private Lunchbox friends ♥ Aspenhaze


It was a nice day in Petalnose's opinion. The territory infront of her was slightly darker and there was a slight drizzle that made a relaxing sound to her ears. It was nice, especially with her fretting mind and volcanic like emotions.

The woman sat outside laying down a few fox lengths away from the warriors den, her head lifted towards the rain in enjoyment despite her deep frown. She rolled on her back with a groan, stretching her lanky limbs. It was peaceful to her. She breathed in a long breath, closing her eyes slowly.

As unlucky as she was, a npc apprentice rushed around camp frantically, tumbling onto Petalnose. The she-cat's eyes flew open, the breath was knocked out of her, blowing a kick to the younger creature with all her might out of instinct. The young apprentice tumbled a couple of times and roughly fell down face first, mud littering their face. "Are you blind!?! A bat can sense me here!" Petalnose snapped, watching the now terrified clanmate scramble away in direction of the apprentice den without explanation. She sat up and watched them with narrowed eyes and confusion amongst the anger. "Why can't I ever find peace within camp? It's like everyone wants to have a reason to hate me." She grumbled to herself, purposely loud enough for cats within ear shot to catch. She flicked her soaked ears in annoyance and lightly lashed her tail. She was not aware how many clanmates did actually want the opposite. Some had her back without her aware. She did not know Aspenhaze was one of them. Though, Petalnose barely knew the cat or she failed to pay attention to them alongside many others. She caught her gaze on the warrior, noting that this cat may be a bit different. She did know this cat was friendly to her, though she still stood unsure and suspicious. Why would anyone want to be friendly to her? She gave the other a questioning look as it passed amongst the other warriors, almost testing them to see what they felt of her comment. How interesting and suspicious of someone to be friendly to her. Maybe they shared her views or maybe they wanted something from her. How curious.

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Petalnose was...interesting, to say the least. The point cat really struggled to get along with others, as they have very, very high standards. It wasn't that hard for them to determine you as too dull, and grow contempt towards you. Her, however, was different for sure. All their interactions so far has led them to believe that they were alike enough, and that excited them, admittedly. They were quick to defend her, and any time they crossed paths they were fully interested in conversing. This doesn't change even as they watch her spit at an apprentice that ran into her.

"I have absolutely no reason to hate you," Aspenhaze replies smoothly. "In fact, it's quite the opposite. I'd like more reason to enjoy your company, if you are comfortable with that." Her scorn really doesn't bother them, not giving any visible reaction that scaring the younger cat off affected them at all. They probably deserved it, in fact. Though, they doubt it was on purpose; apprentices love to make mistakes, and they doubt they intended to piss her off. Ah, well, it's not their place to convince her otherwise.

They tilt their head towards the sky, closing their eyes while the gentle rain drizzles on their pelt, making their lush fur look even more silky.
"You seem to enjoy this weather," they comment, giving Petalnose a gentle smile that is rarely seen from them. "Me, also. the clouds are particularly pretty." They come closer, sitting down beside her.
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Petalnose watched Aspenhaze closely, an interested frown as she looked upon the pointed cat. She felt a warm feeling in her chest at his words, softening her gaze into something more friendly and less testing. "You can enjoy my company anytime, since you seem to put up with my temper." She meowed, giving a small chuckle and allowing her body to relax more. Petal wondered of the why, but she decided against questioning about it to make it less about herself. Too much Isolated attention made her uncomfortable and flustered. Which could ultimately leave her to express her feelings in an overwhelmed manner. She was already feeling a bit flustered at their comment. The she-cat could only assume that they had stuff in common or her temper was merely humorous.

"Rain is peace.. quiet. It's welcome on my fur anytime. I like how it silences most of the territory. It's like a clear mind." She wanted that. A clear mind. Not a mind that constantly asked questions and pressed her to let go of her emotions so easily. She moved her tail to make room for Aspenhaze, perking her ears in intrigue as they admitted they enjoyed it as well. Their coat seemed to sleek down and shine such as hers, noting that her clanmates looked best in their element. She smiled, something she didn't do often either, looking back up at the clouds, "The fish are more active too. I considered fishing, but I needed to lay down for awhile. Should've gone if I'm going to get trampled like that. Can't feel safe anywhere." She meowed in a half serious half joking tone, shaking her head with a scoff. "Heck, I could be sneaking prey off Sunningrocks by now since Thunderclan hates water so much. Probably more safe and peaceful there." She added in joke, wondering what reaction they'd give her. Although, it was definitely something she'd do just to pass time if her scent could be undetected. She definitely wouldn't do it to cause tension and danger for her clan.

Her ears perked intently, listening for his response at her joke. Maybe they thought the same or maybe they'll laugh at her joke. It was her way of getting to know her clanmates, testing them and seeing their reactions to her humor or remarks. It was better than small talk, you wouldn't get much from it. Plus it was a bit boring. She enjoyed making it a bit more interesting.
"Good to know. And don't worry, your temper doesn't bother me in the least." It's true, as they like to pride themself on not being swayed that easily. They could see themself being a more angry cat, but they have an image to maintain, so they try their best to be collected. Either way, Petalnose was a cat that held their respect.

They listen to her talk, pondering her words. A clear mind...they could definitely appreciate that. They do think about things too much sometimes, but not the same as it is for Petalnose. They're very sure of themself, and even if they weren't liked, it doesn't bother them in the least. They didn't care much for how others felt about them, caring much more about finding someone that they genuinely meshed well with. That's how they feel right now, especially. It's...nice. Really nice.

They scoff at the mention of ThunderClan.
"Imagining one of them trying to swim... that would be a disaster. What I'd give to see that," they laugh. "The fish sure are more plentiful, though. Never a bad thing." Hunting in the water sounded fun right about now, but they enjoy talking, too. They also give the she-cat a rare smile, and it reaches their eyes as well.

Petalnose hummed in note that her temper didn't bother them. She nodded softly. She saw that Apsenhaze was calm. Way calmer than she could ever be. She'd snap through a simple sentence or anything such as being obnoxious, she imagined that it was opposite for them. Petal knew if she met herself she would really take disliking to herself, she already had. Most of the time her feelings slipped from the lead, it was difficult to contain. She wondered how Aspenhaze would react if she ever snapped on them like she had with Ripplesnap and Pikesplash especially. She was glad she didn't have a reason to lately. The fellow warrior was collected and quiet. Something that was enjoyable to be around. They may had a lot in common but their demeanors were almost the opposite. Opposites attract. She creased her brows in thought, "You're very calm then. You’re lucky to have that trait. As you can tell, I don’t have the patience you do, haha." She meowed, stretching her limbs once more.

Petalnose laughed at their remark, taking note of the puny and weak thunderclanners attempt to swim across the rapids. They couldn't match the muscles they earned from frequently swimming all their lives, the rapids easily could sweep them far away and more some. "We should have a "battle" and stand across the rapids to see whom failed. Bet the majority of their clan would get swept away. That would be so entertaining." She chuckled, smirking from the image in her mind. She was sure that went for the rest of the clans- skyclan may be a hit or miss coming from kitty pet origins but it wouldn't compare to the strength riverclan possessed. That was their element. That was their strength. She was prideful in her clan and she'd defend it with her life without a second look over her shoulder. No matter how wrong they were.

"I wonder how the two battle plans are going to work out. I assume Thunderclan is going to be first since they took what was part of our territory. Though, Windclan taking a adorned life is a bit hard to beat as well. It'll be interesting to see what Cicadastar plans. I know we'll have to recover from each battle. I'm quite excited for everyone to recover." She mused in curiosity, looking towards where the meetings were held. Petal wondered how she'd plan it out and then how Aspen would plan it out themselves if they were leader. She knew she'd try and wait for everyone to be healthy and have enough herbs in stock, it seemed they were so close to that being possible. They had more than enough prey as well. Hunting was more of a way to stay busy and pass time.

"We should go fishing when we get bored of talking, it'd be a great way to get to know each other's skills." She admitted, a rare purr showing up within her vocals. "Hopefully I don't mess up so badly this time. You can teach me your ways if you want to." she remembered how well Aspenhaze performed at the contest, catching the most out of all the warriors. Plus, they were pretty decent sized.

"My patience is a learned skill. You should have seen me when I was younger," they chuckle lightly. They remember clearly how rash they used to be, before they shaped themself up. It's easy to scoff at their younger self; oh, how they knew nothing, caring too much about other cat's opinions. Even so, the thing they hated the most was being seen as lesser. Yes, maybe they were prior, but not now. Never again.

They mostly laugh along as Petalnose imagines the scenario in her mind, as they really would love to compete with ThunderClan and see how awfully they'd swim compared to RiverClan. Especially against them. They're especially confident in their skills traversing water, and they love flaunting it off. Two for one, sounds great.
"Very. Too bad they'd never agree to that. Ah, well." They're sure they'll see them in battle soon enough.

Speaking of battles...
"It will be interesting. WindClan needs to be knocked down once more, I think. Their reign of terror needs to end, the sooner the better." WindClan was the easiest to despise. A clan built from fear is pathetic. Their leader should be building them up, not putting them down. "But ThunderClan will also get what's coming to them. It's just a waiting game." Their patience will pay off.

Aspenhaze also glows at the praise, pride flashing through them. They were always happy to be admired, their skills recognized.
"Sounds nice to me. I'll surely teach you what I know, if you think it'll truly be beneficial." They hum, getting back up. "Let us go do it, right now. Though I'm sure you'll miss hearing so much of my pretty voice," they chuckle.

"Ah, I'm sure It was still probably better than mine."
She meowed, shaking her head towards herself. She could imagine a younger version of herself struggling to fish due to her ansty paws. Though, at least she held her strengths in battle. She was sure she did well during her assessment when she was younger. If it had been fishing, she would let the competition get ahead of her and catch anything that swam her way. She was sure Aspenhaze was the opposite. Even if they originally had not had as much patience. They surely had way more than she had. "How were you with fighting?"

"You think their ego would die if we drown one of their warriors? Ah, maybe not. They're too ignorant, thinking they're the best and all."
She snorted in a chuckle, she could imagine herself doing so. Petalnose would not hesitate to take a life over their territory. She would not stop until victory was declared. The brown tabby wondered if Aspenhaze would do the same. Although, she didn't want to put herself in a bad light for asking. It was an itch to scratch, but she decided against scratching it. It was deep and disturbing but some of their warriors had to have taken a life or two. It wasn't a particularly terrible act to look down upon unless it was a clanmate.

"I agree. It will be fun to see their faces of terror when we declare another battle against them." she commented at his thoughts, she nearly smirked at the thought of their faces. Petalnose had not fought against them just yet as she had been in the medicine den the whole time. Though, a clan built on fear only weakened them. Fear was a disease. She nodded at them bringing up that it was a waiting game. She didn't want her clan to lose anyone else. That included Aspenhaze.

"I take anything as beneficial." The woman brought up, heaving herself to her legs with a small grunt. She groaned in play as they teased her, rolling her eyes, "I'll miss it so much." she sarcastically retorted, aiming to bump her body against theirs in friendly banter. "I'm sure I can beat you there." The molly stretched her legs with a yawn and strode by their side.
