LOVELY CITY - open, joiner


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Nov 20, 2022
The decision to abandon her decently safe and secure life and go cavorting off with some wild forest cats was an incredibly easy one, in the end. Perhaps easier than was reasonable or safe - but the endless drip, drip, drip of boredom, of restlessness, endlessly filling her bit by bit, the pool of dissatisfaction that burned at the base of her spine and crawled up her back until she started to dance just because she needed to move, it was starting to get to her. Luckily, even the small trip from her backyard to the pine forest bordering the town was enough motion to replace the lake of boredom within her with the pleasant sensation of what felt like fire, or energy, or what felt like life.

"Yo, anybody out there?" She called out once she'd reached a part of the forest where it started smelling less like pine and more like a lot of less-than-clean cats (a smell she wasn't necessarily opposed to; probably a good thing, considering she was planning on living here at least partially). Her blue eyes peered around her, searching for some sign of life, preferably Churro - she was sort of Pepper's in to this whole clans deal, after all, and the person who gave her the lowdown on where to go and what to expect. She decided to take a seat for a moment, tail flicking back and forth behind her to satisfy a little bit of her need for motion, the rest of her body relaxed despite what could be interpreted as agitation.
" yo " Thistleback repeats, hard nails scrabble flakey bark with his long clambering strides along the branches until he is spiraling to the ground from the nettle kingdom above. Thudding against the grass, calluses eating the vibrations of his weight and velocity. His bird-hunting travels in the tree canopy drawn to an end with the sound of a stranger’s voice.

His tail wallops the ground but lifts to hover as he studies the red striped stranger. The molly sits restlessly in waiting, she called out- to whom exactly is unclear but Thistleback allowed himself to be summoned. The death of Centipedepaw, and attack of Churrodream, too fresh to let thy hackles lie, the departure of his son to the ranks of Windclan still a potent venom in the warrior’s veins to wear anything but a scowl. Grey eyes rimmed red and dark with lack of sleep. He had been bird hunting, but the cold was nudging the prey further and further.

" What brings you to Skyclan woods, calling out for strangers madam? " rolling eloquently off a bladed tongue, he settles himself into a sit.

  • — WELCOME! <3

  • — Thistleback | thirty-two moons | cis-male
    — warrior of Skyclan | leaves rarely
    — bisexual | fallen for Deersong 9.29.22
    — formerly mentoring Coyotepaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. Wears a purple collar with brass clasp.
  • bVBPWus.png


Hearing a new voice has seemingly keyed up the clan every time they hear it. But it is with good reason with rogue attacks, murders, and then there is Windclan. A soft breath issues forth from the tom and today he does feel tired. His eyes half open as he wanders through the mixture of oak and pine trees. Slowly he waves his tail as he makes his way. Leaning for a moment on a tree trunk as he tried to see some positives. Anything really. Yet a gloom of exhaustion clings to him as he pushes away from his support and towards the sound of Thistleback's voice. Emerging from the undergrowth the massive russet stained tom blinks those tired eyes as he looks between the stranger and his clanmate for a moment. "Ah, un autre étranger vient goûter la forêt." He speaks with a natural warmth to his voice befoee he steps off to the side to stand beside the black and white tom.

"Salut, welcome to Skyclan's part of the forest. Hope you haven't been waiting long." There is nothing left but the words of the stranger now. He is sure that Thistle asked what was necessary and he is merely there to keep an eye out. Never too sure about what will happen next and that bothers him even more.

translation — ah, another stranger comes to taste the forest
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Thankfully, she didn't have to wait long at all. She never expected to get a response this quickly, fully prepared to sit here for a few minutes before wandering off again deeper into the woods to try and find someone. She definitely didn't expect the response to come from above her, head snapping up to watch the tom who had just spoken land with a certain grace despite his bulky form. Pepper let out a low "huh," distracted by thoughts of if she'd be able to climb up a whole pine tree like that without practice, before she snapped back to focus on this guy and the new words he was speaking. From the look on his face and his tone, someone wasn't happy to see her, yeesh. Hopefully it wasn't personal or anything. "What, you guys not get a lot of visitors out here? Not a big vacation spot?" She joked (though she frankly wasn't considering whether or not he was in the mood), but her gaze stayed fully on the other, waiting to see if he'd pull anything while she responded. "I was told that there was a gang of cats who were friendly to us pets," she started her actual explanation, gaze flickering down to the collar that hung on Thistle's neck, "and I wanted in on the action." Her smile stayed spread on her face the whole time as she spoke, though her posture was a little more tense, ready to leave at a moment's notice.

