camp lullaby — cleaning the nursery

StarClan above, their nursery was in a state.

"Ew." Orangeblossom mutters to herself as she ducks under the entrance formed by gnarled twigs of holly, wrinkling her nose at the smell. She can see a small space to the side, assumedly where Deersong had been staying, but her focus falls on the greater space in front of her.

With no nursing queens as incentive to keep the place tidy nor any kittens for at least three moons (though that had recently changed with the addition of Sorrel to the Clan, and would change again when Orangeblossom revealed her own pregnancy and moved into the space), SkyClan's nursery was full of dust and disrepair. And ... stale moss, apparently? The deputy's characteristic scowl deepens as she crosses the den, batting the moss to the side to at least clear an area. How was there still stale bedding in here? Gross.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
When Orangeblossom heads to the nursery, Fireflypaw almost jumps out of his skin at the sight- was she visiting Deersong? No, Deersong had went out with someone recently.. He's quick to clean up the mess on his paws, green staining charcoal toes in the process. He couldn't have himself looking filthy in front of their beloved Deputy, could he? He could maintain his image for just a bit longer in favor of keeping Orangeblossom busy.

On hefty paws does the large apprentice trudge over to the femme, a chirrup in greeting sounding from his lips as he peers into the nursery with Orangeblossom. "Ew," He echoes the woman's words, nose shriveling up at the dank smell of old moss. There hadn't been kits here in a while, not nursing ones at least- perhaps it was better that way, so they weren't kidnapped by WindClan or stolen by twolegs. "Need some help? I'm always happy to be of aid." He could carry more stuff, after all. He could fit more moss into his jaws than most, or grab a large oak leaf to help him carry them.. He could figure something out.

Turning around, Fireflypaw took the initiative to call over a few apprentices for help.

"Hey, guys! Wanna help me gather some moss? Ora and I are gonna clean the nursery!" For what reason the Deputy would be interested in this, he had no idea- perhaps she was being thorough. He liked that about Orangeblossom, always ready to do what's right when the Clan needed it most. Perhaps it was best to clean out the nursery in case new litters came soon; though, who? There aren't very many couples.. Hm.

"I'll help!"

The boy is quick to hear Firefly's call, and though he wouldn't usually want to help clean out old moss, he's got nothing better to do today. So... he might as well, right? Orange and white paws pad over towards the nursery, towards where Fireflypaw stands near Orangeblossom. He's sure to greet the medicine apprentice with a bump of his head, before he too gets a glimpse of the nursery.

Old moss galore. It's... definitely going to be a huge task, cleaning that out. Part of him already regrets offering at the sight!

"Yikes! How long has it been since anyone's cleaned out that thing?" he asks, nose scrunching up at the smell emanating from the old nests. How long has it been, since there were any kits even in there? He tries to think back, tries to remember which apprentices were just named - ones that were born here, at least. It must have been a while, now, right?

But, why are they cleaning the nursery? Of course, it has to be cleaned at some point, but... why now? Was Orangeblossom left with little to do today too? Certainly, deputies were busy all the time, but, maybe not, if she'd taken to cleaning the den out today.


Figpaw blinked in confusion at the state of the nursery, who had allowed it to get this bad?! Perhaps all the apprentices were at fault a little, this was their job to do, but Figpaw hadn’t even noticed no one was taking care of the den! She feels embarrassed and with a glance at Greenpaw she’s surprised not to see any embarrassment either. This was failure on all of their parts! Really- it’s gotten so bad their deputy was trying to clean it!

”No- Orangeblossom- let us do it. This den is our responsibility to clean.” Apologetically she meows to the SkyClan deputy, her ears flattened against her skull. She’s already rushing to pick up stray pieces of dried out moss, ”…Sorry- we’ll do better. All of us.”


