// teehee <3 @iciclefang

Spirits are high with their leaf bundles filled with the sappy smelling flowers that will save all of their clans. Stormywing sets one of ThunderClan's down gingerly with the others before turning trot towards the rest of the group. Everyone is settling down for the night, chattering and telling stories and sharing jokes. Someone asks if anyone's going hunting and the tabby immediately perks up, tail lifting high as she volunteers, "I'll go!" Immediately, golden eyes are seeking out a certain someone to go with her. They quickly find that familiar patched pelt and sidle up to the she-cat, head ducking a bit to catch her attention as she slips beside her. "Iciclefang will go with me!" She cheerily pipes up, bumping against the other with a smirk. Laughing, she is already cantering off, kicking up snow behind her.

The waving moon shines bright upon the mountains as Stormywing leads the way over a slope devoid of many trees. She pauses to look over her shoulder, to make sure the tortoiseshell is keeping up with her. "I didn't know RiverClanners were so slow," She drawls jokingly, paw lifted to preparation to bound off again. She lashes her tail to and fro as if to taunt her, nimble paws at the ready to run. The thought of hunting is forgotten briefly as playful mischief fills her eyes.

XXXXXIciclefang’s ears twitch at the low murmurs of nearby conversations. Someone should go hunting, and then there’s the familiar strident call of Stormywing. “I’ll go!” The tortoiseshell continues to pluck lungwort fuzz from her tongue, grimacing, until the gray tabby adds, “Iciclefang will go with me!” To herself, she smiles and then half-turns, expression stoic once more. “Sure, if you need the help that badly,” she quips, rising to her white-tipped paws. Only cats closest to her would be able to see how pleased she is that Stormywing had asked her to hunt—but her pawsteps are still light, her eyes still gleaming and full of lungwort. “Lead the way, ThunderClanner.

XXXXXPale-blue eyes follow the other she-cat’s rugged form. They wind through cobbled mountain paths, edged by dried, tough tawny grass that looks as though it could withstand anything. The sun sinks, melting and exploding into flame that catches the sky and hits their rocky, icy world with an amber fire. Stormywing’s cool coloring becomes almost golden in the face of this dying sun, and Iciclefang’s breath catches in her throat in a way she should be getting used to by now.

XXXXXThe ThunderClan warrior half-turns, her tone light and mocking. “I didn’t know RiverClanners were so slow,” Stormywing taunts, and Iciclefang meets her glimmering sun-bright gaze with a smirk. “Slow? I’ll show you slow,” she mrrows, rising to the challenge. She gives her hind legs a fierce push, leveling off against the stony path until she is pelting after Stormywing with all she’s got. She takes a running leap, only whiskers away from her companion’s tail. With a bunching of her muscles, she leaps, aiming to collide with Stormywing..

Stormywing's face only lights up even more with glee as the challenge is returned. She laughs, and the sound is full of bliss as she speeds off up the mountain. She tosses repeated looks over her shoulder to see the tortoiseshell hot on her heels. Her laughter becomes breathless and shrill as she gallops faster and faster, but her opponent puts on a new burst of speed she does not see coming. She turns to look just in time to feel paws on her shoulders, chests colliding with another laugh.

She lands in the snow, belly up and pinned beneath the other she-cat. She is still laughing, but as she looks up at her and sees the rising moon behind her, her smile falters. Her brows tent as she feels that same familiar breathlessness overtake her. She is beautiful, and it can't be denied anymore. Iciclefang is undoubtedly, without question or argument, beautiful. Stormywing does not consider the trouble she is in when she allows these feelings to crackle like lightning beneath her pelt. And though she lays in freezing snow, she feels no cold. "You're incredible," She finally says, smiling like a fool up at the tortoiseshell.

What she does next is impulsive and unplanned, much like everything Stormywing does. Her heart pounding, she pushes herself up so suddenly that it's a miracle her nose doesn't smack right into the other she-cat's muzzle. But her movement is smooth, intention pure. She swipes her tongue quickly across a shadowy cheek, a clear display of feelings that go unspoken. She can't hold them in anymore, no matter the consequences. Nervously, she waits for Iciclefang's response, suddenly wondering if she'd been wrong. Had she made up every sign that the other felt the same way? What if she laughs at her, calls her a code-breaker? But what if she feels the same? She reminds herself again. And so she waits, quivering with excitement as their noses rest only a whisker apart.
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XXXXXIciclefang gives a mrrow of laughter, relishing the feel of it bubbling in her throat, as she makes contact with Stormywing. The two of them go sprawling into the frost-stiff grass, cold sharp on her dangling hind paws and flicking tail. Though the wind is sharp against their short pelts, she hardly feels it—for the first time, she is chest to chest with the ThunderClan she-cat, their noses close.

XXXXX“You’re incredible,” Stormywing says, her smile brilliant as the moon hanging above them. Iciclefang’s purr rattles in her ribcage, loud enough for her companion to hear without straining. She does not anticipate Stormywing’s next move—and in truth, it seems the gray tabby acts out of pure feeling, impulsively leaning forward so that her muzzle is a mouse’s tail’s length from her own. A tongue swipes across her cheek, molten, and Iciclefang thinks she might have been set aflame.

