The nursery makes him uncomfortable.

He'd never inhabited it in his own childhood, but for the last few moons, he's been making awkward forays inside to visit his mentor—former mentor, now, he supposes. And every time, the sight of joyful, capering kits; the sound of giggles and singsongs and stories being told; the soft smell of milk and flowers and warm love; all of it stirs an animal discomfort somewhere deep in him, makes him twitchy and quick to pull every inch of his tall, muscled frame as close as he's able.

He's always felt like an overgrown child, but he feels it most acutely here. When he steps in for the first time with a new name, he has to remind himself that he's not that cat anymore, that mewling kit with bug eyes who cried because he couldn't make friends. He's not that . . . weak anymore.

Today, he comes bearing the fruit of his day's catches, ducking in through the beginnings of dusk with a bundle of fish pinned between his teeth by their tails in a wide bunch of fins that makes his jaw ache. Dark curls still dripping with the remnants of the river, limbs sore from a day of diving, he feels alien among all these small bodies. Out of place among all this softness and sweetness, a muscle - bound bundle of hurts.

" I brought these for the queens and the ones old enough for fresh - kill, " he says awkwardly as he settles the other two fish on some clear space near to the entrance. He holds back the day's choice catch and, holding the plump trout by its tail, picks his way carefully through the nursery, ducking his head all the while, to reach his tortoiseshell mentor ( he might just call her that forever ) in her nest. It's a hazardous journey, the space too small, him too big, the nursery full of tiny tumbling bodies underfoot—if he stepped on a kit, the queens would kill him if he didn't die of shame first.

" This one's for you and the kits, " the monochrome warrior states, stooping to set the greenleaf - fattened trout down, blinking bicolor eyes at the tortie queen and the kits that frolick under her watchful eye. Iciclefang's children unsettle him slightly, but he does his best not to show it, and it's his own neuroses rather than anything specific to the kits that renders his face expressionless—he doesn't really . . . smile, as a rule.

Still, there's as much of a softness in his tone as there ever is when he says, " Best of the lot. Help them grow up strong. "

// interacting with @iciclefang & @CRABKIT @CRAGKIT @Pinekit ⭒ but anyone can post, no need to wait!

" speech "

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She'd missed so much of young Cicadaflight's ascension to adulthood—it had flashed before her eyes like a high-flying salmon, twisting its way into the air before nosediving back into the river. When she'd left him, he'd been small, stunted, awkward-limbed and bug-eyed, uncertain of himself and the pelt he wore. When Iciclefang had returned from the mountains, there'd been something different about him, a seriousness—and then she'd lost him again, pregnant, confined to the nursery. She regrets so much of their time apart, even if it had been filled with the kits who bring joy to her life now, with time spent meaningfully in snow-crusted pines.

You couldn't wait for me. You had to evolve. She blinks, understanding, as Cicadaflight ducks into the nursery, something gleaming and silver hanging from his jaws. You had to break free of your cocoon, with or without me. She tucks her paws beneath her chest, a brief snatch of rust-edged purr rattling from her throat. "You caught those yourself? Excellent work." She damns him with her praise, the way she always had, and meets his mismatched gaze steadily before turning to her young.

"Cicadaflight brought you fresh-kill. What do we say in return?"

  • ooc:
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 24 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 The long-limbed, shadowy figure who visits his mother sometimes has always been a sort of mystery to Crabkit. First the tom had been an awkward, gangly apprentice with too-big ears and a strange-looking face, but now Cicadaflight looks almost normal as he steps into the nursery. He’s still surprisingly tall, especially for a kit so small as the orange-and-cream tabby, and Crabkit has to crane his neck to look up at him as he walks closer to the nest. There’s a biiig fish caught in his jaws, and Crabkit’s mouth waters as he looks at it. He sure hopes that’s for him!

His wishes come true, it seems, as Cicadaflight makes a beeline for Iciclefang and deposits the fish before her. The calico queen tells him excellent work, praise which Crabkit wishes he could have received when he was trying his best to catch little minnows in the shallows. But then she turns to him and his littermates, and the boy perks up.

At his mother’s prodding he chirps out a polite, "Thank you, Cicadaflight!" And then, with a flicker of an orange-webbed tail and a bright smile pooling on his muzzle, he adds, "You’re a really good hunter, if you caught that. I can’t even catch a minnow! How long was it before you caught a minnow?" Eagerness glosses the kit’s expression as he regards the older tom with wide, bright eyes. His posture shifts to sit up straighter, awaiting a response from the warrior. Sure as the sun, his attention will be drawn fully to the fish if he’s ignored, but for the moment Crabkit has forgotten about eating the delivered prey.