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 11 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, distrusting, resentful
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy
╰ ‣ cats of windclan blood or those she deems morally inferior will be met with her ire

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Crushing on Fanta
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ good fighter . excellent hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

Excitement drove front paws forward as Bananapaw trotted into the camp happily as another new day of being in Skyclan was upon them! Though she was soon distracted by the prospect of a new day for that of Fireflypaws' call for apprentices' to help clean out the nursery. It hadn't been in a lot of use in a very long time since there was no kits to inhabit it- and they did let it go. She gave a sheepish look as she padded over to Figpaw and Greenpaw with a nod in agreement with Figpaw, "It is true, we should've been on top of it more," She meekly spoke with a wave of her tail.

Though as she looked at her sister she wondered- why did she care about the nursery so suddenly? Bananapaw narrowed her eyes slightly at her sister in suspicion for a moment before chalking it up to Deersong deserving a clean place to sleep. She had been the only one in the nursery for a long time and it would make her feel so much better if she had some place clean to lay her head!

"C'mon guys, lets get this ready," She stated determinedly with a puff of her chest, a grin crossing her muzzle happily before the young cat bounded over to the nursery. Bananapaw started to pull the moss inside together to take out in balls.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png

On top of a call from Fi, the gathering commotion around (the nursery?) a den was what drew Sparrowpaw closer. They caught snippets of words until they were near enough to catch the tail end of conversation. Without kits, the nursery (it was the nursery, they were right) had fallen into disarray.

Raising their tail in a small greeting should anyone peer their way, they waited until the entrance was clear to curiously poke their head inside. Sure enough, the musty scent of dried and stale moss assaulted their nose. They couldn't imagine there was much air flow to carry the smell away. They backed out so that they weren't blocking the way.

While it seemed there were plenty of paws already, the tabby figured another wouldn't hurt. They didn't want to sit around, anyway. "I can help," they offered quietly, slipping inside the den to help the creamy feline scrape together old moss. After a moment, their paws slowed.

"My mama made the most comfortable nests in the world," they commented softly. "She would find soft things like lost Twoleg pelts and bring them home and make the biggest nest we could all sleep in together." Their teeth worried the inside of their cheek for a moment. The nests in SkyClan didn't quite compare.

A breeze carrying into the den was enough to spur them back into movement, resuming their moss gathering and crinkling their nose in vague annoyance when it crumbled beneath their paws. "Um... where do you take the old moss, then?" they asked only after they managed to drag a load out into open air.



Motion near the nursery beckoned her over, Orangeblossom's satin tail peeping from the holly bush buoying Daisyflight's ears. It had been seasons since she herself had occupied the den. The barbed hut held many fond memories, but undeniably it was in disrepair. What had been a neat, plush interior was swaddled with moss and a sour scent.

Maw curving at the chimes of 'ew' from the deputy and Fireflypaw as she approached, Daisyflight let out a hum of greeting. The bundle of apprentices that clamoured to the medicine cat apprentice's call struck her with pride- it was good to see them being helpful. As the calico wove through the group her tail rapped her own kits flanks lightly in approval. "For all their faults, twolegs cough up some comfortable nests." Her eyes levelled upon Sparrowpaw. Despite her denouncement of the twolegplace she couldn't help but miss the cardboard found there.

Finally, the molly reached the evergreen cave. She sat out the way and watched. For a moment the implication of the deputy muddling with the innards of the nursery did not click- perhaps she was just keeping herself busy. But it was odd. The green of her irises gilded with light-hearted suspicion, Daisyflight tried to draw the other cat's eye from the moss. "It'll be good to have it in good condition, who knows when the next cat will be in need of it..."

Her quartz lids winked shut briefly, syncopated. "Personally, I took to weaving dry flowers into the walls to break the monotony of it all. They make for good climbing targets for growing kits too." The advice flowed, directed at no cat in particular. Shouldn't assume, she chided herself, especially in such hard times.
( ) Deersong had returned from her walk not long before spotting the growing crowd among the nursery. A tilt of her head would put her curiosity on display as she walked towards the group, wondering if one of her clanmates was preparing to move in, but the muttered 'ews' from Orangeblossom and Fireflypaw caused her to freeze.

