hunting was plentiful still. it was a nice change, but there was a lingering voice in the back of their head that told them otherwise. it told them that this was not a blessing and why would it be? shadowclan has never been favored in the eyes if the stars, in spite of everything they did to try and just remain in their good graces, and out of the bad ones. it mattered not. right now, they'd take their fully bellies and happy kits from having enough prey to feed the increasing mouths. they did not wish to see anything bad about it... not now. not yet. denial never was just a river in egypt... or rather, a river in riverclan.

their ears twitched back and forth as they walked slowly, listening to the croaks and ribbits of the many amphibians around. good. this seemed like a good spot, as any. the rain is soft, and not nearly as hard as the others but that mattered not. they still would be hunting.

"alright everyone. you know the drill. hunt well. we still have cats who cannot hunt for themselves, and we need to keep pur strength up. no telling what other clans might do due to the sun's brief disappearance."

they hum.

"go in a small groups. no one is to hunt alone. anyone wish to go along with me?"

//open for anyone able to hunt! being silly and saying you gotta roll to catch! perimeters are 1-3 nothing ! 4-7 one nice decent frog! 8-10 two nice frogs!

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    45 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
*+:。.。 Whatever voice pestered Chilledstar had no power over Duckshimmer. The petite warrioress was having the time of her life! Weather warm, belly full, and not having to worry about a single thing meant a few more years of keeping her fur grey-hair free! She didn't even hold a single complaint about the drizzle that dampened her coat - can you believe it! Purring cheerily, she very nearly bumped into Chilledstar, but luckily caught herself as the other feline began to speak. "Or what they'll do if they find out about our bounty" she purrs, eyes aglow, "probably end all wars with how endless of a meal supply this is"

Waving her tail, the woman cheerily offered to join her leader, alongside other volunteers she began to sniff the air for prey. It didn't take long. Frogs were not the brightest animals, especially overpopulated ones, remaining still up until they were practically touched. But by then it was her claws doing all the poking. One frog was easily followed by a second, and Duckshimmer couldn't help her little trill of joy! "Look at that! No one's going hungry tonight" she cheered.

    DFAB— She/Her — Bisexual
    30 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mother to Singepaw, Swallowpaw and Sneezepaw
    Shadowclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #ffa98f
    injuries: None currently

The new season had been wonderful so far, aside from the storms where lightning would strike, painting the sky with cracks. He had not minded the weather any other time. The rain was refreshing, to some degree - and the food, he could not forget the food. Going on this small hunting trip would be more food for the bellies, give Mourningbloom something to do, and, well... Take care of the frogs. He nodded as Chilledstar gave their orders, taking this as a chance to go along with another clanmate. Whoever he ended with, he would give a small nod to and start heading towards another direction.

There were plenty of frogs strewn about, so it should be easy to catch one, right? Crouching down, he honed in on a fat frog, facing away from him. He inched closer, focused. Bunching up his hindlegs, he leaped - only for one of his back paws to slip in the muddy ground and cause him to fall face first into the mud. The warrior laid there, processing the situation and watching as the frog jumped away into the marsh.

Salamanderfoot had sent him off to hunt, the old tom could barely keep up anymore and grew exhausted quickly. Which was good for him because Starclan did he hate when his mentor watched his every move and pointed out everything he was doing wrong, which was a lot! He’s happy to be off the leash, the only issue was he had to stay close to the pack so to speak. He doubted anything bad would happen other than getting his paws caught in the mud but rules were rules and the apprentices had to be treated like feeble kits. He was not a feeble kit though, he was just a lazy apprentice (was that any better).

Opossumpaw preferred hunting tadpoles now that he’d learned to catch them, they were small yeah but they didn’t slip out from under his paws and croak their laughter at him whenever he missed like frogs did. He liked easy prey, he hated wasting his time chasing after anything with half a brain - sure he could outsmart them (he could outsmart anyone!) but that took a lot of effort he wasn’t willing to put in. However he’s more willing than usual, Chilledstar was nearby and he didn’t want them thinking he was pathetic. He was always more wary around them and Smogmaw than the rest of the clan. He doesn’t want to disappoint his leader, their opinion was one of the few that mattered. So he gets his fluffy head in the game and prowls in the mud, his stomach just about touching the ground, he can taste the scent of a frog nearby. There were so many scents almost a overwhelming amount of scents!