  • ooc:
  • 80686810_XM15QxfLERsjOog.png
    CRABKIT ❯❯ he/him, kit of riverclan
    𓆟 ginger and cream tabby with rippling white spotting and mossy green eyes. highly emotional and difficult to keep focused on one subject.
    𓆟 son of iciclefang ; brother to cragkit & pinekit
    𓆟 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓆟 penned by foxlore
As per usual, he waits for Iciclefang's approval; there's a submerged sparkle in two - toned eyes when she breathes out in a rusted near - purr, " Excellent work. Cicadaflight ducks his head under the praise, subdued, nodding as he maneuvers himself into an awkward sort of seat in the confined space of the nursery. The warrior manages to meet her unfaltering pale gaze—for all the skins he'd shed and masks he'd worn, he's never quite grown out of his distaste for eye contact. There's a tacit familiarity when he replies, " Thanks. Learned from the best, you know. "

She's as exacting with her children as she had been with him, prompting the gaggle of kits with a steady sentence. Crabkit has perplexed and amused the warrior since he'd been wearing a -paw suffix ( stars, is that how long Iciclefang's been stuck in here? Poor soul ), and now is no exception as the little ginger tom cranes his neck up to Cicadaflight's towering frame and dons a wide grin his mother wouldn't be caught dead wearing. Had the sire of these kits ever made Iciclefang smile like that, he wonders, though he of course doesn't voice the question. He bears a certain curiosity about whoever could have possibly captured his former mentor's well - guarded heart, but he wouldn't dare to inquire after whoever had sired these kits.

There's always been something endearing about youth to him, though, and he leans down to get closer to Crabkit's level before he answers. Minnow - catching . . . it'd been quite the pasttime for him and his siblings nearly a full turn of the seasons ago, though Beefang had always bested him. " I think . . . I was two or three moons old when I caught my first minnow, " the black - and - white tom answers, blinking two - toned eyes down at the excitable orange kitten. " Beefang—my sister—she was always better at catching them, though. "

" speech "

Cragkit sits at his mother’s shoulder, batting at a mossball by himself as he leans into tortoiseshell fur. He’s grown sleepy after a day full of playing, and he’s about to doze off right then and there when the delicious scent of fish hits him. Jerking his face up, mismatched eyes land on the towering form of Cicadaflight, who must hunch over to get to them. His mouth fills with saliva at the sight, and though eager paws step in place, he looks to his mother for permission before scrambling over her legs to get to the meal. “Thank you!” He chimes along with Crabkit, settling down on his haunches before taking a bite of the plump trout.

As he chews, he listens to the question and answer, and immediately a bubble of envy and shame warms his chest. Two or three moons? He’s older than that and hasn’t gotten his first minnow…Cragkit glances at Crabkit, a frown on his muzzle before he turns his attention back to his meal. “That’s probably not normal anyway…” He mutters if only to make him and his brother feel better.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 The warrior says that he learned from the best, and that must mean Iciclefang. Crabkit knows that his mama had trained Cicadaflight for a while, before she had Crabkit and his siblings, so it’s not surprising that she was the one who taught him how to fish. But if she’s so good at teaching, then why is Crabkit still struggling, still unable to catch anything? He looks to the queen first, head tipping to the side, and then to Cicadaflight as the tom leans down and explains how young he’d been when he caught his first fish. He’d been even younger than Crabkit and his siblings—Cragkit mutters that it probably isn’t normal to catch fish so young, and the ginger-striped tom nods stiffly.

"Yeah," he agrees with his littermate, leaning down to take a bite of the trout. It’s a good-tasting fish, and when he looks back up at the mismatched eyes of the warrior before them, he can almost imagine Cragkit standing there instead. Someday, his brother will be just like Cicadaflight, he’s sure of it. He’ll be catching fish left and right, maybe even with only one paw—and Crabkit will, too! They’ll be the best fish-catchers in RiverClan! But first… they’ll have to start catching their first fish. Around a mouthful of food, he tries to say, "Maybe Beefang can show us," but it comes out as a garbled, muffled mess, hardly intelligible to anyone except the kit. Still, he grins at his brother like he’s a genius, tail whipping back and forth.

  • ooc:
  • 80686810_XM15QxfLERsjOog.png
    CRABKIT ❯❯ he/him, kit of riverclan
    𓆟 ginger and cream tabby with rippling white spotting and mossy green eyes. highly emotional and difficult to keep focused on one subject.
    𓆟 son of iciclefang ; brother to cragkit & pinekit
    𓆟 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓆟 penned by foxlore
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