She stood there like a statue, as her clanmates scowled and wrinkled their noses at the state of her temporary residence. Her vision narrowed, legs lightly trembling as she bowed her head in shame at how she had allowed the nursery to become so dilapidated. Her heart raced in her chest as she struggled to find the words to apologize because there were no excuses she could mutter that would make this right.

A failure. another failure.

The cruel voice that had occupied her mind these last few moons sneered in her ear, causing them to flatten against her skull and take a step back, away from the group. But where could she go now? Her once sanctuary now crowded and being sorted through, she realized with a pang that the fragments of her mother's stone were still buried within her old nest. Panic clenched her chest, she needed to get it, needed to rescue it before the others threw it out.

But then Greenpaw spoke, and then Figpaw apologized for the den being in such horrible conditions, and more shame slammed into her that she took another step back, then another, her whole frame trembling now as she appeared like a doe ready to bolt back for the trees, mothers' stone left behind.

A question would just barely tug her back, and her gaze would settle on Sparrowpaw. Daisyflights arrival would be the final nudge, and the molly would simply say, "I'll show you..." To Sparrowpaw before turning to show the way to fresh moss, her pawsteps going a bit faster than usual as if she couldn't leave the scene fast enough.

"Ew." Fireflypaw echoes her own small exclamation, and Orangeblossom echoes the sentiment in turn once more with a small nod. She watches him with mild amusement as he calls out to the other apprentices, Greenpaw scurrying over almost immediately (never saw one without the other, did you? Orangeblossom wouldn't be surprised if Fireflypaw chose his friend to tutor in herblore one day) with Figpaw and Bananapaw close behind.

"I'm surprised you've all had time to tidy your own nests let alone the nursery when there's been no nursing queens in it, not with everything going on." Her whiskers twitch with amusement as she replies to Figpaw, who apologises profusely with her denmate, but brown eyes narrow thoughtfully. She hadn't seen the inside of the apprentices' den in a while. "You have been keeping your nests tidy, right?"

The little clean-up crew fans out around her, scuffing at moss and wrinkling their noses at the sour smell of stale bedding, and Orangeblossom's attention is brought back to the little tidy space she'd noticed earlier. She points her muzzle towards the nest in question with a, "Hey, don't touch that nest in the corner, I think that's Deersong's."

One torn ear swivels backwards as a little voice coaxes Sparrowpaw away to SkyClan's moss disposal point outside of camp, belonging to the molly in question, and Orangeblossom offers her predecessor a nod of greeting. Hopefully Deersong would appreciate a nice tidying of the greater den; it might cheer her up a little, and in turn get Thistleback to stop moping as much in the warriors' den.

Completely ignoring Daisyflight's little suspicious line of questioning as if it didn't apply to her, she nods. "Exactly, especially since it's newleaf. Always kits in newleaf. SkyClan has Sorrel to look after now, too, she deserves a lively nursery." Speaking of the little chocolate menace, where was she hiding? "Do you want to try to find some flowers to weave into the walls? Maybe we can get Sweetybee to help if she's around today, she has deft paws."

  • // mentioning @Sweetybee and @Sorrel ! in passing
  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

The chocolate tabby raised their eyes to the approaching calico, only offering a small nod in agreement to their statement. They resumed fiddling with the discarded moss, scraping it closer together and vainly trying to press it into a mass. Maybe they were making it worse.

An unfamiliar voice has their ear turning before their head does, Sparrowpaw taking a moment to try and think of if they had seen this feline before. They seemed sad, the apprentice noted with a small frown. They quickly snatched up a clump of moss and fell in behind them.

Paws hastened to a small trot in order to keep pace, but they didn't seem to mind, eyes upturned to the creamy cat's expression. "Are you... okay?" they asked tentatively once their mouth was free enough to do so. They shifted their paws, the idea that the other may not want to share crossing their mind a little too late. "I'm sorry, it's just- you seem sad."

