sensitive topics loving you was easy - waking up

CW mentions of starvation, vomiting, comatose.

Small rings of light and intruding images would flutter by in the comatose state of Dogbite. Some involving Apricotflower's stern voice and other's the last moments before touch down when he'd confided in Applefrost. Then it was nothing as if silence and emptiness could only consume the unaware cat. Yet, something had changed, a sudden trill of sounds began stirring his limp body to life.

Dogbite had been trapped in an endless abyss, mind awash with surreal lights and voices that threatened to consume him. Dogbite! Dogbite! Dogbite! A persistent throb of aches and pains had filled their subconsciousness, reminding them that he still existed, albeit in an uncertain state. A blinding flash and nonsensical symphonic sounds crashed in a devastating crescendo. Then like a blip into reality his eye cracked open.

Slowly, he blinked awake and raised his head from the less-than-inviting nest surrounded by ferns they found himself in. The air was thick with an overpowering mix of swampy odors and sickness, and it threatened to overwhelm the Skyclanner.

Suppressing the urge to retch, they took a deep, sour breath and exhaled slowly to steady themselves. As the dark and cavernous den came into focus, Dogbite's confusion faded, replaced by an eerie realization. ShadowClan? Cautiously, he glanced around at the hunched forms of cats scattered throughout the room.

Seemingly an amalgamation of scents revealed a mix of ThunderClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, and Skyclan. Their bewilderment grew, and if it weren't for the jumbled assortment of cats around him, their heart would've given out from shock. Why am I here? What's going on? These questions would go unanswered for the time being but his rustling surely frustrated any nearby cat resting.

Rising shakily from their flattened nest, Dogbite wheezed out a painful cough. After a few dry hacks the wittled tabby felt a touch better. Looking down the warrior could tell he hadn't moved much from that spot, but the few scattered scraps nearby indicated that someone had managed to get him to eat at some point.

Thoughts of food ignited a voracious appetite, one he hadn't felt in moons. Despite their body and mind's cries for nutrients, his aching paws refused to cooperate. They were sore and stiff, weakened from days of being lopsided in this wretched nest. The only option left was to call for help. But even clearing their unused voice felt like thousands of claws scraping against the back of his chest, and Dogbite winced as he swallowed hard, trying to generate enough moisture.

In a meow barely above a croak, he managed to emit a quiet plea for assistance. "H-help?" They lacked the strength for much more, and instead of enduring another minute, they flopped back into the dent-riddled nest. One eye bleary with a mix of hazy liveliness and concern, and the world, whether conscious or unconscious, still hardly made sense.

  • ooc ; This thread is open to any cat in Shadowclan's camp.

    -⋆ Belated thread but Dogbite is back to consciousness and rolled high on his D20! It is assumed that he was well cared for by the Medicine cats for three solid days icly and is now waking up in relatively good condition. However, they will be a bit delirious and confused as to where he is.

    -⋆ Their last memory was speaking to Applefrost and Apricotflower before he passed out in the Skyclan camp. It's presumed he was carried in by a clanmate - feel free to have your character claim to have saved him and brought them there! His usual activity will resume in one irl day!

    tldr ; He's completely starved himself and overworked their body for two moons. Leading to them passing out and slipping into a coma in Skyclan's camp. Failed his first D20 roll but successfully passed their second roll. Currently, he can talk, stand up with help, and hold down food. They are now waking up in the Medicine den disoriented, starving, and calling out for help.
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 28 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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to be reborn , you have to die first .
“Dying so soon?” He muttered, watching the weak attempt to get up, helm lulling to watch the SkyClanner with half-lidded interest. He would have gotten up to look, but just the thought of it made him exhausted. He hummed, turning to peer through the sea of sick cats. He wondered if they’d be buried within the marsh territory reeking of death—Wouldn’t that be strange? He snickered to himself, looking crazed by the airy laugh escaping a parted muzzle, drier than the desert.

“Someone will be here.” He muttered, watching the other with a bland expression. “Not so keen to have another one die in foreign lands.” He added with a flick of his tail, sinking further into his temporary nest. “ShadowClan?” He muttered, blinking sluggishly. “I think so.” Tapping his claws, the ghostly tom huffed.
thought speech