private LUDDITES AND LAMBS \ highstones

They had so far tread the normal route to Highstones without difficulty. Unsurprising- and there would be nothing to fear with the other Clans. They were not greedy, not disdainful of their dead loved ones. As they neared the Moonstone's home, Berryheart swept dull eyes over his following patrol, the two warriors and his apprentice at his tail. All could defend themselves well enough... and he was no kit to be coddled, either. There was a determination in his eyes that normally slumbered behind drowsy disposition, laying dormant until ready to flare.

It had ignited, now.

Berryheart slowed. Something was wrong- scents in the sir, prickling like electricity. WindClan, strong and encroaching, doubtlessly. Sure enough, slinking shapes began to spill from the shadows. As soon as there was a flicker of movement, Berryheart murmured to his companions, "We have company."

His claws sprung from their prisons, seldom-used but ready. There was a battle-readiness about Berryheart that hardly ever touched him, and when he regarded the nearing Windclanners, his eyes flashed with sickened-green distaste. "You will not stop me from speaking with StarClan tonight." There was a low warning to his tone. A dare.

Moons ago, he might have rationalised that they would not attack a medicine cat. But Berryheart was everything except an idiot.

A low chuckle rumbles in the patrol leader's throat as she splits from the shadows, three figures at her heels. With her head hung low and mismatched eyes piercing the darkness, she surveys the group of ThunderClanners hungrily. "What have we got here?" She asks her clanmates, a sickeningly playful lilt to her voice. "It looks to me like intruders." A vicious grin grows across her muzzle as she stalks forward, her tail flicking like a famished tiger. A growl slowly rises in her throat behind smiling fangs, her ears pressed forward, clearly confident. What could a few medicine cats with their dogs do against four WindClanners, the most tenacious of all the clans?

The tortoiseshell at the front speaks, says they won't stop them, and her grin widens. "For your last meal, you're gonna eat those words." Her approach so far had been slow and taunting, but how her muscles bunch and she bounds forward, heading straight for the ThunderClan medicine cat. Her teeth bare and spit flies from her parted jaws, a ravenous snarl erupting from deep within despite her minuscule size.

// it's 4 on 4 so everyone gets an opponent! Nightmare is engaging with @BERRYHEART
Whatever spiritual significance Highstones had to the rest of these cats was lost on Shalestripe. At one point, they'd all told him, look to StarClan! Look to StarClan! But really, StarClan was a load of foxdung. Whatever had blessed Sootstar to rise like Lazarus from the dead, he doesn't know — but she'd damned the stars far later than he had. He just had the authority to back that position now. Needless to say, he doesn't quite see eye to eye with the other Clans, and even some of his own clanmates, about the big deal surrounding their claiming of Highstones. It was WindClan's territory. If he wanted to hunt here, he would — and he'd gladly rip into cats that thought he should do otherwise.

When Berryheart's patrol approaches, Shalestripe is among the first to greet them. His tail sways behind him like an adder; his grin is appropriately scaly. You will not stop me from speaking with StarClan tonight. "What, you think yer ugly mug's gonna scare us away?" Shalestripe pokes, mother-of-pearl fangs shining in the dusky blue gloom.

It's Nightmareface who attacks first, though. Shalestripe eagerly follows suit, long ebony claws unsheathing from pale paws. He's been ravenous for a good battle for moons now. Hopefully his opponent would be a good match — Shalestripe lunges at the first cat he sees, aiming to score his long claws down their flank as he darts by.

/ anyone can engage him!

