luster lost in rain ✧ DEC. PRE-GATHERING CHATTER

⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

This would be the first time that she and Smokestar would be attending the Gathering as a complete set- a deputy and new leader risen to power, to guide and shape the water-dwellers like the river itself carved new paths over time. Flooding Four Trees in a deluge of droplet-glittering pelts, the lynx point let out a small, awed breath- finally it could be felt in full force. Her role here. She was no stand-in anymore... recognized under StarClan as a natural successor, should they lose their star-littered leader another nine times suddenly. It was not something she wished to think about-

Drawing in the faces of her clan-mates with softened icy eyes, the RiverClan deputy gave them all a reassuring smile, feeling empowered by their numbers, by their strength. WindClan had been lucky to be spared their wrath the last moon, saved by the harshness of winter and its consequences rather than any lack of willingness to flow like a torrent through their home and crush them under-paw for their heavenly transgressions. "Be wary of WindClan, as ever... Do not be the first to draw blood, but do not hesitate to finish anything they're stupid enough to start."

She wished only for the smoky curls of a molly since left behind... one who was much too heavy now to make such a long journey to the heart of the territories. But those new scraps Smokestar had brought to her needed her attention regardless, needed her calm and thoughtful words to teach them. Lichentail had no doubts that RiverClan would thrive this winter, despite the ice that tickled the streams. Waving her tail in a sign of dismissal, there were no other warnings worth giving. The warriors knew well enough what to expect by now, knew how to hold their own... and as for their apprentices?

There would be consequences for acting out underneath Silverpelt's watchful eyes without reason. Their mentors were responsible for making sure they understood that. Drifting into the growing masses, the only thing left to do now was try to learn how the other clans were faring, to judge their angers or fears. And most importantly, see who Sootstar had so cowardly sent in her place once again- she'd have to be completely mad to show her face now.

Creeping like ivy towards the base of the leader's perch, she wondered if Sootstar had a single cell of courage left in her body, if she'd rear her ugly head on this night instead of sending Sunstride to parrot her orders blindly. It wouldn't matter much... four of the five clans were in agreement and they would not be made out to be selfish warmongers for their yearning to speak with the stars.

[[ Let the December pre-Gathering begin !!! ]]
// open to interactions

It is only a moment after RiverClan arrives that ThunderClan and SkyClan follow suit. Howlingstar leads her clan from the ivy and brambles, head held high as she surveys the clearing. Only one clan has entered Fourtrees, but she assumes ShadowClan and WindClan will arrive soon enough. With a glance towards Blazestar, who walks nearby at the head of his clan, she nods and begins her way to the Great Rock. She needs not warn her clan of anything - they've gone this time and time again to know, and she trusts the warriors here to keep an eye on the younger apprentices that follow at their heels.

As she approaches the leaders' perch, she sees Lichentail sitting there alone at the foot of the boulder and cocks her head to the side. "Is it official, then? Are you RiverClan's deputy?" She asks politely, the beginnings of a smile on her face. As a lead warrior, she knows Lichentail has served the past leader of RiverClan for many moons - in her mind, it makes sense she would be chosen as the next deputy under Smokestar.

// interacting with @BLAZESTAR then talking to @lichentail
( ⁀➷ )  Fallow is required to go to this gathering, apparently, to show off ThunderClan' newest apprentice. She feels self-conscious, put on display. Look at this little outsider we picked up. It's a real apprentice now, isn't that novel? Her pelt bristles, eyes casting suspiciously across the swirling crowd. Sticks close to where she entered, a reasonable yet distant length from her mentor, letting the far more sociable warrior chat with whomever she pleases. Fallow, of course, was having none of it.

As much as she dislikes ThunderClan, the others weren't much better. Downykit comes to mind as the most tolerable of the clans' kits; is she here? No matter how long Fallow's eyes scan the crows, she can't seem to find their cloudy form. She tries not to feel disappointed. At least she hasn't seen Bitekit or Halfkit yet. She's supposed to keep her claws sheathed, she knows.

As Fallow's eyes roam the gathering distractedly, so too do many wandering paws. A pressure against her side sets all of the apprentice's nerves aflame; barely a collision, but to Fallow it might as well have been a tackle. Its fraying silence snaps and it whirls around, face contorting into a glare. "Watch it," explodes from the young apprentice's mouth, fuse lightning-quick. Its lip curls away from its exposed snaggleteeth, revealing a full set of yellowing fangs. Golden eyes swirl dark in the dim, searching for the culprit as a snarl builds in her throat.

  • // open to interactions! feel free to be the cat who bumped into her


Shadestone follows the scent of his deputy, a listless shadow pulled along by duty. He has never felt the right audience for the Gathering. It is a loudplace with far too many cats that he cannot see or interpret. The cats of RiverClan were at least tolerable in their few bouts of rowdiness - Nettlepaw and company aside - but for the life of him, he could not wrap his head around ThunderClan's many boisterous, sunny warriors or WindClan's quick-tempered soldiers.

The scents all mix together after a certain threshold - crossed by Lichentail with little issue, but it takes Shadestone aback. He drags his paws across the frozen earth, searching for his next sure paw-step. It was a process well-practiced by the tom, but still, no routine is complete without fallacy. His paw brushes against fur, soft downy kitten fur that felt a bit too small to be of any threat. Yet still, he felt the kitten fur bristle at his touch and the sound of a child's attempt at a threat reached his one good ear.

His whiskers twitch in response and he sets his paw down gently, away from the downy-fur feel. "Apologies, I hoped to feel a root, not a pelt." @FALLOWPAWspeech is in #b4bcb4
The young warrior came padding in after their deputy, ears pinned back to his skull. By some luck, there has been no battle between the two clans— RiverClan and WindClan. Tensions were high between the two clans, and rightfully so, but in the back of Foxtail's mind he had a feeling that the other clans shared RiverClan's thoughts too. WindClan claiming the highstones didn't just affect RiverClan, but the the other clans as well. As he pads into the fourtrees with his clan, he wonders if any other clan has had any issues with attempting to reach the highstones. Were they met with the same amount of hostility, the same amount of bloodshed? He gives a silent nod to his deputy's words, knowing it would be best to stay clear of any WindClanners. He didn't want to get into a fight— especially not at the gathering—, but if blood is going to be drawn tonight, he won't be the one starting it.

He tastes the air, the scent that enters his nostrils is a mix of smells— he smells RiverClan, ThunderClan, SkyClan, and ShadowClan. He feels some relief not to catch the scent of WindClan, but it'll only be a matter of time before Sootstar and her clan arrives in tow. He heard how the WindClan leader hadn't been present for the last gathering, so she's bound to turn up now... to all of their distaste.

  • open to interactions!
  • 74203346_wyqQOkxcDfS3IQ1.png

    credit to raphaelion for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: torbie
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    14 moons

Last edited:
The last time Moonpaw had been here she had been a new apprentice, fresh out of the nursery and ready to see the world, to meet the other clans in the one place where they were meant to be cordial enough to not fight each other and where the idea of the clans had originally been formed... or so the stories went. Now she was an apprentice still and technically a new one once more for though she was still training she was now training under Ravensong to become a medicine cat instead of Salmonshade as a warrior. The thought of coming to more gatherings both excited her and made her nervous, the stories she had heard from the last gathering fresh on her mind as she walked beside Ravensong and looked around once more.

She found herself unsure of where to go for the moment, head swiveling as she waited to see if any cats she knew from when they reside within other territories had come this moon.

  • open to interactions!
  • MOONPAW formerly Ratpaw || NPC x NPC || sister to Rowanpaw || apprentice to Ravensong.
    -- She/Her || 7 moons old, ages every 17th
    -- smaller than average, small rounded ears. SH white masking cinnamon torbie with orange eyes.
    -- soft-spoken, often found humming, tries to comfort others by smiling

I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — Large paws carry the snowy giant forward with the rest of his clanmates and now that he has had his medicine cat ceremony everything feels a lot lighter and it feels easier to breathe especially since he had seen Little Wolf, his heart flutters faintly in his chest as he turns his dark gaze upwards to the sky overhead knowing that she and the rest of Starclan were watching. "It's a lovely tonight, dear." A soft murmur that slips from his slightly parted jaws and finds a spot within the crowd wondering if he would see any of the other medicine cats. Nonetheless, he remains attentive and ready if anyone decided to approach him though he wouldn't be lying that he misses his nest though he notices that Windclan isn't present. A part of him relieved yet the other part uncertain and feeling uneasy due to it wondering why they weren't present for the gathering. A troubled expression on his fluffy features yet he says nothing keeping his paws close to him as a soft sigh slips from parted lips and breathing a white mist into the air.

/ open to interactions >:]

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    50 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed

It had been too long since the Lead Warrior had been allowed to attend a gathering, but he was not too bereft about the idea of skipping them. The business of other clans had never been an interest of his, as long as he knew what rules were being made and what SkyClan needed to be wary of, then he was content to stay on guard duty at camp... he had not been promised a restful gathering this time though. WindClan's claim over the Moonstone still weighed heavy on the minds of his clanmates, if they refused to relinquish, he was not sure if the promise of StarClan's wrath would be enough to keep the peace that Leafbare night. Walking in front of his clanmates, the spotted tabby's eyes quickly darted left and right before he found a space at the corner of the gathering unoccupied by the others. With a quick swish of his tail in farewell, Silversmoke moved towards it and fell back on his haunches, fur spiked like icicles against the wind's chill.

[ open to interactions! ]

He feels unbelievably out of place here, just as he had the first time he’d come to a gathering. The cats of other clans seem to press in around him, stifling any hope Falconheart has of having a nice, relaxing night. He doesn’t want to be here, and it’s clear in the young warrior’s picture, tense and tentative. He wishes he could stand at his father’s side all night long, but Flycatcher has duties to attend to at the gathering and surely wouldn’t want his warrior-aged son to be clinging to his leg like a kit all night long. And besides, he’s supposed to… talk to others. That’s what the gatherings are all about, after all. So with hesitant steps, the cream tabby approaches the first cat he spots who doesn’t look like they’ll cuff him across the ear for speaking to them.

The cat he approaches is a RiverClanner, with colorful fur that reminds him a bit of Stormfeather’s. He stands in front of the stranger for a couple heartbeats to gather his nerves before speaking. "Uh—hi, I…" he sucks in a deep breath, ears flattening against his head. This was a bad idea. He should have just gone off to sit by himself like he did last time. He considers turning and darting off, gaze flicking over to where he spots Hailstorm among the crowd of other cats—but wouldn’t that be worse? He’ll surely see this cat again sometime in the future, and he doesn’t want the RiverClanner to have a bad opinion of him. If he hasn’t already messed that up. The tabby-striped tom steels himself, drawing his paws underneath himself to stand to his full height.

What was it that his first mentor had told him—fake it until you make it. That’s it. He just has to… pretend he isn’t internally fighting the urge to run away and never be seen again. "I’m Falconpaw—I mean, Falconheart. I’m Falconheart. I just became a warrior, so I have a warrior name now. What’s your name? Uh, if you want to tell me. I… Sorry," he stumbles through an introduction, tail twitching self-consciously at his flank. This is mortifying, he decides—he’s never coming to another gathering again.

// interacting with @FOXTAIL
[ find me way out there ]
  • Like
Reactions: FOXTAIL
Hickoryskip was rarely chosen to go to the Gathering, which was understandable in her eyes. She was cheerful and outgoing to be sure, but she was about as run of the mill as you could get. She didn’t bring anything special to the table when it comes to warriorhood, but that didn’t necessarily upset her.

Other clan’s dramas weren’t that much of interest to her either, as while she liked to hear the differences between ThunderClan and the rest, it was hard to ignore all the underlying tensions. It was always clear that they would try to navigate conversations in a particular way, leaving out as many details as possible to avoid giving too much away.

Social situations could be so exhausting sometimes…

Nevertheless, the fawn tabby is on her best behavior as she lowers herself into the hollow. She keeps her tail raised to signify a friendly demeanor, not seeking anyone out specifically but keeping herself open to anyone who is willing to be amicable with her.

// OOC : Open to interactions!
The sky is clear and cold, the moon hanging immense and full above the cats who shuffle into the clearing. RiverClan is led by Smokestar and Lichentail—the scarred leader goes to take his place upon the Great Rock, while Lichentail hangs back to advise the Clan. “Be wary of WindClan, as ever,” they murmur to their Clanmates. Iciclefang nods in agreement. She is skeptical when she scents the air and finds it lacking moorland stench, but then assumes they’re simply late. Sootstar does not exactly care if she’s wasting the other Clans’ time, after all. The tortoiseshell splits away from her Clanmates—she can see Shadestone, Foxtail, and Moonpaw, all of them sitting and waiting for cats to approach.

She searches passively for a certain scarred ThunderClan warrior, but she does not see Stormywing tonight. Not yet, anyway. Iciclefang instead pads over to Hailstorm, her blue eyes reflecting the moon like broken glass. “Hailstorm,” she greets him coolly, sitting beside him. “How is the medicine cat life treating you?” He’d been a warrior when he’d left for the journey, a warrior with a mate and a bright future. She supposes his future is still bright… just a little more lonely. Even now, she remembers the pale tom huddled at Little Wolf’s snowy grave, praying over it to distant ancestors. “You feel like you’re getting used to it yet?

[ interacting with @HAILSTORM. ]

, ”

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Alongside her clanmates, Roeflame slips through the surrounding foliage of Fourtrees, trickling into the clearing with a clouded exhale.
The full moon never fails to bath an otherwise ordinary scene of almost barren oaks and withered grass into something enchanting, setting even the cats the mingle by the dozens below aglow in silver and white.
From nearby, Roeflame recognizes the she-cat that had approached her last moon speaking with Hailstorm.
Iciclefang, Stormywings friend. The name clicks shortly after, and while the lead warrior is tempted to approach the duo, she instead keeps walking, not wanting to intrude on what looked like a peaceful conversation.
Pelts slip past hers as she weaves through the crowd, aimless paws taking her to an almost empty pocket within the buzz of the gathering.
Almost, except for the older silver warrior that sits silently.
With a sigh Roeflame takes her own seat, optics flickering to the other and away periodically, beginning to regret choosing this specific spot to cozy up in.
"Skyclan?" The lead warrior chimes, unknowingly to her pine-dwelling counterpart.


anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The clearing came into view, padding alongside his clanmates on weary bones with a low flick of his tail, amber hues narrowing as he crept forward. His mangled ears twitched, listening to the low thrum of chattering felines spread out to scan the clearing, noting Hailstorm and Iciclefang’s familiar pets amongst the crowds. In the end, he said nothing, veering away from the lot of ‘em to settle away from the lumbering lull of the crowd.

He breathed, taking in the various scents with a wrinkled nose, and deadpan hues once again picking out those he was more familiar with, drawing out a rumbling hum. It was good to see some of the journey cats, knowin’ they hadn’t kicked the bucket was a relief, even if he never outwardly said anythin’ than a few casual quips, but otherwise remained quiet—indifferent.

The sound of paws approaching broke him out of his haze of memories, deadpan hues flickering to meet that of his clanmate; Applefrost. He offered a quiet grunt of greetings, tail tip flickering in acknowledgment before uttering her name with a questioning tone, brow raised: “Applefrost.”

/ talking with @APPLEFROST but open for interactions ^^
thought speech

There was a face he sought above the rest, of course. A face he needed to see, and little mirrors at her side. Two, really- two would do. One or two or three or four, there were lots of them, purifying the rot of that place...

As he drifted ghostlike into the clearing, permanent happiness etched upon his face- because it would be a cold day in Hell when he let it falter- Mallowlark caught not that WindClan stink. Heather and wind and blood. It had clung to him once, and probably still did somewhere, for some...

No familiar faces. Not even the ones he'd like to have slapped. Not even the tiny leader herself, madness blearing her eyes. And for once Mallowlark did not make an effort to choke away any suddenly-bubbling emotions; there were already tears pouring out of his eyes when he shouted, "Brightshine?" above the din. The chatter already sprawled around. No one would look twice at him, if they didn't know her... didn't know what had happened...

"Heavy Snow?" A white shape drifted past, but- no, no, not the right one. Then... "Sparkpuh, Sparkspirit? Lark- Larkfeather? Morningsong...?" Their names. Lost sister, but- but- until now, he'd still had them. Not a single one in sight, though, not a single one. Mallowlark could have screamed. "Lilacstem? Brightshine?"

Not one of them. Not one of them, and not even a Windclanner to tell him. The moon glared at him, and he hated it in its fullness, bringing the Clans together but never bringing him what he wanted to see.

\ looking for a bunch of windclanners who are not here B) open for interaction!
  • Sad
Reactions: Thorny
🕊️ Needledrift is among the first of her clanmates to enter into the clearing, her excitement only tempered by the apprentice by her side. Tonight was @LIVIDPAW 's first gathering, the first time he would really be able to make friends outside of his clan. "Be sure to be polite and friendly, you never know which of these cats might save your life one day."

It is the truest statement she can give the little warrior-to-be, even if Needledrift's personality had always driven her towards kindness and connection with anybody who would return the sentiment. Now, warriors like Duskpool, Iciclefang, and Hailstorm had her total respect and awe - qualities so rarely given by ShadowClan warriors to anybody but their own. She nudged her apprentice, gesturing for him to venture out while she sat with her tail wrapped neatly around her paws. The aforementioned warriors seemed content in their conversations, so she would wait until an opportunity presented itself for her to say hi.

/open for interaction speech is in #B9D0F5
Pikesplash enters this gathering without Nettlepaw. His apprentice has been rowdy for one and ill. I sure hope he hasn't snuck himself here. I wouldn't put it past him. It doesn't reassure him whatsoever and he prays to Starclan that Moonpaw and Dovesong are able to handle him. Nettlepaw is without a doubt a pawful, which is why he is glad to attend the gathering without said tom. Last gathering the little tom disobeyed him too. Anyway, that is enough talking about Nettlepaw he needs to find something out first.

Ferndance won't be able to come for awhile. She was expecting kits after all. Have they arrived yet? I'll have to wait and see. Usually leaders stated new arrivals in their clan when it was time for announcements, but that wouldn't be for awhile. However, he figured it wouldn't be too bad to speak with a shadowclanner that was here. The cat he had decided on was one who bore a gray and white pelt. When he approaches he offers her a flick of his tail in greeting. Beside her is an apprentice, which he offers a nod of his head and a smile. There is no need to be rude especially to apprentices. He's sure that apprentice might be a bit alarmed of a warrior from another clan approaching them so suddenly.

He returns his attention to the shecat before him and begins "H-h-hey there. My n-names Pikesplash. How have things b-been?" The inquiry is vague he is well aware of that. However, he doesn't know this cat. It would be erroneous to demand information such as how Ferndance was fairing all of a sudden. Not to mention a bit suspicious.
  • ooc : interacting with @Needledrift
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 47 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
*+:。.。 Although the apprentice has been training for a handful of moons, this was his very first gathering. He walked with stiff paws, blaming his robotic movements on the cold when in actuality he was more fighting the tremble of nerves. Gatherings were a place - in his opinion- where cats from enemy clans came together to appraise their competition. He vowed he'd make a great impression on enemy apprentices and warriors alike- show them that the next generation of Riverclan warriors was nothing to underestimate!

But his heart skipped a beat when his patrol of familiar clanmates began to drift away, confidently milling into the crowd and leaving an uncertain Asphodelpaw behind. He lingered for a moment, cursing himself for not trailing after his mentor or another warrior - even an apprentice. However, he was excited about his peers calling him out for being as timid as he was.

Now not a little self-conscious, the boy chose to skirt around the outer ring of the gathered cats. He walked with his tail high and his gaze straight, doing his best to look as though he had a purpose, but really he was regretting everything. What was he even supposed to say to an enemy? What was impressive to clans outside his own? Was he fated to make himself - and in turn his clan - look foolish? Starclan, please have mercy on him!

  • @CRASHINGTIDE mentor tag!
    //Open to interactions!!!

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently

To think he already was allowed to come along on his first gathering. It was a luxury he hadn't expected to happen so early on during his apprenticeship. But it for sure would be something worth remembering. Tonight he would get to meet all clans again which only had happend once before when all of them had fled to shadowclan during the rogue invasion. Back then he hadn't bothered himself to make any worthwhile interactions just observing the intruders from a distance. If he was to obey his mentors advice tonight he was expected to make some sort of impression on the cats gathered here tonight all for the sake of serving a bigger purpose in the future. " i will do my best." he promised knowing very well he lacked in the field when it come to having a pleasant conversation with someone. He was fully aware of his social status in the clan who either felt indifferent towards him or had a negative opinion of him. The only ones who really liked him were his brother and father. Needledrift was still forming her own opinion on him so he couldn't exactly tell what she thought of him yet. Still he was determined to obey his mentor wishes.

Like his words hadn't been enough to convince Needledrift nudged him out like a mother bird trying to get their hatchling to leave the nest. Lividpaw gave her a stare before making himself ready to leave his mentors side but before he could company had decided to chase them down first. The kit would look up at the warrior, whiskers twitching as he tried to catch up on this ones scent and which clan they come from. It was for sure a stinking smell. " My name's Lividpaw. It is nice to meet you." he dipped his head back at them. That was a polite enough greeting right?. Lividpaw had copied what he had heard before in the past. No reason to wander into uncertain water when he could play it safe. " Do you come from riverclan?." he asked, leaving the 'how have things been' question to Needledrift. She was in a better position to decide how much they should share about their recent situation in their own clan. Instead he wanted to know if he had been right to figure out which clan this warrior came from. He had been told that riverclan had a rather strong overpowering smell to them. That was why his guess was on them.

// interacting with @PIKESPLASH while being in @Needledrift company

Frostbite strides into the clearing with a grin on his face that speaks of pride and anticipation. Oh, he was ready... He was ready to gaze upon the faces of his moorland enemies and rip them apart with vicious words, goad the beasts into a fight maybe so he can kill one of them. Will Starclan stop him? They didn't stop the previous fight that broke out between those Riverclanners and that one Windclanner... Perhaps Starclan did not intervene because they have abandoned Windclan because of Sootstar's delusions.

Wouldn't that be a sight, to see all the clans rip apart Windclan? He'd love to see it.

But he knows to behave. With his daughter beside him, he takes his seat with the other lead warriors and observes that Windclan still has not arrived. Laughter bubbles in his throat.

"Cowards. The lot of them. Each and every one, too afraid to face the consequences of their actions here tonight." He says, to no one in particular. "Truly pathetic."

He looks down to Poppypaw, his beloved daughter, and his smile turns softer and kinder. "Go ahead and mingle. I don't have to tell you to avoid Windclan because they aren't here." He says. He knows she knows to behave, and plus, the other clans aren't as evil as the one who sits within moorland grass.

His smile hasn't left him. In fact he chuckles when he is being greeted by the Shadowclan apprentice. From his experience with gatherings apprentices usually tended to interact with other apprentices and if they had to speak to a warrior it was brief and it was just a simple introduction. He can't really say he blames them. What is an apprentice supposed to ask a warrior from another clan? Speaking about training being hard was a bit of a stretch considering they were talking to someone who had either completed their training moons ago or recently. In essence it was hard to speak to warriors. Nevertheless he will answer with glee, "Well it's nice to meet you Lividpaw! I have an apprentice and his name is Nettlepaw, he's not here tonight because he's feeling a little bad." He's also in major trouble, but I don't think we should say that. If he snuck in and heard me I know he would throw a fit.

"Y-yep! I come from Riverclan. Are you curious? I'll answer any questions if you have them. Or if you want to, I know warrior stuff is sometimes a little boring. Hmm, uhhh," green eyes search around for a Riverclan apprentice. When his eyes land on Asphodelpaw he smiles and points towards the nervous tom. "That's Asphodelpaw with his mentor Crashingtide. This is his very first gathering, so he's a little shy." By no means is Pikesplash trying to turn Lividpaw away. He is more than happy to speak to Needledift and Lividpaw for awhile.

The only reason why he suggested Asphodelpaw was because he figured Lividpaw may want to speak with an another apprentice. He also has no idea if this is the Shadowclan apprentices first gathering, so he figured the pair of apprentices could have some kinship. Not like Lividpaw was forced to do so.
  • ooc : interacting with @LIVIDPAW while needledrift is present
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 47 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou