
primadonna girl ♡
Feb 21, 2024
The scarcity with which the queens are directly assigned tasks cannot be overstated; Mockingbirdcry could likely count the number of times she'd been tasked with carrying out officially issued jobs on one paw. It's a small wonder anyone that she is the only queen with ghostly rumors . . . those of them who choose to take up permanent residence in the nursery are, more often than not, eternally spectral. Lost to the well - shored - up walls of the nursery, out of the direct eyeline of an enemy and the clash and clang of claw on claw, she privately resents ( or not really, she really doesn't care . . . ) the fact she's always suspected: that many of her claw - wielding clanmates found her less important for her lack of having her own bared.

As such, she has a marked appreciation for the newfound duty; soon - to - be Smogstar makes an infinitesimal rise in her esteem. Mockingbirdcry hopes that this event might be the first of many; that it might set a precedent for treating the nursery's residents as the capable pillars of the Clan's new generations that they are, lending purpose to guide her wayward paws so that they might not indulge the ever - present urge to permanently stray from ShadowClan's ranks as they marched onwards towards a ( hopefully ) brighter future.

At the same time, she reserves her hopes, limits them until they bat against their low - set roof as a bee in a bottle. Smogmaw is an acceptable Clanmate and leader - to be, occasionally struck by sudden bouts of wisdom, and yet they're equally quick to dissipate . . . so it's safe to say she keeps her expectations closer to ground level. And even if granted, she might come to regret her wish . . . indeed, she'd been planning to while away the evening speculating about that very same tabby tom's lives - to - be with Moltface and perusing for gossip while the lot of them were a little less supervised. Oh, well.

" Best we start our lesson before it grows too late, yes? " She greets the familiar faces of @MOLTFACE and @HARRIERTEETH with a curve of a smile despite the irritation bubbling beneath a lilac - struck face. As Smogmaw had so succintly put it in one of his moments of ego, if they were adept enough in their task ( and she was certain she'd be ), the bundle of kits would be off to sleep . . . hopefully leaving Mockingbirdcry herself a little peace and quiet to dedicate to some good old speculation.

" Gather 'round, kits, " she calls airily, beckoning a small sea of multicolored pelts close with the swish of a fluffy split - hued tail. Her fellows flanking her, she settles primly into the mud, gesturing for the children to fan out before them so that they all might take in the lecture with star - reflecting eyes. " Smogmaw is at the Moonstone receiving his nine lives and his name, " she mrrows, fluffed - out tail - tip flicking in the dirt with what might be irritation or admiration. " And while he's gone, Moltface, Harrierteeth, and I will tell you all about StarClan. "

The emphasis a hoarse voice places on the syllables is intended to draw the attention of the milk - fanged herd, and dark eyes glance to her fellow queens, awaiting reinforcements . . . whether she receives them or not, she plunges forth with equal verve. " StarClan began with the cats who passed on in the Great Battle; all of us will go there after we've done the same, just like Chilledstar. " The lilac - marbled queen shows no hesitation in invoking the name of their most recently deceased, feathery ears flicking back as she continues, " They advise us through signs to our medicine cats, as they did when the yellowcough plague struck. And, of course, they grant our leaders nine lives to serve our Clan . . . just as they will on this very night. "

" What questions do you have? " She rasps. Her little dramatics aside, she's completed her portion of the task adequately. Clearing her throat, voice overtaxed from the brief lecture, she waits for the other queens' contributions; dark eyes watch the faces of their small army of charges.

OOC : Set after Smogmaw's departure for the Moonstone. Kits are encouraged to post!
𓆱 The spectral she-cat grabs Branchkit’s attention with ease; the kit fears her retaliation if he were to ignore her. Still, he’s reluctant to approach Mockingbirdcry, and even more reluctant to leave his mother’s side. A wide-eyed glance up at Needledrift steels his resolve, though, and he marches himself right on up to sit at the front of all the other kits. Right in front of big, scary Mockingbirdcry—barely a tail-length away, if the tail-length is measured with his own tail. The topic of Chilledstar’s death surprises him still, and murky blue-brown eyes widen as he’s forced to remember that ShadowClan’s leader is dead. But their replacement, Smogmaw, is going to get his nine lives from StarClan right now, and Mockingbirdcry explains how StarClan helps all the clans. Branchkit’s muzzle tilts down into a frown, slightly puzzled for a moment. Are all the dead cats from every battle ever in StarClan? That’s a lot of cats. And what if some of them were bad cats? He doesn’t have much time to ponder, because suddenly the queen asks what questions he and the other kits have about StarClan, and he has a big question that’s been on his mind for a while.