Then the second one appeared, and she let herself unwind a little bit. This guy, with his pretty words and relaxed demeanor, he felt a lot more trustworthy than Mr. Scowl'n'Growl over here. Maybe it was a dumb move to trust someone just because they seemed trustworthy, but hey, it was probably also a dumb move to poke the hornet's nest the black-and-white tom's attitude was. She turned her attention to the russet cat (and geez, was everyone in this forest huge?) and made to respond to him, gaze still flitting to who she had identified as a potential danger. "Heya! No idea what half of what you said means, but based on the bits I understood, sounds like I'm in the right place." She decided now to curl her tail around her body, no longer flitting about like a lost snake, and await a response from these two lovely gentlemen.
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"I was told that there was a gang of cats who were friendly to us pets, and I wanted in on the action."

Blazestar settles beside Thistleback and Foxgekker, eyes focused on the ginger she-cat who's graced their presence. She has a collar, mentions being a housepet, and it's enough to deter his worries. She's not a fighter, a wanderer who sinks their claws or teeth into other cats for fun. Her scent is unfamiliar and tainted with Twoleg.

He exhales softly, breath pluming in the cold. "Yes, if you're looking for SkyClan, then you're in the right place. I am Blazestar, leader of SkyClan." His eyes settle on the collar tight at her throat. "Why is it you're interested in joining us? Don't your housefolk treat you well back home?"

He feels he should warn this she-cat of the dangers the forest presents, that there is a murderer running rampant through their forest, that there are enemy Clans who detest kittypets. But he waits for her response. Perhaps she's met some of their daylight warriors on their treks to and from camp.

- ,,
A shift of his demeanor like the tide as a grime and dried blood lined smile peels over his jaws considering her lightly humored words. Vacation, was a nonexistent term for this forest. He chuckles lightly, with eyes rimmed in red and nostrils flaring with his long breaths.

Thistleback rips his chin toward Foxgecker, his eyes softening a bit as he greets his fellow warrior with a subtle twitch of whiskers. Noting the exhaustion painted on the dark red and white feline’s face. Despite it though, french rolls off his tongue with warmth and Thistleback looks back to the tabby kittypet.

gang of cats… friendly, the piebald bristle-back nods slowly with an amused smirk twisted on his maw.

" well- that’s not necessarily true. Just a few unwelcome visitors... but, no need to worry madam, if you were unwelcome you'd already be bleeding " he refers to rogues, sets of claws lurking and waiting for weaker members of the clan to prey on. Rogues he wished would come after him so badly. Thistleback had a thirst for blood, an unsatiated taste for revenge- so his grey eyes lurk the borders more often than normal. Praying to the stars these hostile strays would reveal themselves so he could finally snuff them out.

With Blazestar’s arrival, came the final word. The flame point king asks his necessary question. " action. she says " Thistleback mutters like tumbling rocks on gravel, cocking his head to the side pensively. He falls into a silence, curious of her twoleg situation.

  • — Thistleback | thirty-two moons | cis-male
    — warrior of Skyclan | leaves rarely
    — bisexual | fallen for Deersong 9.29.22
    — formerly mentoring Coyotepaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. Wears a purple collar with brass clasp.
  • bVBPWus.png

One more cat joined the growing council of judges of Pepper's fate - this one had a certain air of officiality to him, albeit one tinged with a bit of exhaustion (really, they all seemed very exhausted, which made her very curious as to what was going on here, but her questions could wait til after they'd let her in). Even without the very important sounding name and direct statement of being in a leadership position, she may have just assumed he was in charge from his vibe. Her eyes flicked between him and Scowly for a moment, the latter of which seemed to cheer up remarkably - maybe she was as fun as she liked to think she was - before she returned her gaze fully to Blazestar. "I get fed and they don't hurt me, if that's what you're asking," she began, head cocked ever so slightly to the side in unstated contemplation, "but I think they want a cat that's a lot more lazy, a lot more nap-during-all-hours-of-the-day. I ain't like that - I got too much energy in me for that sorta lifestyle. 's why they let me out of the house in the first place." She righted her head fully, before turning to address Thistleback.

"Bleeding, huh...? That's pretty ominous, gotta say." He looked like he could follow up on the threat, too. Something in his gaze was a little too manic, and in a very different way from how she was. Pepper decided, after a moment of examining the bloodstained tom, to return her focus to the important guy in the room. The top dog, so to speak. "But yeah, to put it simply, I'm here for action. City's boring, and this place seems a lot more interesting from what I was told, whatever it is exactly you do here," she said. Her ignorance was somewhat feigned, as she had received the bare minimum summary of typical activities here in the Forest Cats Association, but she wanted to hear it from the source what they did. Her eyes brightened suddenly, struck by realization, and it took her less than a moment to open her mouth again this time in introduction: "By the way! Forgot to mention, the name's Pepper. It's a pleasure to meet you all."
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He listens, a contemplative frown tugging his muzzle as she explains she's bored. "We work together to survive," he says, voice mellow. "We hunt our own prey, fight predators and other cats to protect our territory. We live to keep SkyClan thriving." He appraises her again before murmuring, "Am I to assume you're interested in being a warrior by day and returning to your housefolk by night?"

- ,,
She still remembers their visit, when Churro had settles so heavily on her fence, trying her best to put on a brave face all while her injuries stung like hell. She arrives a little late to the party, eyes bright as she spors Pepper through a yellow gaze. She nearly skips the rest of the distance, a loud purr rumbling in her throat as she attempts to rub her face against the other. pulling back with a smile. She had explained the concepts of Skyclan, the clan she so lovingly resided in, the clan that had took care of her when she was attacked- though perhaps it hadn’t been as info-helping as she thought.

Pepper! Hola, amigo! I’m so happy you’re here, cause now-” she tilts her head towards Blazestar, the smile not once being wiped off her face. He speaks of a daylight warrior, something she is (though something in her mind screams not for long), and she’d be ecstatic to have Pepper join the rank that shes in. “Please say yes!” she bats her eyelashes, jokingly puffing out her bottom lip. Theres not much to say until she answers and so she bounces on her paws, excited.
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Ominous she says, Thistleback nods because it’s a fair assessment.

His shoulders rotate, he glances to Blazestar as Churrodream pads forth to welcome the strange, bored lady kindly. A certain tone of friendly begging, and Thistleback decides this isn’t a situation to worry himself with further." A friend of Churrodream, is a friend of mine " he trusted the spanish tongued molly. To trust so freely after being hurt by rogues? either admirable or foolish but Thistleback would simply offer his trust.

" well, this is handled then. I’m going back to my hunting. " he nods, tail flicking as he levels a dip of his chin and smile toward Pepper.

" welcome then, Pepper. If you fancy a hunt someday, my name is Thistleback. " with that, he turns on heel and disappears.

  • — out // can't wait to see her around!

  • — Thistleback | thirty-two moons | cis-male
    — warrior of Skyclan | leaves rarely
    — bisexual | fallen for Deersong 9.29.22
    — formerly mentoring Coyotepaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. Wears a purple collar with brass clasp.
  • bVBPWus.png

She watches the leader guy frown at her, clearly in some sort of judgment or deliberation. Frankly, Pepper isn't the biggest fan of being judged, of being examined, but she isn't gonna bite out some sort of sassy retort, especially since, at least right now, she probably isn't going to be attacked immediatel-

Her thoughts and preparations to respond to the leader are interrupted by the sudden arrival of Churro, right after Blazesun or whatever his name was stopped talking. He could wait a second, hopefully. Pepper's smile (somehow) stretches wider across her face, as she rubs her face back against Churrodream affectionately, saying "Hey, hola yourself! Was wonderin when you'd show up. You been doin better?" Her azure gaze flickers between her pouting friend beside her and the leader of their group. If her pal could act this casual around him, she could only assume that he wasn't exactly the strictest of bosses - not exactly as bad as any of the street gang leaders she had run into, back when she was a kit. Suited her just fine; meant that she probably wouldn't get into trouble for not being respectful or disciplined or whatever. She decided now was probably a good time to respond. "Hunting for our own prey, doing work, that all sounds good to me. I'm not afraid to get my paws dirty, y'feel? It just doesn't feel good being all cooped up when-" a small pause, her nose wrinkling in thought, "when there's a whole wide world out here, with stuff to actually do. But yeah, going back to the city sounds nice." For a moment, her thoughts turn to her housefolk in sympathy. They may not be suited to her preferred lifestyle, but they are the reason she's around today. Might as well not worry them too much.

"Hey, nice to meet you too, Thistle!" She calls after the retreating male. Crusty and clearly exhausted and definitely dangerous or not, he seemed... nice enough. Could probably use a bath, though. "I'll definitely take you up on that offer. So," her gaze once again returning to the top banana, who is currently the arbiter of how exciting her life is going to be from now on, "based on the fact that he said 'welcome,' does that mean I'm in? Or do I gotta do some sort of like, trial, or somethin?" She's mostly joking. Churro didn't mention any trials, and she trusts her good friend Churro to mention big important things like that. Metaphorical fingers crossed.