LYING COLDLY [ auburnflame ]

He'd barely had time to comprehend what had happened before the lead warrior was moving about the camp like a hurricane. The dog had caught the skin on Silversmoke's hind leg but that hardly phased the tom at that moment, he'd been accused of a one-track mind before, and upon searching for the multicoloured flame amidst SkyClan's camp, it was a claim he had no room to deny at that moment. When his rage had subsided and he'd first seen the hurt in those mint-green eyes, Silver had come to realise that he hadn't just betrayed himself by defying Blazestar's orders, he'd betrayed a friend too. Their conversation on the sunning stones had been filled with pleasant musings and teasings but before any of that, he'd assured Auburnflame that he'd never try to hurt Slate again. One bad day was all it had taken for him to lie, one bad day and he'd almost covered the earth with rogue blood, one bad day and he was convinced he'd somehow helped to attract a dog with his hissing. It was hard to get the image out of his head of the calico charging at the dog's face in defence of him, Silver hated how his stomach was twisting into knots at the thought of that dog retaliating more harshly than it actually had done.

Silver spotted that warm figure finally and paced over, barely giving himself time to think about what to say. If he didn't push himself past the anxiety, his mouth would remain sealed forever and he'd lose a good thing, he was sure of it. "Auburnflame." He called after them, his voice scarcely raised above its normal volume. "Auburnflame, wait." He spoke louder this time, hoping to reach the calico's side before he had time to accept or reject the Lead Warrior's presence. They needed to have a conversation whether Auburn wanted it or not, that was what was fair, the tabby thought - it wasn't like he was particularly looking forwards to the hard discussion either. He looked the other over, breathing as steadily through his pink nose as he could. Auburn hadn't been properly injured, a relief in many ways, but the thought of other scenarios was on his mind when he spoke again. "One slip-up and you could've died protecting me. I-" No, no that wasn't what he wanted to talk about. He winced and tried to get the right words out.

"Orangeblossom wouldn't have been pleased if you died." 'Neither would I. I don't want your last memory of me to be something so horrible'. "Why would you do such a dangerous thing?" The words were accusatory in nature but not in tone, his usual bite replaced with something far more somber. Auburnflame's actions weren't the elephant in the room, Silversmoke's were, he knew this and yet his confidence evaded him at the key moment.

It was certainly no secret about the starting infatuation that Auburnflame had over Silversmoke. All the stolen glances he's given to the lead warrior, how he likes to hang around him more despite him occasionally barking orders at him; though it was always taken with a grain of salt. He hardly ever took it seriously, usually conglomerated some sort of humorous or stupid reply each time to rouse a reaction out of him.
Today—Today was much different than the days that had passed. After the encounter between Silver and Slate, then the hound that had found them and nearly knocked Pigeonsong out of commission. The mongrel that had nearly taken Silversmoke's head off. Today he was trying to avoid that ghostly spotted coat, to avoid meeting those heterochromatic eyes and that damned scowl that always etched upon his maw. Auburnflame felt his body on autopilot, his own parched paws pulling him back towards the camp entrance. He needed to be alone, wanted to be alone. His chest felt as if a stone had weighed him down, attempting to steal his breath and his stomach laid in knots. He was a cacophony of emotion right now; angry, defeated, anxious, betrayed. Silversmoke had told him he would not pursue Slate, and the calico took his words for it so seriously. But it was clear now, it was clear that his word didn't have as heavy of meaning to it than he originally thought. That thought alone was nearly enough to have his heart strings pulled taut.
He soon realizes, that he's coming out the camp entrance and into the dense pine forest. The faint mettalic scent of blood mixed with the musk of that mongrel still clung in the air, almost stagnant. Auburnflame's dusted nose crinkled in disgust, his expression soon follows. A voice he hears, a voice that calls his name repeatedly. The tone—it's unmistakable. That same ire that always edges his tone, a commanding voice he had. Auburnflame wonders if he should stop, perhaps if he kept going then Silversmoke would get the picture. Go away. Leave me alone. He wasn't in the mood to talk, but it seemed Silversmoke wasn't going to give him a chance to decide for himself. Dammit! The larger tom gallops up to his side, his breathing heavy and Auburnflame stops mid step to look at him.
It was quite evident that he was not his typical cheery mood, for now his expression was set and rigid like stone. Minty hues were no longer warm and inviting, but icy with pinpoint slits as his gaze pierced the other tom. "What?" He replies, his tongue clicking beneath gnashed teeth as he stared at him. Was this going to be an apology? He certainly hoped so. If he did apologize, then of course Auburnflame would forgive. He wasn't above second chance. No one was perfect, he knew that more than anyone.

One slip-up and you could've died protecting me. I-. Orangeblossom wouldn't have been pleased if you died. Why would you do such a dangerous thing?