  • 51936784_MKP5AJbA04YYfu4.png

    shale . shalestripe
    — he / him ; windclan moor-runner ; mentoring none
    — short-haired black smoke tabby tom with high white and amber eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — headshot by me, chibi by moonacre
    — penned by meghan; all opinions are IC!
"S-speaking with them is easy if you join them. Turn back." Please.Rumblepaw's meow shakes at the beginning of their warning, but their skinny frame is bolstered by the presence of their Clanmates. They don't want to attack a medicine cat. They remember when they were small, endlessly pestering Wolfsong about his herbs and to help him, long before Cottonpaw had become his apprentice and Rumblepaw had been fated to run the moors. They're fated for something more now, finally beginning to learn the ways of their best under the tutelage of more than one cat. Brindlecloud hadn't known what to do with them, whisper their mentors, strong and clever. They'd fallen behind under him. Under their paws, however, they would be strong.

Nightmareface lunges first, her vicious claws outstretched towards the ThunderClan medicine cat, and Rumblepaw squeaks involuntarily. Panic forces battle-breath flush to their throat and they gasp against it, unsheathing needle-sharp claws of their own. Rumblepaw rushes forward towards the nearest cat, larger than they themself, and tries to kick their opponent's paws from underneath them.

// mobile + no planned opponent, go ham :3
make peace with your broken pieces .
He slowed to a halt, white-furred ears twitching against his helm, maw parted just slightly to take in the swirling smells of WindClan, overpowered and fresh making the fur along his spine rumple. His whiskers twitched, golden hue narrowing with a small breath, expelling the acid smell of WindClan that coated his tongue like a coppery tinge.

Shapes became prominent against the rocky outcropping, four standing against four. He hummed, rumbling and low-guttural, helm low, watching as the first WindClanner lunged toward their medicine cat Whitelion’s snarl turned thunderous, teeth bared in wicked glory, surging forward, narrowly dodging Shalestripe’s swipe to his flank, spinning around with a sharp hiss, claws scrapping across the ground.

“Perhaps not, but you will soon know of StarClan’s wrath.” He rumbled, only to lunge forward, aiming to knock the WindClanner onto his side, hoping to pin the other to the floor. If he succeeded, Whitelion would aim to press the other into the ground, leaving his flank and stomach vulnerable.

/ fighting with @SHALESTRIPE ^^
thought speech
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
The climb towards Highstones had him on high alert- a fresh lead warrior, but one who was comfortable in his claws, in his station. He had been there for the Great Battle, and while he didn't see the cats rising their way towards the stars, he knew damn well they had. The way the other cats have sounded.... it was undeniable, of course.

Windclan's claim was tart in his mouth, thinking back to what was supposed to be his first gathering as Lead Warrior. The shouts, the hisses and snaps at Sunstride. His ears twitched quietly, but he said nothing as Berryheart announced the arrival of what they expected. Green eyes, emerald in the ink of night, stared out as the patrol approached. All sharp lines and boisterous laughter. Three warriors, one apprentice. The two warriors lunged, already fixated on their prizes- and their apprentice squeaked.

Batwing's eyes widened softly at the sight of the apprentice rushing towards him. He wasn't so stupid to get taken astride by a move he had only used on Hailstorm a day or so earlier- but they were a... so young. Images of his own kits flashed in his mind. His will solidified, and he twisted. Disarm. Do not harm.

Rumblepaw rushes past Batwing, so he swings to face them- his paws lifting out of the way in a leap, aiming to slam down on @RUMBLEPAW's head and shoulder. An attempt to slam them into the moor-dirt, his tail lashing and fangs bared. He hissed as he retreated, eyes shifting to make sure Hailstorm and Berryheart were whole. "I will not harm an apprentice. Stand down before I change my mind." They're too young for this.

// going to attempt to make rumble flee!

Breezerunner is uneasy. He feels knots forming in his stomach as he watches the clash begin between WindClan and ThunderClan, all before their medicine cat. His gaze lingers on Berryheart, but he tears it away as Nightmareface barrels down towards the tortoiseshell. He does not want to watch his clanmate tear down the ThunderClan medicine cat. How far can they go on these grounds before they fall out of StarClan's favor? How far is he willing to go to enforce the word of Sootstar?

