focus. They were not an enemy, nor were they a friend.

" You take care of yourselves. Enjoy Newleaf " Thistleback nods to Flycatcher and turns to the other polite Thunderclanner Wildpaw with a friendly sideways smirk that shifts back into a crinkled scowl as he prowls to catch up with pigeonsong.

" you did good, lad " he compliments with a flash of his fang, a humored twitch of his lip as he brushes his shoulder to the tan tabby’s. " nothing at our borders will ever come in the name of peace and goodwill " he comments dryly, " survival is a jealous thing " he finishes with a glance to his own apprentice. If it wasn’t Skyclan, it was an enemy. If it was an ally, it was an enemy with a smile.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-seven moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

Raccoonstripe can tell the SkyClan warrior's fur is ruffled. Good. He hopes they all end up in cages like the kittypets they are. What good are any of them if they can't keep their own apprentices from being murdered? He says nothing, though, as Prickleflower and Nightbird continue to goad the tawny-colored tomcat and the she-cat at his side.

When Thistleback approaches, though, Raccoonstripe's eyes narrow. One of Blazestar's lead warriors. He recognizes him. And he remembers, in the kittypet's speech, that Thistleback had been the one to put Kuiper to death. Had it been out of vengeance for Howlpaw?

It doesn't matter. It won't bring her back to my sister. He studies the black-and-white warrior for a moment but makes the choice not to ask. Not here. Perhaps at the next Gathering, or if he happens to catch Thistleback at the border alone... but he wants to know how the monster who slew his kin had died. He wants to know that it had been agonizing.

"And you," he replies instead. He flicks his tail tip against Wildpaw's shoulder, urging the young tom to follow him. For once, the mottle-pelted youngster had held his tongue; with amusement, Raccoonstripe wonders if it's because the she-cats had ran theirs for him.

// out




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Prickleflower snorts in response to Pigeonsong‘s defense, surviving while your clan-mates were turning into twoleg toys sounded far from thriving to her… Then again, perhaps this was the most peace SkyClan has seen in moons considering not too far back WindClan had raised terror in their land. Nightbird shoots back a retort and Prickleflower nods in agreement. The SkyClan patrol hastily departs and she resumes brushing up along the oaks to mark the territory.


Wildpaw tried his best not to get swept up in the ruffling of fur as words were exchanged between the two sides, little jabs at the sore spots. Fortunately it seemed to simmer before it could swell into anything greater so the calico tom decided to leave it at that. Feeling the flick of his mentor's tail against his shoulder he then turned to follow him, though he did cast a final glance back at the SkyClanners to ensure that they were also moving on.