XXXXXIn fact, the burn that begins to sweep from her pads to her ears is stronger than a forest fire, smoldering under her fur like a searing sunburn, hotter than Sunningrocks on a sweltering day. She gasps at the intensity, her blue eyes round and incredulous. Stormywing looks unsure, as though she thinks Iciclefang might react poorly, but the tortoiseshell’s stunned expression melts into one of pleasure. “Are you sure you want to kiss someone with fishbreath?

XXXXXDespite the quip, Stormywing would feel the intense staccato beat of her heart, pressed so close to another’s for the first time, and she would feel the near-hesitance in Iciclefang’s movements as she inches forward. The tortoiseshell rests her white-dripped muzzle against Stormywing’s narrower one, holding it there and feeling faint with dizzying warmth. After a few heartbeats stuck as she is, Iciclefang draws her tongue gently across Stormywing’s ear.

XXXXXAs she pulls away, she thinks, What am I doing? She internally cringes away from herself, from the mistakes she’s making in record time, from the shame she sees reflected in her Clanmates’ eyes, from Cicadastar’s screaming wrath.

XXXXXBut she can’t pull herself away. She tries to reason with herself—and the part of her that simmers at Stormywing’s touch wins. The tension leaves her body, and she sinks into Stormywing’s chest until her head rests against the other’s heartbeat. She has never felt so close to another cat—she has never been so close to another cat, and stripping those inhibitions away is nothing short of intoxicating.

It feels like seasons pass as she waits with a pounding heart, staring unblinking in twin pools. She does not break her eye contact, for even if she knows what she did may be foolish, she does not regret it. Like she always has been, she is an unmovable force, terrifyingly frozen while she watches Iciclefang's expression of shock drop into something else. Her chest explodes with relief, the knowledge that she hadn't made it up, the spark she's been feeling is real and tangible. Her joke draws a breathless laugh from smiling lips; her blush grows stronger until she feels as if her face might burn right off, hot as the wildfire that swept through ThunderClan's forest. "And you're okay...being here, with a prey-thief?"

The call-back to their first meeting makes her head reel. How foolish she had been back then to think this she-cat was ever anything short of special. How mouse-brained and naive she'd been to squabble at the border with someone whose heartbeat hers now echoes. When Iciclefang moves closer, their muzzles brushing, the warrior stops breathing altogether. In silence, she remains there, relishing the feeling of such unfamiliar closeness with another. The tortoiseshell can certainly feel her body quivering with adrenaline; her limbs practically vibrate in the snow with how nervous she is. Why? Why am I so nervous? I'm never nervous! Stormywing is a cat who climbs to the tops of the tallest trees and takes on opponents twice her size without fear. But this? It's something she's never encountered before. This affection for another is new, far past the fleeting crushes on clanmates. This is intense, unwavering, and when she feels the other lick her ear she lets out the breath she'd been holding in a sharp exhale.

Little Wolf's warning rings in her ears as Iciclefang's head is placed gingerly against her chest, but it is washed away as the other's scent fills her head instead. Her own body relaxes back into the snow as she allows the she-cat to rest against her, almost embarrassed by how fast her heart is racing. "The others will wonder where we are," She trills, briefly thinking back to their journey-mates back at their makeshift camp. Despite her words, she shows no indication of moving away from her. Instead, her head leans down to rest on top of her skull, forepaws delicately draping over her back in a comfortable embrace. She wants to fall asleep here, if only she didn't feel so sharply awake.

XXXXXStormywing and she seem to share one pelt, one skin, for all the world cares. The all-seeing eye of the moon looks on, shedding its pale light on the ThunderClanner tangled with a RiverClanner’s limbs. The tabby asks her, “And you’re okay… being here, with a prey-thief?” Iciclefang lifts her chin, staring seriously into the other warrior’s molten-gold gaze. “I’m… I’m more than okay,” she says, her voice quiet. Right now, she can forget the leaf-mould scent ground into Stormywing’s fur, the sultry shadows of forest undergrowth layered on her pelt.

XXXXXHow long would she be able to forget? How long until that forested perfume is no longer intoxicating to her? She rests her cheek against a scarred white chest once more, feeling a heartbeat wildly out of control. She trills, her voice bright with excitement and nervousness, about the others wondering where they are, and Iciclefang mrrows with amusement.

XXXXXI… I don’t care,” she says, snuggling closer. “Let them wonder. Let them find us. Just this once.” She doesn’t say what whispers in the shadows of her mind—that this is the only time, it has to be the only time, you’re a RiverClan warrior and she’s a ThunderClanner. She pushes those thoughts away, instead letting the rasp of her purr vibrate in her throat and against Stormywing’s heart.

Stormywing's heart flutters when the other's ice-shard eyes stare unblinking into hers. Swallowing hard with nervousness, she smiles even bigger, holds her a little tighter. She says she doesn't care and pushes herself even closer against her own dual-toned body and the warrior lets out a chuff of acknowledgment. Let them wonder. Let them find us. Just this once.

Her purr becomes thunderous as she dips her skull down to lick once more at the top of Iciclefang's head, another move without thinking. Perhaps in the morning, she would feel the heated embarrassment of what she is doing. She'd feel the bashfulness that comes with such a daring move. But right now, all she needs to know is that...whatever this's going both ways. Maybe come morning they'd return to being good friends. And if that's the case, she won't let this night go to waste.

Burying her nose into a ginger and ebony neck, she allows herself to relax and drift off to sleep, her tail twined with a RiverClanner's.