His turmoil is interrupted. Batwing is trying to slam into Rumblepaw, maybe to push them to the ground or knock them away. He glances to the apprentice before growling low and facing the warrior himself. He is slighter and skinnier than the lead warrior, but his mind is on the defense of Rumblepaw rather than the fairness of the fight. "You ThunderClan cats speak of what's right and wrong, yet you still threaten an apprentice," Breezerunner hisses "Leave them alone!"

The moor runner swipes at @batwing 's face, hoping to distract the lead warrior for long enough that Rumblepaw can escape. It's a half-hearted blow. There's no real intention behind it with all Breezerunner's stormy conflict of heart, but it's a blow nonetheless.

/ swiping at batwing regardless of if he's able to pin or know away rumblepaw! tried to write it ambiguously :3​

They are big talkers who use taunting words- he is deemed an ugly mug, but had not a moment to react before a rough-voiced calico blazed toward him. Her teeth flashed in an undeniable snarl, and Berryheart could anticipate the oncoming lunge- narrowly, he slid out of the way. It was a close scrape- luckily, he was more tainted by the slobber that flew from the curled lips of the Windclanner than by her claws. Berryheart took his chance to isolate her.

He ran. Not in abandonment of his Clanmates, no- simply a split, drawing her away. He had to get to the Moonstone, had to get closer to StarClan; had to break the patrol apart. He had brought warriors with him for a reason- his warriors would not lose. And neither would he, fleet on his feet, blazing forward toward where he knew the Moonstone dwelled.

\ @NIGHTMAREFACE breaking away from the group >:)
I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — Hailstorm knew what to potentially expect he knew that there would be Windclanners hunting or patrolling the lands that rightfully belonged to Starclan, he doesn't care what they're up to but if they truly believe that they'll be able to stop their patrol from reaching the heart of Highstones then they are fools. It's not long until a patrol is sighted by his mentor, his own claws unsheathing only to dig into the soil underneath him, and his fur bristles ever so slightly as a molly talks to her clanmates about intruders and Berryheart stands his ground, they will not be stopped from seeing Starclan. His own eyes narrowing into thin slits, a soft growl erupting from his throat, and he's ready to fight... He'll do whatever it takes to get him and Berryheart to Starclan.

It's only a few heartbeats and claws are already tearing through skin, Hailstorm noticing Rumblepaw from the corner of his eye noting the same attack Batwing had used on him a few days back during their spar. Everyone seems to be engaged with their own opponent, Berryheart splitting away from the group fors his chest tighten in the slightest but only for a mere second, and sees Breezerunner going after Batwing with outstretched claws. The larger tom moves as quick as he can and aims to slam into the skinnier form of the blue tabby in an attempt to throw him off his balance only to step back after potentially intercepting the blow towards his best friend, beads of crimson blooming on his snowy shoulder where claws grazed "And you Windclanners follow an unjust and wrong leader." He growls back at Breezerunner though he can't help but frown, a part of him wondering who would be the first to break away and retreat back to their clan. It will not be us. The medicine cat apprentice thinks quite determined.

/ attacking @breezerunner
    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS: if it isn't a fatal injury and reached in time, your life is in good paws
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS: recognizes it and its not such a pleasant sight but he'll do what he can especially with marigold in paw
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS: oftentimes slips by him but he'll provide you poppy seeds for the pain and tell you to rest. if you continue to ache, he'll see what else he can do for you
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS: ah, he notices you sneezing and hopes that he didn't catch onto it too late, he'll make sure that you're taken care of. anything more serious will stump him
    ✦✦✦✧✧ BREATHING ISSUES: will provide you the necessary space you need, ask you odd questions, and try to regulate your breathing. if it's something more intense he will call for his mentor
    ✦✧✧✧✧ TRAVELING HERBS: he'll advise you to rest and get a good meal, he'll ask berryheart about those herbs before you leave
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES: oh jeez, it shouldn't be in that angle or poking out. gross. you should lay down, he'll go get berryheart
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING: absolutely clueless... you were expecting?
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS: do not eat poison. (he has no clue)
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    50 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed
You will soon know of StarClan's wrath. A cackle spits from his teeth like bullets. Pah! Shalestripe is sure there are things much bigger and meaner than StarClan that'd like to squash him into the ground, but he's nothing if not resilient — and he has a feeling his fight against this crusader will not change that.