A pale paw shoots into the air—he’s determined to ask his question first. Because he’d heard about fire like the one that burned down WildClan’s territory (WindClan? FriendClan? NeedleClan would have been a much better name), and fire is hot, so that means the sun is also on fire. And one of the apprentices said that things on fire sometimes go kaboom and pop and explode all over the place. So the little lilac tom has been drawing his own conclusions from the information he’s been given, and his conclusion is… the sun will blow up someday. StarClan is in the stars in the sky, and the sun is also in the sky, so his question is especially important because it’s about StarClan. "I have one," he murmurs, hardly loud enough for any of the queens to hear his words. His speech itself is more articulate than it has been in prior months, and at last his sentences contain more than just a lawful of half-formed words and thoughts. "When the sun explodes… what happens to StarClan?"

  • ooc:
  • 82069047_pv1URDSuSesGemA.png
    BRANCHKIT ❯❯ he/him, kit of shadowclan
    𖠰 fluffy lilac tabby with white spotting and amber eyes. quiet but cheerful, very naïve.
    𖠰 son of ferndance and needledrift ; brother to bonepaw, bloodpaw, shadepaw, snowypaw, gigglekit, morelkit
    𖠰 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𖠰 penned by foxlore

this sounded like lies. cats amongst the starry night sky that advised the clans, and gave these so called leaders nine lives? why? what purpose does that serve? they don't believe it to be a real thing. it's not as if they've even seen anything to prove the existence of starclan. the stars themselves hold weight and power but starclan isn't real. when cats die, they do not take on forms of themselves with stars sprinkling their pelt. no. that sounds ridiculous. their ears flick back and forth, an unamused look settled on their face as they came closer to mockingbirdcry, scrunching their muzzle. they had a lot of questions, actually.

"h...ow do you know starclan is real? makes you think that? if they're real h....ow do they give leader's lives and no one else? couldn't the cats that are healing be more happy with more than one life versus so...meone who stands on a rock and talks a...ll day? have you seen a starclanner? do you think they're real? how can you say they're real if you've never s....een one?"

she won't be convinced. not even seeing smogstar die and come back would convince her. it would just tell her, in her mind, that he wasn't really dead to begin with. the only thing that can convince her of starclan's existence, is starclan itself. and since she's seen none of that, she doesn't have to believe they're real at all. the stars are real. she sees them most nights. but starclan? farfetched and mouse brained.... though her vocabulary can't quite make that connection to any of that. she's trying her best, picking up words from all around her and using them.

It may not be too late yet but Puddlekit yawns all the same, keeping herself up right wasn’t a challenge just yet but depending on how long this was going to be she may fall asleep sitting up! Okay maybe not, can cats do that? Starclan was just a word to the young she-kit up until now, she never thought to question it because then she’d be questioning what the deep meaning behind ‘hi’ or something was. Mockingbirdcry was able to catch her attention easily enough just by alluding that there was something more to it, a hungry curiosity stirred to keep her awake in this moment just so she could listen. It all seemed reasonable to her, there was something fantastical to it that caught her attention and as such the chimera leans forward. Letting the explanation of starclan wash over her, she didn’t quite get why it may be a big deal to discuss Chilledstar right now. They’re dead are they not? The concept of death hasn’t quite wrapped itself around her youthful mind and as such she doesn’t understand how the queen invoking their name could be uncouth. Dead was just a word, like StarClan was up until now.

Branchkits paw shoots up first, an oil splashed tail swishes as she listens to his question. “Huh? Is the sun leaving?” she tilts her head, scrunching up her face taut in confusion. Branchkit said when, not if, so that means that the sun is definitely exploding. Her brain pivots from the topic at hand rather quickly as her limited attention span is caught in the trap of what it means for a sun to explode, she doesn’t come to a conclusion at all. Then Buzzardkit talks and it reigns her back in, wobbly paws bring her to stand next to her sibling as she quietly listens to him ask his questions. It was very smart right now in Puddlekit’s mind, as it always was because that’s her sibling and she can only have smart siblings. Tiny head bobs as she nods along to her questions, giving a silent approval.

  • PUDDLEKIT || She/her, kit of ShadowClan, one moon
    A short haired fawn rosette tabby and black rosette tabby chimera with copper eyes. Always seems to be judgmental.
    Adopted child of Moltface || Littermate to Runningkit, Cloudkit, Buzzardkit, and Nightkit.
    Penned by Juice || message on discord (Ouijeejuice) for plots!
    Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.