He finds its slimy visage croaking beneath the shade of some weeds. He stills his tail though his tail tip still managed to flick from side to side excitedly. Those beady black eyes cry out to him “eat me! Eat me!” And who is he to deny their call. He takes a gamble and leaps, it’s a miracle when his paws land on its back, it makes a shrill screech and he begins to fumble with it. Claws wrapping around it as it tries to wiggle free - he didn’t think he’d land on it, didn’t think he’d get this far. He struggles with the plump bastard but finally manages to flip it upwards and holds it between both paws as his jaws snap down on its neck. It stops struggling, a purr of pleasure and pride rumbles from his chest.

He’d pick it up and briskly walk Chilledstar’s way, his chest puffed out and tail held high as he tries to show them his catch. He’s fishing for praise.


[ ༻❄༺ ] Hunting came easy for her, perhaps it was due to the frogs overgrowing population, or her skills. Mud staining her white fur to help the pale apprentice to blend better in their surroundings. Stubby tail swishing a bit, they all split into their own small groups, Snowpaw following the one nearest to her. Of course it wasn't hard to come across a frog, and one that was at a decent size nonetheless. Slowly she got into position, yellow eyes trained on the unaware frog. With a quick lunge the frog didn't even see her coming, her paws pinning down the slimy creature before she ended it's life quickly.

A wave of pride rushed through her chest, it was a decent-sized frog that she felt put her first catch to shame even if it had been a bird. "Starclan truly had blessed us this new-leaf" she purred, stumpy tail rose high as she scooped the frog up and returned to the rest, adding her own kill into the pile, chin lifted slightly while she hummed a bit. Looks like she wasn't the only one who caught something this time around, not bad, this was going a lot easier than her time hunting during leaf-bare, and she hoped this never ended.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 8 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Rolled a 6!! ))

✧ . It isn’t much of a secret, what Ribbitleap is named after, especially as his namesake fills the air with more splendor than it has in past seasons. Their song never seems to quell, ever-looping across the marsh’s rainy season. He doesn’t quite mind it though: the louder the frogs were, the more prey was waiting for them, and the more ShadowClan would thrive this newleaf.

He expects to catch at least one while they’re out, and when he figures his assumptions must be correct as he splits off from the patrol, a smaller group formed between him and a few others. It’s not long before he finds what he’s sought after — a croaking rising above distant ribbits, a frog hardly hidden in the marsh’s undergrowth. Swamp-green eyes brighten in anticipation, a hunting crouch made, and a leap following soon after.

Claws trap the frog between them, but when he aims a killing blow, it seems luck is not on his side. His claws sink into air, the frog no longer in his paws, instead hopping away. Ribbitleap moves forward, but the frog escapes into a wayward burrow. It is at this the brown tabby rises to stand, a frown on his face as he scans the marshes once more. He won’t be leaving until he catches something.
  • // rolled a 3!
  • 75352496_gFsg6B3oNHI0fCV.png
    RIBBITLEAP AMAB. He / Him. Warrior of ShadowClan.
    ✧ . A brown tabby tom with green eyes.
    ✧ . Geckoscreech x Toad's Prowl
    ✧ . Mentored by Rustleap ; Currently mentoring Emberpaw
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

Yet again Mirepurr finds themself trailing after a patrol. The amount of times they hunt has not changed despite the abundance of food, or perhaps because of it — they have to take advantage, strange as the whole ordeal seems to an unlucky Clan like theirs. It's a calming ordeal, the constant back-and-forth between the territory and camp, not having to worry about returning with jaws that hold nothing more than remorseful sighs.

Their ears twitch, filled with the ever-present croaking of their prey. Jumping right into the fray to get some good catches in sounds tempting, and it's only the authority in Chilledstar's voice that stops them from succumbing to mindless instinct. They nod to mirror Mourningbloom and let him know they'll be following.

Muddy-brown fur sticks close to Mourningbloom's, only breaking away in a silent stalk when the both of them notice their separate catches. Mirepurr's body lays low to the ground, mindful of any stray sticks that might alert the frogs to the hunters' presence. The one they've found is a quite fat one, far away from another water source or overgrown ferns that could act as its hiding spot. There's little effort they have to put in to catching it; brace, jump, bite, boom. Triumph comes anyway.

They're right on cue, too. Mirepurr's head swivels to see what Mourningbloom is up to, and they only have a moment's notice to properly process his catch jumping straight for them. With their own frog still in their mouth, long limbs stretch to grab the slimy skin even as it tries to dodge.

Two in one go.

Mirepurr opens their maw wider so they could carry both pieces of prey back to Mourningbloom. There's a purr rumbling in their chest, similar to what booms from beside the dark stormy clouds, except a lot less intimidating. "This is yours." One frog is placed right between his paws.


  • 8Xs7ngd.png
    ────── THEY/THEM ✦ PENNED BY KARMEN ✦ 04/15
  • rolled an 8!
The new season has been so wonderful so far. He’d preferred hunting birds and mice instead of frogs, but today is a nice day to go frog hunting. Mud stained his forepaws, as he walked beside his patrol mate with a lazy smile. He splits off from the group to find any wayward croaking of frogs nearby. It wasn’t hard to come across a frog in the marshlands, they’re everywhere. He sweeps his tail along the ground, as he gets into a hunting position.

The tall curly warrior prowls through the muddy undergrowth, his stomach touching the ground below. Odd-colored eyes narrowed under his curtain of comfort, as he finally spots the slimy creature. He quickly lunges at the unsuspecting frog, claws claiming his prize as he aims the killing blow. He grins at his accomplishment of the hunt, he gets up from his hunting position with an ear flick. Suddenly he hears another croak, so he quickly dispatches the second frog with a snap of his jaws down it’s neck.

Batchaser picked up his prizes by the legs, making his way to the rest of the patrol. "Agreed." He nods his head in agreement towards Duckshimmer, as he trotted out of the undergrowth.

  • ooc. rolled a 10!
  • ⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ ( that's one enemy down! ) BATCHASER.
    cismale ; HE / HIM, fine with gendered terms. ; 30 MOONS & AGES EVERY 10TH.
    warrior of shadowclan | formerly a loner
    single / pansexual / not actively looking / open to crushes & romance
    a tall, shorthaired curly black smoke oriental mix with half-lidded odd colored eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, 7077A1" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like rain-soaked pavement, mist & sweet leaf rot
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone

A long shadow was cast on the stretched pines as the cinnamon tabby stalked forward, her pupils nearly concealing the green of her eyes. Hunting was one of Ferndance's favoured hobbies, to say that the booming frog population had been a highlight this newleaf to the tabby would be an understatement. With her oldest kittens no longer needing her for extra nutrients, the she-cat found herself at liberty to enjoy a meal or two while on patrol, code be damned. The idea wasn't lost on her today either, despite the plentiful amount of cats on patrol with her. In front of her were two frogs bunched together, one with a wet paw draped over the other as if they were old pals. Their gentle croaks scarcely pierced the air around them, all the same Ferndance's ears oscillated with excitement. One foot forwards, then another, then another, until Ferndance was but a rabbit's length away, concealed by the darkness of her namesake.