The snakeskin tom's jasper gaze flashes with delight as Whitelion charges him in retaliation. Like any WindClanner he is light on his paws, and he dodges the charge with little more than a whisker to spare between them, a toreador and his alabaster bull. Shalestripe's muzzle is split in a wicked grin. This is what he has been missing; this is what he has been craving since Gin's rogues all assimilated to these moorlands. He doesn't give a rat's ass about the fairness of the fight, or the cause for their strafing; all he knows is that these sorts of fights are what make him feel the most alive. Maybe Nightmareface feels the same — he can only spare a brief glance to his old colleague without letting his guard entirely down.

"I ain't an easy catch, friend," Shalestripe taunts his opponent, amber gaze flicking back to Whitelion now. "Try again!" With a cackling howl he lunges again, hoping to rake his claws across the ThunderClanner's face.

  • 51936784_MKP5AJbA04YYfu4.png

    shale . shalestripe
    — he / him ; windclan moor-runner ; mentoring none
    — short-haired black smoke tabby tom with high white and amber eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — headshot by me, chibi by moonacre
    — penned by meghan; all opinions are IC!
"No!" Rumblepaw chokes as they hit the dirt, the air forced out of them by Batwing's weight on their shoulder. Of course they won't stand down. Doesn't he see that they can't? Their pride rides on this. Their progress. If they're lucky they'll earn their warrior name a moon and a half early, be lauded as one of WindClan's youngest and bravest. Be better, for once, than their saviour siblings and their mother. Be better, for all, than their traitor of a father.

Breezerunner comes to their immediate rescue, pursued by a hulking brute of a cat - what did they feed those ThunderClanners? - and Rumblepaw takes the opportunity to roll and find themself a better position. Is ... Shallow pool eyes widen in a split-second realisation, as if jolting awake mid-fight. Is that all battle is? The few heartbeats they still is cleaved apart by a tortoiseshell shape that rushes not to them but past them, and Rumblepaw realises that ThunderClan's medicine cat has made a break for it.

"Hey! Get back here!" The apprentice yowls, making chase. Would their opponent be able to catch a moor-runner? They were about to find out.

// @batwing
She should’ve expected a medicine cat to flee rather than fight. So be it, he will know the feeling of her claws on his pelt one way or another. With a vicious snarl, she bounds after him. He’s heading straight for the caves that maze through the rocks, but she won’t let him reach them.

She puts on a new burst of speed, a WindClanner with all the agility that her clan is famous for. Though clumsier above ground than most of her clanmates, her swift paws do not betray her. She corrals him to a rock wall with no escape, no tunnels or caves for him to flee into in search of the Moonstone. And when she’s got him cornered, her claws slip from their sheaths. She grins, a glob of drool dripping to the rough ground. “I’ll show you what we do to trespassers around here,” Nightmareface growls hauntingly, her hackles lifting before she lunges forward to snap at his face.

The slavering calico tailed him, a multicoloured streak- Berryheart was faster than he should be with a missing paw, practiced, but even he could not outrun a WindClanner. A wall and a cat pinned him in limbo. No escape. His dull gaze flared with seldom-seen fire.

I'll show you what we do to trespassers around here. His hackles raised, fighting instincts kicking in. His life as a warrior had not been entirely forgotten with all of the time he spent in the medicine den- it lay dormant. As she lunged for him, Berryheart kept fleet on his feet- erratic, unpredictable. He ducked out of the way just in time, though her claws snagged his old shoulder-scar, tearing the tender flesh open again. Beading blood, so long as it did not catch his eye, would not bother him.

