He remembered the first session with Silversmoke. Unlike his mentor, he had decided to allow Lionpaw the chance to get settled in with the others. He wonders if his mentor frowned at his decision, considering Silversmoke had whisked him away as soon as he received his name. He didn't even get the chance to pick out an area to sleep, or join in the cheer of the other newly appointed apprentices. As much as he loved Silversmoke, he reflected on the moment and wished he was at the very least given some time to chat with his peers and get settled in before the grueling training begun. One would think sharing a nest with his partners would change his morning bird habits, but unfortunately it did not. He still rose before the sun, opting to watch his loves in his arms until they would up. However, with an apprentice, he couldn't be selfish. And so would begin the start of his new routine until Lionpaw became a warrior.

A chuff escaped his maw seeing the faces of his partners scrunch in disapproval of the lack of warmth. He would slink away from their nest and to the apprentices den, entering with one destination in mind. You're still asleep? Frowning, he watches the rising and falling of his brother's flank. It's time to get up! Without a warning he roughly shakes Lionpaw awake. Whether or not they awake other apprentices is the least of his concern, if anything they should already be up and about! "Get up. We're leaving. Don't make me drag you out of camp by the scruff." With that, the hulking black tom exits the apprentice den and waits for his brother by the entrance of camp. You better not be taking your sweet time getting here. Whiskers twitch in annoyance until a familiar torbie pelt makes their way over to him. "Today will be quick. We're just going over our territory."

He decides it would be best to start with the Tall Pine as it leads to the Sandy Ravine and Twolegplace. Borders would be explained along the way, and before they return they would finish with the Rockpile before calling it a day. Despite Crowsight's gruff demeanor he does occasionally look back and slow down for Lionpaw. When the pair reach the Tall Pine the black smoke begins, "This is the Tall Pine. It's the tallest tree in all of Skyclan. You'll find apprentices and warriors try and reach the top. It's mostly used to test your skills, but if you can climb all the way to the top, it's a huge accomplishment." As for who has scaled the Tall Pine in recent moons, he has no clue. Not even he has reached the very top of this tree. Simply because he saw no need in climbing a tree this massive when a majority of the trees on their side of the forest wasn't as daunting as this.

The black smoke gives Lionpaw sometime to inspect the area before flicking his tail for his brother to follow. Eventually the pair would find themselves in the Sandy Ravine. "This is the Sandy Ravine. This is the most important place for you to know. This is where we train apprentices. We'll be here most of the time, unless there is heavy rain." He pads over to the edge of the riverbed, lifting a black paw to the trees beyond the river. "Over there is Riverclan. Sometimes you'll see them swimming in the river." A moment of silence passes between them before he calls out to Lionpaw once more, "Do you have questions so far?"

// @LIONPAW plops this here for you
〕This was different. In many ways, the apprentices' den was nicer — roomier, spacious, without the sound of mewling newborns keeping him awake. However, the sweet smell of milk and the warm presence of his mother was gone. He slept near his littermates, but now they were separated into their own nests. It would take some getting used to, but at least Lionpaw was having a full night's rest... Until a rough shove of his side startles him awake. "Huh- wha?" The chocolate torbie point raises his head, squinting and disoriented, and recognizes the sound of Crowsight's voice. It was his first day of training. "Oh!" The young tom quickly scrambles to his paws, accidentally tripping over another cat's nest ( which he quietly apologizes for ) before hurrying out of the den.

Crowsight appears impatient, perhaps annoyed that he had to wake Lionpaw up. A feeling of guilt wells in the apprentice's chest; he hadn't meant to sleep in, but he wasn't used to having a schedule yet. He moves on, focusing on the day's agenda — a territory tour. "That sounds good." Lionpaw chirps with a small, shy grin. Part of him wants to begin his hunting or fighting training now, but he supposes that would come in time.

