LUMINARY | agateheart


Jun 8, 2023

“How does he love me? With adoration, with fertile tears, with groans that thunder love, with sighs of fire.”
- Willian Shakespeare,
Twelfth Night
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  • pRQ6n6x.png
    Agateheart's prefix comes from his vivid, prevalent, tigrine striping, which resembles the wavy patternings of the agate mineral. His suffix, heart, comes from his loyalty to Shadowclan and his friendly, outgoing personality.

    — Also known as Agate, Aggie / Formerly known as Agate
    — Warrior of Shadowclan / Formerly a Member of the Marsh Group
    — Cisgender Male / He/Him
    — 60 Moons / Created 6.8.23 at 60 Moons / Fluid Aging
    — Spotify Playlist / Pinterest Board / Toyhouse
    ↳ Penned by @tempest
  • A war-worn man whose scars sing of battles lost and pyrrhic victories. A creature crafted of steel and flame, of blades and blood, of tenderness and tragedy. / Reference

    Agateheart is, at first, a wholly imposing creature. Standing taller than his peers, the tom finds himself an unintentionally intimidating beast. Comparable to a warrior woven from the tales of Tigerclan, Agate heavily resembles that of their fated ancestors. With tigrine facial proportions, he bears the ferocity and mystique of the legends. His muzzle is somewhat angular yet rounded at the same time, typical of his Norwegian forest cat ancestry. His eyes are rotund, as though twixt jewels beset in their gossamer thrones. His pupils match the roundedness of his eyes, like an eclipse setting over the two suns. His ears are small and tigerlike, with tips polished right at the ends. His long coat deceives, as it hides muscles that ripple and shimmer underneath its cape. His shoulders are broad and well-built, and such a physique remains all throughout his body. Heavyset and large paws hide aquiline claws, dulled and chipped from years of arduous use. His tail is wispy, feathery, almost too delicate to sit beside bestial might. Agate is the statuesque image of the striped kings of yesteryear, a great figure of grace, a luminary that rivals the sunrise.

    His fur is somewhat coarse to the touch, though he takes care to bathe and groom himself as often as he can. Still, such an untamed mane does not come without its tangles. His tail is arguably the softest feature that the grizzled beast has to offer, for it is goosedown and cloudlike. His long coat is unbroken, save for the many scars that rush through the reeds like restless rivulets, marking their territory upon the forest of his flesh. One of his most prominent scars is upon the leftmost side of his face, razing down his cheek and exposing the naked skin underneath. He earned the right to bear that mark when he faced off against an angry badger in his youth.

    Agate has a typical mackerel tabby pelt, with darker-hued stripes bleeding down his pelage. He has white undersides, for the fire found itself tamed by the alabaster mantle of the snowdrift. He has brilliant, turquoise eyes.
    ↳ Generation 1 / Moggy (mixed with Norwegian forest cat)​
    Intelligence ●●●●●●●○○○
    Confidence ●●●●●●●●●○
    Charisma ●●●●●●●●●○
    Creativity ●●●●●●○○○○
    Empathy ●●●●●●●●●●
    Humor ●●●●●●○○○

    Agateheart is a pacifistic, idealistic man. He is a hard worker who thinks of the people under him above all. However, he also refuses to give up his beliefs for the sake of his clan. He does not kill nor hurt anyone else for his clan, and he prefers to settle things with mediation. However, if something is threatening his clan, he will not hesitate to step in and use enough force to quell the issue. He believes that all creatures deserve second chances. He also believes that he is small in the grand scheme of things and holds a somewhat nihilistic view of life. He gives off a charismatic and confident exterior but holds an introverted side to him. He enjoys having time to himself, away from the din of Shadowclan. Due to his upbringing, he is appreciative of everyone around him and tends to look further than allegiances and outward actions. He is a good listener, but, consequentially, tends to bottle everything that he feels. He is also quite philosophical and enjoys thinking of the very basis of life and nature itself. He also tends to lose focus easily, getting caught up in everything that happens around him. He wants to make everything right, causing him to over-exert himself very easily. He holds himself to a very high standard and thinks himself a failure if even one little thing does not go his way. He puts his entire heart and soul into everything he does, but he also tends to get discouraged very easily. He is a humble man who does not brag about his achievements, too humble to the point where he will refuse to recognize himself for achieved and deserved deeds. He tends to want to keep peace above all, so he will often agree with the opposing side if it means that he will avoid conflict.
    ↳ Mannerisms:
  • Laurel [NPC] x Mountain [NPC]
    Only Child | Formerly mentored [here]
    Former mate to Anemonepetal [NPC] | Parent to Thornbite, etc.
    Maternal cousin to Stumpyspots | Uncle-in-Law (via Anemonepetal) to Needledrift
    — Admires Chilledstar
    — Close friends with
    — Friends with
    — Likes
    — Dislikes
    — Loathes
  • strength ●●●●●●●●○○
    stamina ●●●●●●○○○○
    agility ●●●○○○○○○○
    hunting ●●●●●●○○○○
    swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●○○○○○○
    grace ●●●●●●○○○○
    Widower / Bisexual (preference for women) / Crushing on [none]
    — Physical Health [ 80% ] | Mental Health [ 95% ]
    — Will not start fights | Will sometimes flee
    Excels at stealth, strength, and combat.
    Poor at swimming, stamina, and agility.
    Sounds like a low, masculine voice, though not one lacking any charisma. He has a deep voice that resounds through any conversation. Though it can be loud at times, it is surprisingly soft, calm, and not hostile, like velvet plush.
    Smells like the incense of pine sap, of the tip of wildfire's breath, intertwined within the soft perfume of pillowy needle and rainstorm's aftermath.
    — Healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.

  • Backstory

    Important Threads
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    Thread Name brief description.
    Thread Name brief description.

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