LUSH MEADOWS // black-cough death



Amongst the first tunnelers of WindClan, Shortstorm had built up quite the name for herself. The ginger she-cats name practically said it all, she was small in stature but fierce in heart, loyal to the bone warrior she is. Never backed down from a single fight tossed her way, she always caused her enemies to head up face down in the mud- confused on how such a tiny opponent could be so lethal. Unfortunately, the warrior's strength and wit could only get her so far.

A silent enemy plagued her body, at first, she fought it well but now... well, now her moss nest was soaked in blood. Her fellow sick could not sleep with her violent coughs, many offered her soaked moss, but she denies it each time. As dawn washes over the badger set den the sandy furred feline can be found in the back of the den hiding away, her breaths were growing shallow. The she-cat was in the process of dying, she knows this and has made her peace with it. It brings her comfort knowing that past friends and family await her in the kingdom of StarClan. In her final moments the illness spares her, she dies peacefully.

//occurs within the badgerset den, takes place the MORNING OF the raid before the patrols left at sundown!
feel free to powerplay any types of relationships if you'd like, with Shortstorm. Friends, family if you want LOL JBDHSD

Jasperglare was wasting away in the back of the den as well. He had made some friends in here, you know. Shortstorm was one of them. He had been listening to his denmates. Checking if they were alive....

So when Shortstorm stopped breathing beside him.......

"Hey....Hey Shortstorm...?"

No response.

He crept closer. Leaned an ear to her mouth.....


"...Rest easy, Shortstorm."

Was this going to happen to all of them?

Fate was cruel. To offer him a new life, then to take it away.

He sat wordlessly for the moment, next to Shortstorm.