As the pair embark on their journey, Lionpaw fully takes in all of the sights and smells surrounding him. The world was a lot bigger outside of camp, an environment he had grown so used to over the course of his life. The forest was a lot less refined and more rugged; sprawling trees and rocks and crevices littered the land, leaving lots to eventually explore. Shortly after arriving at the Tallpine, Lionpaw regarded the massive evergreen with a sweeping gaze and an expression of awe. "All the way to the top?" The boy echoes his brother in disbelief, struggling to picture a cat scaling the towering branches and boughs. What if they fell?

They made their way to the RiverClan border now, blue eyes sweeping the rushing waters and then the territory beyond. It was his first time seeing a clan border; a different culture and way of life lay ahead, one that Lionpaw would never truly know. Curious about their fish-eating neighbors, the torbie looked up to his brother and inquired, "Is SkyClan friends with RiverClan?" Lionpaw hasn't really heard bad things about RiverClan, but he doesn't really know SkyClan's full history with them either. "Is there a clan that we're not friends with?" Lionpaw associated WindClan with the former tyrant Sootstar and their barbaric ways of stealing and warring with other clans. WindClan had even raided SkyClan's camp once according to nursery tales.

  • ooc.
  • LIONPAW —— apprentice of skyclan , mentored by crowsight ✦ penned by beatles
    trans male / he/they pronouns / 6 moons & ages every 9th
    single / bisexual & monogamous
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— easy combat difficulty / won't start fights, won't kill

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 78922242_RoBq9inRj8ibOv1.png

    a longhaired chocolate torbie point with blue eyes. a silky, cream-colored pelt is adorned with chocolate points. his points are splashed with ginger spots. tabby patterns also stripe around their dark limbs and face.
A chuff escaped his maw, he is amused by Lionpaw's reaction to say the least. "Yes all the way to the top. It's possible, but I wouldn't recommend it now, unless you have a death wish. It's... A nice spot to watch birds." I should actually try making it to the top someday, but I have to get used to my limited sight now. I don't want them to cry if I fell out and died. Whether or not Lionpaw heeded his warning was yet to be seen. However, he had a nagging feeling his younger brother wouldn't try his luck, not wanting their mother to wail over his demise.

Slowly, the black smoke would turn his head and look down. "I wouldn't say our clans our friends. Not on the level as Thunderclan... Or how our relationship with Thunderclan in the past was. We aren't unfriendly towards Riverclan, so I suggest not starting any fights with them unless they're hunting in our territory. We housed Riverclan in Skyclan before you were born you know? I was just an apprentice when we shared Skyclan with Riverclan." He bears a small smile recalling that time. It was tumultuous indeed, their mother had gone off to the mountains already with Cherryblossom. Many cats had lost their lives already to sickness, and to make matters worse... Rogues chased the clans in their weak state away from their homes. How old was he then? 6 moons? It was at that time he made a few new friends. They would be warriors now, if none of them perished.

Then, the expected question of which clans they weren't friends with is asked. There is but one clan technically. The smile he once bore was replaced with a scowl. "Windclan." The answer should not surprise the apprentice. Considering Windclan was the most hated clan in the forest. He would be surprised to know or hear that any clan were on friendly terms with them. "It's a good thing we don't share a border with them, but you shouldn't keep your guard down knowing that. Some Windclanners travel this far." Harrierstripe. He remembers their clan leaving the body to rot, telling Sunstar which direction he should look to find the body. After all, none of them bothered to give the Windclanner a proper burial. Not after what had happened. That was not a story for him to tell.

In any case he moves on. "Shadowclan is not our friend. It's not because they did something wrong, but that our clans are too far to form any close bonds. The only times I've seen a Shadowclanner is during the gatherings. We're practically strangers." He almost leaves it at that, until he remembers something vital. Fur bristles as he's struck with a memory. "However, they're not a bad clan. They let all the clans remain in their territory when we were all chased off by rogues for a little while. That was the first time all of us, even Windclan worked together to take back our clans one by one. I remember fighting with my mentor Silversmoke and warriors of other clans to take back our home." That was the time he had received the scar on his lip. It doesn't occur to him that he may be telling his brother something akin to myth. All the clans except for Shadowclan driven from their homes? And all of them working together to reclaim their stolen homes? It was almost too much, yet it was only scratching the surface of what transpired many moons ago. What he had lived through.