lovely bitter water | sunstride



' you should've said nothin' at all shrew, yer big flapper jus' had ta run on 'bout fightin' and look where it got ya. '

a grimace makes itself at home upon point features, brows knitting together at the middle as she stares at the half-eaten thrush laying between umber socked limbs. shrewtuft had been trying to force herself back into a routine, to return to a sense of normalcy like most of windclan has already done but it proved to be difficult. too much had happened and it's turned her mind into a battlefield of thoughts quarreling with one another over faults.

shrewtuft looked up from her meal to peer around the hollow clearing, clanmates are meandaring about doing their typical tasks and engaging in conversations that she doesn't really care to listen in to. golden hues subconciously get drawn in the direction of the medicine den this time where it's being dutifully guarded by tigerfrost, she's quick tear them away from that place as it causes guilt to flare up wildly in her stomach.

' i've lost my apetite... '

pushing away her meal, the chocolate molly gathers herself back up onto all fours before slinking away into the masses. it's not long until shrew is bumping into broad-framed feline who upon backing up with an apology on her tongue happens to be sunstride. the lead warrior wasn't apart her little squadron during the fight but instead led others on the more sneaky part of their plan. "sorry 'bout that sunstride." it would've been left at that but instead the smaller warrior continued in almost a rush of words. "actually, sunstride, can ah, uh, talk to ya for a second?"