low tides high minds - sprain, open

Bumblepaw was busy trotting along the embankment. Hoping to catch something on the bank. Eyeing the depths for any trace of silver or a flash but nothing seemed to wriggle under the thin veil of ice. Slowing to a halt her yellow gaze dulled with disappointment. She hadn't learned the intricacies of ice fishing yet but still held out a small prayer there would be a spot. Now it seemed the entire place was rock solid with snow.

Accepting defeat she turns tail and wanders further into the territory. Feathery ears held high to catch any inkling of a snuffing critter. Instead her world is spun and a jolt of pain races up the she-cats left leg. Shit! Rolling onto her belly she hisses as the irritation does not subside. Awkwardly, she jets out her neck and peers behind herself. Finding the perpetrator to be a half-buried rock with only a sliver of grey peering from its cloak of white. In her haste to find food she had nailed her leg against it.

Humility warmed her fur as she cautiously began to lift herself up unable to shake the chilly bits clinging to her long coat. Tentatively testing the waters by putting a small amount of weight onto the injured foot. Again hot pain was the answer and she winced. Pitifully picking up her leg and limping forward. Just what I needed... Putting in a little more effort she hobbled forward struggling to keep her balance in the powdery landscape. Praying quietly that no cat had seen her pathetic fumble.
✧ ✧ (=˃ᆺ˂=)

When it came to sticking by each other, patrols were subjective. Border patrols required being within a few rabbit-lengths of a couple clanmates, while hunting ones allowed for quite some distance. To the point of getting lost. It had been moons since she had gotten lost in the territory. Smells were familiar, she recognized certain trees and identified different sounds of the river; roaring by the falls and the gorge versus the hum of a stream. Bounceheart knew where to look for mice and squirrels in the winter. So did others - she had little luck today when plunging unsheathed paws into the tree roots and thickets. One is enough for now, she thought. Better than returning with no fruits of labor. There was still daylight to spare. Night was too cold, dangerous, dark and quiet for any of them to take an unnecessary risk. Unless their stomach ached with hunger.. it happened to those who would give up their meal for another.

Bounceheart was lost to daydreams as she strolled to camp. Her striped tail swished lazily from side to side. A smudge of black fur on white landscape caught her attention, but she had a task at hand. About to head another direction, she notices Bumblepaw's wobbling limp and decides the kits can wait a few moments for their meal. She picks up her pace and is soon approaching the apprentice, mouth still full with a not-so-warm mouse. "Nee hep?" Perhaps this was a task for two, but she offers a flank to lean on. "Am goin camp. Comeon!"
*+:。.。 Injuries like sprained ankles were no laughing matter, especially during leaf-bare. Every cat was needed on deck to help ensure the vulnerable within the clan survived, and adding to that list of 'unable to contribute but still needing to eat' wasn't great. Asphodelpaw's stomach rumbling had become a constant companion as hunting became more difficult to find success in, and as arguably one of the stronger members of the clan (compared to kits, queens, elders, and the sick, that is) Asphodelpaw was proud to go some days eating last, as little as possible, or nothing at all. But his patriotic pride did nothing to ease the hanger that clawed at the back of his mind. Although he wasn't without sympathy for Bumblepaw's plight, a stab of irritation overtook him as he came upon the scene. "Let me help, too" he mewed, biting back a snap along the lines of 'how could you be so foolish to injure yourself now of all times!?'

Coming to on Bumblepaw's other side, he'd offer his shoulder, glad that his slightly older age offered him a slightly taller height to the feline. "You really ought to be more careful next time" he can't help but sigh out, shooting a glance over his shoulder as he wonders what exactly the younger 'paw could've tripped on. Hopefully, they'll recover soon.

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently
Like the rest of the patrol’s, Iciclefang’s paws are numb with cold. She hadn’t seen Bumblepaw’s unfortunate slip into the protruding rock—her pale blue eyes had been focused on a collection of stones sheltering a squeaking, furry brown vole. She’d waited what seemed like ages before a tiny whiskered nose made its exit from the crevice in the ground. Her body is crusted with new snow, her eyelashes freezing to her eyelids, but when she finally lunges, her movement is swift and deft. The vole has just enough time to let out a frightened squeak before teeth plunge into the soft wetness of its neck. Silence collects like the snow around her as she lifts her catch into her jaws.

When she finds the others she’d gone out hunting with, concern creases her expression. Bounceheart and Asphodelpaw are doing their best to support a limping Bumblepaw. Every time the black-furred she-cat sets her hind leg down, her face crumples with pain. “You can’t put weight on it?” She drops the frostbitten vole between her paws, her frown deepening. “You need to see Ravensong immediately.” Her tail lashes decisively behind her. “I’ll carry our prey back. You two just focus on getting her back to camp.” By the time she's taken all of their fresh-kill through the riverlands, it'll be completely devoid of warmth—and flavor, for that matter—but an injured apprentice in this weather is nothing to be taken lightly.

She'll flick her tail out to @CICADAPAW . “Run along to camp and let Ravensong and Moonpaw know Bumblepaw is injured." Her breath frosts before her as she gives the order.

, ”
Humility burned hot and bright across Bumblepaw's face and back as several cats approached. The first being Bounceheart and Ashphodelpaw. Aw, fish guts... Swallowing her pride, she woefully nods as Bounceheart mumbles through food. "Y-yeah, I think I sprained it or something... Thank you." If it weren't for the ache in her leg, she might have laughed, but instead, the ebony she-cat offered a small smile of gratitude. Taking up her denmate on their offer, she leaned a large chunk of her weight onto them, adjusting a few more times before feeling confident enough in their balance.

At Iciclefang's addition to the scene, her pelt fluffs further with shame. The molly felt sillier than when she had escaped the nursery as a kit. Holding back the burn of shyness, she quietly mews to confirm their inquiry. "No, I can't walk on it." At the mention of Ravensong and Moonpaw, she nearly protests but stops just in time, eliciting an odd strangled sound to leave her mouth. She's right. This could be bad. The thought of the injury being far worse causes the youth's stomach to do somersaults. She sets her fearful yellow gaze back to Bounceheart, hoping the deputy wouldn't take note of her moment of weakness.

It wasn't that Bumblepaw didn't want the help, but knowing Moonpaw would hear of her blunder felt far worse. Willing to test her luck, she pushes lightly off of Ashphodelpaw's side, giving the injured leg one more shot, only to nearly fold inward from the red-hot pain. Nope. Nope. Stupid. Don't do it again. Quickly, the feathery feline leans and aims to flop into her earlier crutch, hurriedly whispering an embarrassed apology. "Sorry! Just needed to make sure!" She flashes the tom a cheesy grin of remorse before settling back against them. Even though the circumstances of her injury were careless at best the apprentice was grateful to be around such caring cats.

For the medicine cats! - A bruised sprain with no breaks. Can't apply pressure comfortably but can wiggle her paw around.