pafp Lurking in the dark | prompt


The air is cold, frost crackling under paws, and every exhale leaves the lung in a plume of white fog — leafbare is well and truly there.

That little cloud of a breath marks Snakeblink’s path throup camp as he does his rounds, trailing after him as he sighs quiet words to himself through clenched teeth. None of it is entirely intelligible, more half-formed vocalizations echoing his thoughts than actual sentences, but the meaning is the same as it ever is: he’s rattling names under his breath. Moving down his list.

He’s checked on most of the cats he meant to today — hasn’t seen Rookfang yet, but that one is impossible to pin down anyway — and is about to quickly glance into the nursery to make sure the queens are alright when he notices Lilacbird standing near the den in question.

One of the quieter cats in the clan, Snakeblink has to admit he doesn’t know much about what she has going on in her life at the moment. But there is always such a skittish, thoughtful air to her that he would bet a few of his whiskers on the fact that she has something going on, and like most clats in this clan is simply refusing to voice any of it.

Nodding to himself, Snakeblink veers to the side and slinks towards Lilacbird, quick quiet paws padding up softly from behind her. He only speaks once he’s by her shoulder, tilting his head to look at her face without blocking her field of vision.

”Hello Lilacbird,” he hisses, pretty much directly into her ear. ”Visiting family?” At this, he nods towards the nursery she is hovering near.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • @Lilacbird
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 47 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


lilacbird hadn't always been skittish. but when she was a child? she was the happiest she could be, not scared of anything. he couldn't exactly climb to the highest branch, but she believed she could. through her kitten years she was an adrenaline junky, it was the thrill.

She'd been raised in the marsh group, minding her own business. everything would've been fine, except for a war that overtook the lands. she thought she loved the adrenaline of things, but for the first time, she felt dread. she felt alone.

there was more to that story, but her head shook as she was about to get up to pace. lilacbirds eyes opened, and blue optics met green with snakeblink. his voice trailed into her ear, and her eyes widened. fur bristled as she stumbled backwards a yelp of a mrowl sounding from her jaws. her breaths heavy, pounding her in ears.

damn it.

a deep inhale, in and out to try to succumb her thoughts, her heart desperately banging in her chest as if trying to get out. it didn't bother her always besides being scared- she used to do the same thing. "wh-what was th-th-that for," she said with a shaky tremble, her stutter elongating the time it took to actually say it.

another deep inhale as the cloudlike warrior sat back upright, evening her breaths a bit better. "no," she said softly. she wasn't visiting her family. she couldn't visit her family.


A yelp nearby had Ferngill suddenly rounding his head- but fiery fur soon flattened at the reality before him. Simply Snakeblink and Lilacbird, sat opposite each other... the former of which had probably sprouted from the earth to give poor Lilacbird a fright. A snicker of amusement surfaced, but quickly faded when Lilacbird didn't seem to find the scenario very funny... concern replaced his amusement as he neared, head tilting inquisitive inches.

"Oh- did you already get food for the queens, then?" It was a chore he didn't mind doing, but- no point in feeding them twice, especially when the stocks were already starting to dip. And... really, that seemed the only reason she'd be hanging around here if she hadn't any family to visit. Surely just warrior duties- so why, then, did she look that little bit wistful?
penned by pin