Knowing he could not dawdle, Berryheart aimed a quick but keen strike at his opponent's face, aiming to split tender flesh and to knock her off balance- peace was no longer an option. It had not been, as soon as WindClan had attacked a benign patrol.

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Breezerunner faces him- something Batwing considers stupid bravery, of which he could almost see himself reflected. But the Windclanner does not carry the same confidence that Batwing would put forward, he does not wear that same stupid bravery that found Batwing in the darkest of hours. His lips pulled back in a snarl, tucking backward from the swipe- freeing the apprentice and a bead of blood drawn across the right of his muzzle. "You are the ones putting your apprentices in danger." He spat in response.

But Berryheart had split off, one of the Windclanners running after their medicine cat. His vision turned as Rumblepaw took off, and a sharp snarl split from his face. He was by no means Windclanner fast, but Batwing was as fast as they got in Thunderclan- his legs stretched free, drumming into the shortening moor grass after Rumblepaw. Batwing aimed to leap out and land upon Rumblepaw's back- likely sending them both tumbling. Batwing rolled into a standing position, turning to put himself between Rumblepaw and Breezerunner and Thunderclan's medicine cat.

"You despicable creatures. Leave us alone- you really think our actions are transgressions against your clan? We're here for Starclan, not your lean and scare moor-food." His tail lashed, teeth snapping together at the end of each sentence. Green eyes were narrowed, sharp as he spoke. "Don't forget we helped your clan get the lungwort back, and this is how you repay the kindness of each of the other four clans? Where is your honor.." His vision narrowed. Hopefully, that would strike nerves.

He moves, ducks away, but a grin stretches across her muzzle when her claws find purchase in his shoulder. Blood sprays the rocks, and she begins to lunge again, jaws preparing to snap onto his ear before a paw lands squarely across her cheek. She is knocked aside from the surprisingly strong blow, a grunt leaving her. She can feel the wetness of warm blood on her face’s brand new scratches, and it stings.

Her teeth grit together as she turns narrowed eyes back on the medicine cat. His flanks heave with effort, but she won’t give up. A low, guttural growl rises in her throat as she takes another threatening step towards him, tail lashing. She lunges again, jaws snapping at whatever she could get between her yellowed teeth.

// still attacking @BERRYHEART

A storm in dull eyes, he kept his vision trained upon his opponent, kept his feet as fleet as he could manage. The feeling of a snarl on his face was something he'd usually revile- and it was an undoubtedly ugly look, brandished with a crooked jaw and eyes askew. All she seemed to do was lunge, he had gathered- leaping, snapping for anything she could fasten herself upon. He took advantage of that then- in the brief moment she was airborne he slammed her off balance, sending his assailant tumbling to the ground.

Fastening his claws into her shoulder, he loomed over her head, pinning her to the ground. Green eyes met a mismatched gaze. "Leave." His tone left no room for argument. "If you take advantage of my mercy, I won't offer it to you again."

\ @NIGHTMAREFACE (powerplay perms given!)
For a moment, or several, she thinks she can win. She lunges over and over, sure and certain her speed is enough to destroy this tom. But he is smarter than she, and his entire weight is thrown against her smaller form and she is sent straight into the rocks below.

A pained yowl escapes bared teeth as stones jabs at her spine, but her attention is swiftly snapped back to her attacker when he pins her, a frightening fire in otherwise dull eyes. Her ears fold back at his warning, a rare feeling of fear coiling in her stomach. She has lost. He will kill her if she fights back. Wide eyes search for her companions, unsure where they are, before she looks back up at Berryheart and hisses. But claws don’t swipe; instead, she wriggles free and runs, a brown, black and white streak across Highstones. Next time, she’d get him. She’d get all of those filthy clan cats - anyone who isn’t WindClan, is dirt.

“Let’s go!” She screeches, a twinge of terror in her voice as she flees, bleeding and wincing.

// out! I’ll tag you all in a retro return thread