border lover, take me into the dark ;; tc dawn patrol

a molly so usually kind, and somewhat uptight, now walked towards the border with an air of nervousness. her first patrol, after so long, it’s silly to think, but it makes her feel like a true thunderclan warrior. walking towards the borders, warriors and apprentices in tow, the temporary aura of authority… it felt nice.

shadowclan is an easy border, at least, the thunderpath never really bothered leafhusk much. thanks to her former life, she learned that the void path and it’s monsters aren’t that terrifying- they’re quite cozy on the inside (but she would never utter this around her fellow clanmates), although the rattling did get on her nerves.

leafhusk prayed to starclan that nothing goes wrong. she trusted her clanmates for the most part-expect for ravenstrike, the feline’s mouth liked to bite-though it’s a reasonable worry for someone’s first patrol lead.

"i doubt shadowclan will be awake at this hour. we might get lucky today." she chuffs, turning her head back to look at her patrol.

// patrol: @ravenstrike @skyclaw app & baby chaperone: @adderpaw @antlerpaw! obligatory no need to wait​
"Shows what you know, my thunder footed friend." Willowburn remarked with a smug air about his tone. The ShadowClanner had seemingly manifested from the very gloom itself thanks to his dark brown tabby pelt. It was simply perfect for blending into the pine forest and its undergrowth. Where most of his peers would have remained in hiding he instead opted to be noticed and heard. He was quite the oddity in that regard given his more social attitude towards meeting the neighbours.

"So, how goes things in that lush forest home of yours? I hope that Howlingstar is recovering well." News from the gathering had trickled back to his perky, ever-listening ears. Tales of wolves, a valiant plan, and unfortunate losses and injuries. He reckoned that it would be a story told to kits for many generations to come, no doubt.

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Ravenstrike followed a little behind Leafhusk, her amber gaze observing around them as she glances at the Thunderpath for a moment. She didn't bother to respond to Leafhusk's statement, it would be lucky for the others but an enjoyment for her. Fighting would be great to destress with after dealing with the obnoxious weeping of her clan since the wolves. Her claws flex in the plush ground for a moment before refreshing a nearby fading marking on a tree, returning to her position once she finished. Her long tail flicked as she noted Willowburn come forth which she promptly ignores the male, he didn't seem interesting in any sort- it was a waste of her time.

The raven coated warrior lingered in the shadows with only her eerily flicking amber-orange gaze revealing her location before slipping from the shadows. Everyone seemed to move so slow and perhaps the former kittypet, Leafhusk or someone on this patrol would say something to aggravate the Shadowclanners to initate a fight. Would it? Most likely not, her clan was full of soft pelts who cried over losing someone which was a natural occurrence at any time in life especially because they were feral cats.
"speech", thoughts, attacking
The SkyClan patrol had been Adderpaw's only exposure to how border patrols operated, and he couldn't exactly say he was a fan. Truly, who enjoyed the tension that came from encountering another clan on their border, hackles raised yet barely visible to the naked eye? It made him itch with stress, and when his mentor wasn't looking the apprentice would stop for a moment to scratch behind his ear only to bounce to his feet once the patrol started to continue on without him. Getting lost out near these dark pine forests was not Adderpaw's idea of an evening stroll.

Sticking close behind Leafhusk as he caught up, yellow hues rushed over to Willowburn with surprise as the dark tabby made his way from the trees with the continued unease eating away at his stomach. He had interacted with Onyxpaw at the Gathering, and wondered if she would be here with her mentor Scorchfrost with a pang of hope. As much as he didn't like conversing with his own clanmates, having a familiar face in the opposing crowd would help calm his nerves. Clenching his jaw at Willowburn's questions, the tabby just took a step back as he awaited for further instructions from Leafhusk with only an eye visible from behind her stance.​
the smooth, eerie voice nearly makes leafhusk jump out of her fur. her brown tail puffs out, brushing across the ground in an attempt to self soothe jumpy nerves. shadowclanners are so dramatic, aren’t they? her shoulders slack, a quiet breath huffing from her nose.

"excuse my ignorance, then." she responds, her tone light with the apology. her gaze scans the undergrowth surrounding the tom, obviously trying to pinpoint if this was a solo patrol or more. when she concludes he must be alone, her posture straightens.

gathering chatter does travel. leafhusk wishes scorchfrost had been the one to scare the daylights out of her, the older warrior was much less smug. "howlingstar is recovering well, thunderclan continues to prosper with newleaf."
Rumours of the gathering had reached the cinnamon tabby, though a majority of the context was lost on her, she had discerned that ThunderClan had taken a big hit due to a pack of wolves that had claimed their forest as their own. Appearing after Willowburn, the curious she-cat scanned the neighbouring patrol for any injuries, pupils blown wide with fascination. She'd heard plenty about the larger canines, how they smelled worse than dogs, how they communicated through howls rather than barks, how they rarely appeared alone. As with injuries along the Thunderpath, she'd been curious to know what an attack by such a hound looked like - but this patrol seemed relatively unscathed. A soft frown appeared on Ferndance's muzzle, only exasperated by the confirmation from Leafhusk that ThunderClan was 'prospering'. "Ok...." Her blinks fluttered like the wings of a butterfly, making her disbelief as prevalent as possible. Tragedy was a frequent paramour in ShadowClan, it made its way to everyone who ever stepped foot in the marshlands; for that reason, she doubted just how well the other clan was doing. Her nose pointe forwards, near-enough on the Thunderpath itself, and Ferndance squinted hard - perhaps if she tried enough, she could peer into their minds and find the truth.