The frogs shuffled on their rock and with it came the wiggle of the cinnamon tabby's haunches. She leaped face-first towards the rock, teeth fastening around one amphibian and claws pinning the other by its neck. Teeth gripped hard enough to silence the squeal within seconds. Her claws raked down the other one's spine until she dropped her first prize to deliver the killing blow to the second. She picked both prizes up by their legs and trotted towards the rest of her patrolmates, the thrill of the hunt still lingering in wide eyes. Silence surrounded Ferndance and she looked up to address the other members of the patrol. Smiling past the small specks of blood around her muzzle, Ferndance began digging - she wasn't done murdering the local frog population yet.


swallowpaw 07 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan apprentice

Swallowpaw has only been allowed to leave camp for a moon at most - has barely seen much of the world outside the camps walls. Everything is utterly fascinating, and exciting, and full of wonder - two-toned figure bouncing about eagerly each time. Today is hardly different, even if enthusiasm is curbed ever so slightly by chilledstars presence - they don't want to risk getting scolded by their leader of all cats after all, and definitely not in front of their mother. They're meant to be hunting - something that until now, swallowpaw has next to no experience with. But they've practiced - learned all the basics and then repeated them again and again and again for lack of better things to do confined to camp. And so when the first frog is stupid enough to hop into their paws, well they don't miss.

White socked toes unsheathe sharp claws as they smack against soft, slimy flesh - sinking deep. Teeth are quick to finish he squirming thing as they scoop it towards themselves. A heartbeat, then two - and just as excitement begins to set in they see yet another flash of brown and green movement. They don't think twice - this time darting forwards after the hopping frog and pouncing upon it, killing it just as swiftly. Pride gleams in mismatched eyes as head spins around, looking for duckshimmer - " Look ma' - I caught two! " and if they're a bit loud in their excitement, can anyone blame them? It's their first catch, and they'd managed not one but two frogs. Surely, that beat whatever stupid thing snowpaw had managed to catch.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

T E L L - M E - N O T H I N G - L A S T S ( - L I K E - I - D O N ' T - K N O W ?- )

// rolled an 8

Mama had always claimed that her hunting abilities were natural, that because she had not worked hard to hone them, her children likely wouldn't have to either. Bloodpaw was sad to report that it had been made up despite living in a territory currently ripe with opportunity. There was an impatientness to the she-cat that made hunting even frogs difficult and, the day she was out with Chilledstar and Ferndance was no exception. Sitting behind a bush, the tabby found her paws kneaded against the ground in anticipation of a pair of frogs that hopped towards her. With a lash of her tail rustling to tall leaves, she saw the frogs scatter instantly, hopping in different directions and leaving the she-cat scrambling after the closest one. Bloodpaw leaped, forepaws stacked on each other as she squelched down on something. A toothy grin pierced her muzzle, but, as she removed her paws, her heart sank - all she had caught was a clump of mud. Frantically, Bloodpaw twisted her head, looking for the one that got away. When it was clear it was no where to be found, she returned to the group, ear and a half pinned back in a mixture of frustration and shame.

/ rolled a 1


The over-abundance of frogs in the territory is something that Halfpaw loves and loathes in equal measure. On one paw, it is nice to be able to eat until she is full and not have to worry about what she was taking from someone else. But on the other, she absolutely detests the taste of frog. She had been told it was an acquired taste, that she would get used to it and as she forcibly swallowed down a slimy bite she couldn't help but wonder when that was going to be.

Eating the things was detestable, but at least hunting them was fun. All around her, cats declare their catches. Some (Bloodpaw in particular) come away with nothing, but others have better luck. She decides to try hers.

The frogs sing all around her, a chorus of croaking and ribbitting that makes it hard to hear her own thoughts, let alone focus. Despite the distractions that ecompass her though, she is able to zero in on a frog and after only a moment of contemplation, of settling into position, does she pounce. Instantly, she is rewarded by the absolutely loathsome feeling of her claws sinking into slimy flesh but even that does not stop the feeling of satisfaction that wells in her chest. She'd caught one!

With her catch in her jaws, she makes her way back to the group only to discover that Swallowpaw had caught not one but two. TWO! Jealousy flares but she does not let it show, instead she turns to Oppossumpaw and lightly bumps his shoulder with her own " Nice catch!" she praises

  • UnubgZp.jpeg

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight