lovely day | orangeblossom

Call it duty, call it being busy, but Sheep doesn’t quite recall the last time Orange and her had a talk- Or maybe, they never had one at all. Sheep finds her memory failing her every so often, the last time being her standing in the mouth of Blazestars den, wracking her brain trying to figure out who it was that had an infected wound. Back when she was a daylight warrior, back when she was Churro, but it had felt so far off from the present.

But one day, Blazestar will disappear. It makes her stomach hurt, the very thought of her friend dying, her leader, but she must face the truth. And next would come Orangestar if she was lucky, and if Sheep was still alive (the thought sends shivers down her spine, as well) then she’d serve under her. Then and there, Sheep makes it her goal to get to know Orangeblossom better. It’d make for an easier switch, and Sheep just finds herself interested in the seemingly no-nonsense woman.

Hola, Orangeblossom! Wait up, amigo!” and ironically, as Sheep exits the warrior den, she spots Orangeblossom striding by. Perfect timing! “I was about to go on a stroll… Would you like to join me?” she already misses the embrace of Redstorm whom she had to untangle from, but the prospect of having a new friend much outweighs the sadness that would have come. And the deputy was lovely herself, with a pretty coat of orange and white, with a level-head and with well thought out decisions she understands why Blazestar chose her.
Orangeblossom's ears prick at the call of her name, attentive and expecting an urgent report, but she's left confused and blinking as Sheepcurl offers a simple stroll. Oh. Maybe she should have seen this coming from the fact that Sheepcurl has just exited the warrior den, but with her mind torn from the hunt she's just been on the deputy is left feeling by the switch in mental gears.

"Uh. Sure? Let me put this down, hang on." She mumbles through the mouthful of feathers, her own plumy tail flicking in acknowledgement. Orangeblossom crosses the camp at a quick hobble, and notes with a quiet surge of relief that she isn't favouring her bad leg so much anymore. Hey, that's nice. She falls into step with Sheepcurl as they head out of camp, tossing a glance skyward to make sure there were no errant rainstorms on the way this time.

"Did you have anywhere planned?"