Silversmoke's words are strangled and frantic, trying to piece it all together and still completely missing the point. Auburnflame stared at him for a bit, brows quirked together in a near incredulous stare. He let's it all simmer, to hopefully hear an attached 'I'm sorry I went back on my word, Auburn.' But of course, it didn't happen. Nothing but tension festered between the two until the calico finally scoffs, shaking his head as if in disbelief. "You're really somethin' else, huh?" He begins, an empty smile creeping upon pink lips, more out of habit than anything. "Thanks for your concern, but I'm more than capable of handling myself and some mangy mutt. Orangeblossom knows I can handle myself. Appreciate it, though." He manages a bark of laughter, hollow and cold after sarcasm drips from his maw. The audacity that he asks such an inessential question makes the calico's jaw set for a moment, resisting the urge to lose his comoosure on him. "I did it because it's my duty, Silversmoke. I'm a warrior, ain't I? Here in SkyClan we protect each other from harm. We fight for our clan, no matter the danger we face." His plumed tail begins to whip around behind him in frustration, shoulders tensing and rippling under a wavy coat as he moved. The warrior remains standing, watching his counterpart warily. I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself, don't waste it...


He felt like he was staring at the face of an enemy. There was an annoyance there that felt like he'd placed his paws upon something spiky, instinctively, he took a step back. He wouldn't grovel, pride was a magnificent beast, both a saviour and a sinner depending on the context, at the moment though, all Silver could think to do was damn his own reluctance. When there wasn't a reply from the other for some time, Silversmoke was equal parts relieved and mortified - the situation would be over but at the expense of what he actually wanted to say. Each time he opened his mouth to speak it, the apology was pulled back in like a bungee, and the Lead Warrior felt it most when the calico chose to outright reject his line of questioning. That hollow smile did little to hide the venom of his friend's words, not enough to severe what they had but enough to sting all the same. He felt his claws practically twitch in their sheathes, remnants of battle energy still lurking in the tom where he wanted to protest such words.

Auburnflame spoke of SkyClanners defending others from harm and his stare developed more forlorn than ever before. Protection wasn't something he'd ever expected from his home, he hadn't needed it growing up and he didn't need it now. To have someone declare that he was to be expected was new, and like with most new things, the tabby found himself disliking it. The calico may have used collective words, but he remembered seeing him fly towards the dog like a bat out of hell, and if his battle cry was anything to go by, it hadn't been in defence of Pigeonsong or Slate. His limbs tensed, sharp pricks like a kitten's claws running up and down them. "I don't want protecting!" he hissed, his fur bristled. "If I'm ever at a point where I need someone to help then I've done something wrong. That's my mistake to fix, not yours." And if it killed him, then he should've been stronger. He'd been able to say it with a conviction for so many moons that it shocked him that when he thought of it this time, his brain instantly thought of the calico standing before him... and how selfish it'd be to pretend that his death would be free of consequence anymore.

'Idiot, he's just a friend, he'd get over it,' he tried to tell himself, but even that felt unusually cold when addressing a warrior whose name spoke of nothing but warmth and kindness. Today, Auburnflame was showing the secrets of his namesake, kept hidden beneath the comforting embers. Silversmoke had placed a paw into the fire and came back charred, a grim reminder that even the most 'whimsical' of flames still held an unforgettable bite. He thought back to Auburnflame's words, wondering if there was some sort of double meaning to them all. Duty... protect..., they were all words Silver used like they were his weapons, his ears flattened, knowing that he had failed to do the very same thing he'd often criticised his friend for forgetting. "Fine." The lashing of his tail ceased the striped appendage resting with its end pointed towards the ground. "Fine fine fine fine. Fucking fine." He moved away to gather his thoughts, an alabaster paw swiping between his own ears as he tried to make sense of them all. There was so much bitterness, so much guilt, and yet what topped it all off was confusion. Nothing made sense, but when he stuck to what he knew, it felt immoral.

Even without a clear head, Silversmoke turned back around, pacing aggressively towards the calico. It was innate, unintentional, a protective shield for the tom who proclaimed he wanted no such thing. "What do you want to hear? For me to tell you that I ignored what you said to me? That I endangered the clan by what I did? I know. I know and I've got to live with that now and I can't even tell anyone else about it. Blazestar'll—". Silversmoke caught himself, leaning forward on his limbs as if resting upon an invisible object. He let out a huff, dropping Blazestar's name faster than he'd have dropped Slate if the other had attacked him (in Silversmoke's world, at least). "Look, if I've lost a friend because of this then please just tell me." He didn't want to get attached to someone who was on the cusp of leaving.

The more that Silversmoke spoke, the angrier Auburnflame seemed to become. The ferocity in his words, they stabbed at his heart, twisting and pulling at his chest that makes him visibly flinch. Auburnflame wasn't sure what he expected from Silversmoke, perhaps he expected the soft banter he had received previously or even perhaps—an apology. The lead warrior stands face to face with him, the walls around Silversmoke's heart building higher into a fortitude of stone. His scarlet tail begins to whip wildly from behind him as he remains stationary despite his flinching, glacial eyes narrowed as Silversmoke practically threw a tantrum. I don't want protecting! If I'm ever at a point where I need someone to help then I've done something wrong. That's my mistake to fix, not yours. "You sound as if you're the only warrior here that is capable of protecting anything. Do you really think that I am your lesser? You think I can't protect you? You're not that powerful, Silversmoke, I hate to be the wreath of thorns in your side. What's so wrong with me having your back?" As he speaks, he doesn't realize the tone in his voice begins to waver, emotions slammed in his chest—rattling their chains for freedom and edging him on. His voice grows louder, vocal chords reverberating immensely at his wintry throat. He wants Silversmoke to hear him, he wants to pierce through the silvery tufts at his ears so he will listen. If this is the way to get through to him, to crack open the thick mask the spotted tabby wore—then so be it.
He feels Silversmoke's conflicting emotions, can see them clearly on his scarred features as he begins to pace, moving away from him and Auburnflame instinctively wanted to move forwards to intercept him. At first, he thought Silversmoke was going to just leave him there and he felt the tendons within his heart began to tear. Don't—he wanted to say, but no words bathed over his tongue. None that were comforting, that is. He couldn't help but feel a bit betrayed after their talk, to feel as if Silversmoke was brushing him off. Should he just let it go? Why was it so important to him? The tortoiseshell sets his jaw, his hollow smile disappearing into a straight line as silence falls between them for a moment.
But that was short lived as the larger tom whirled around, practically marching towards him with a brisk pace. Auburnflame stiffened, taut muscles rippling under a wavy coat as he prepared himself for the onslaught. He wasn't sure what Silversmoke was doing, but he'd not yield to it. He stands tall, claws anchoring him firmly to the soil as Silversmoke nears him. His head was held aloft as his plumed tail, remaining steadfast and unblinking through a narrowed gaze as their eyes met again.
His words came out as a jumbled mess, but something was different this time. What do you want to hear? An apology. He says nothing as the lead warrior spills his heart, watches the walls crack beneath his stoic features as he admits what he's done. A wintry ear flicks at him, his stance relaxing a bit as his tail droops to drift over the soil. "I want you to mean what you say when you speak. I want you to swallow your damn pride and admit when you're wrong! I want you to be better! To be a lead warrior I know you can be! I want you to put the past behind you!" He begins, taking a strong step forward until their whiskers barely graze one another. "Look at the hold he has on you! He plagues your mind like a virus and you let him! How can you be so strong, if you can't forgive? He lives here now. He is SkyClan and nothing is going to change it. You are tearing your own self apart by your own claws at this rate, Silver." He then takes another step back, shaking his head slowly as he hears his next words. "I do not burn bridges over words. I want you to to be better. I want the best for you. Why is it so hard to see? I see the potential in you—not only as a warrior but as a—" His jaws snap shut then, emotions whirring around within his heart that wants to spill. He can not. Silversmoke wouldn't understand. Silversmoke doesn't feel the same way. He quickly mulls over a correct term, his claws scraping at the loose dirt. "—As an individual. I want to see you flourish." His gaze flitted to his paws, "I'd never leave you..."

  • Love

You're not that powerful, Silversmoke. White hot fury glinted in his eyes, his jaw muscles tightening to a point of near-brittleness. He said nothing of the agony it caused him to hear such a thing, he only glared at Auburnflame in warning: 'don't say it again'. He was willing to hear many things he did not want to if it meant fixing a severed bond, but that was a step too far and he needed the calico to understand it. Fairness was everything to the tomcat, and Auburnfame had lost it. A snakelike hiss erupted from between his bared teeth, his fur bristling like the river's waves. "Because I don't want anyone to have my back! Why can't you respect that?" He cried out, exasperated by Auburnflame's stubbornness and refusing to see the mirror image that lay within it - he didn't know who would be hurt by the parallel more, Auburnflame, or himself. His agitation wavered but did not fully disappear, tempered by the unevenness of Auburnflame's tone but marred by the sternness of his own. The rogues had never listened to a word he'd said when he was a crying mess of a child, he knew if he reverted to that now, then the calico would never try to resonate with him.

"Everything I've ever done up to this point has been on my own. No family, no friends, nothing. SkyClan changed that without ever asking to. I love that they did it and hate it all at the same time and it confuses me so fucking much. This clan has enough to worry about without one of its Lead Warriors wrestling with these unnecessary feelings." Clanmates were going missing at a breakneck pace, there was dissension amidst the ranks and he scarcely gave himself time to breathe, let alone come to terms with what it meant to be an equal. He was an unwanted kittypet, a rogue scoundrel who criticised a thirst for blood whilst wrestling with his own every time he locked eyes with Slate. His affection had always meant to be one-sided, or else he'd keep on stacking up favours with the very clan that saved his life and gave him purpose. They'd done enough already, even Auburn had done enough merely by existing. A sharp sigh escaped him, his narrowed pupils slowly dilating to their normal diameter. His anger felt like lightning flowing through his veins, it wanted to electrocute anything that dared stick its nose too close to his business, but just as memory had made him venomous, it also grounded him. The Lead Warrior remembered how comfortable he'd felt in the calico's presence, how happy he'd been.

Tufted ears twitched more and more madly by the minute. He moved away, he moved forwards, regardless, he still ended up a breadth away from Auburnflame, listening to his words no matter how agonising each new syllable became. They wanted him to be better, but could they ever offer such a thing? He thought he knew himself like the back of his paw: stubborn as an ox and unwavering it what it made to be a warrior. He liked challenges of the body but not of the mind yet here Auburnflame was, giving him so much to think about that he swore he almost felt his brain combust. The spotted tabby's words were quiet but firm, the heavy rising and falling of his chest giving away quite how much he was suppressing himself. "Look, I don't expect you to understand what it means to hate someone. The day I met Slate was the second time I'd ever lost something important because of someone. Every day he's here and shows no remorse for our shared past it is like a reminder that he can take again and keep on taking and taking until all that is left of me is ash and bone. To ask someone to forgive the very fire that burned them when it still alight and ready to hurt you again... it is not as easy as keeping your paws away from the flames when they can erupt at a moment's notice." A paw dragged across the earth as if it were made of stone, bringing itself closer to the opposite appendage.

His lashing tail stilled to a level point behind him and for the first time, he couldn't keep the stoicism in his voice. "I know I'm fueling it... I can feel it suffocating me every time I try to stop and scalding me if I don't. Either way, it is telling me that I am still weak." 'And now... so are you.' What did he have to do to prove he was not the rogue he was moons ago? How much more did he need to bleed? Whisker-to-whisker, Silversmoke's eyes were forced onto the other's, the hurt within them like piercing daggers sinking into his spine. Time fractured and refused to repair itself until the Lead Warrior looked away: he never did. This was Silversmoke's penance, his mistake to fix even as Auburnflame told him he did not have to work alone. How can you be so strong, if you can't forgive?. He flinched as if wounded, grimacing in uneasy defiance of the calico's viewpoint. Clan cats lived in a world of ideals, this was one that seemed to be an impossibility to attain. "Forgiveness isn't a weakness, but I don't see it as a strength either. It is merely a choice, one that everyone makes sound so easy... even Blazestar. 'No one died, why don't you just learn to get along?' or 'It doesn't matter, he's a SkyClanner now'. I'd ask them how quickly they'd forgive the killers of their loved ones if I was a crueler cat. To me, defeat is just as bad as that death." With no loved ones to possibly grieve, he had learned to avenge himself and himself alone. Auburnflame's existence challenged the idea that he had no love to give.

In his stifled state, he almost forgot his anger, that damned near permanent shield that never wanted to be put down. They wanted him to be better as a warrior and as... 'a friend', he'd thought the calico would say. The hesitation left him in limbo, knowing this would be the worst time for a confession but... still certain it was what he wanted. A simple friend wouldn't go out of their way to make such an intervention. Then, with timing as perfect as a midday meal, Auburnflame continued, and Silversmoke had to repeat the phrase to make sure he'd heard it right. "As an individual..." Ah. Perhaps he had misread Auburnflame's attitude at the sunning rocks, after all, Silversmoke was no more loved than anyone else. 'You stupid, kind-hearted soul', he almost wanted to say to the other for leading him on, but the tabby knew the blame lay with himself for misjudging the intentions of another cat. It didn't make hearing, 'I'd never leave you', any easier though, he'd have sworn his whole body had melted if not for his gaze already fixated upon his own paw, proving their continued existence. Auburnflame's words were easy to say but difficult to keep. There was no telling when a stray illness or unlucky Twoleg trap would take away his cherished friend, but he supposed that was what made it all the more imperative to set things right now.

He paused for longer than he ever wanted to, perhaps giving off the impression he was brooding, but Silversmoke's head felt emptier than ever with how many thoughts were bouncing around. It was near-impossible to make sense of what was real and fake, what was authentic and what was self-defence. His heated ears fell flatly to the back of his skull, his gaze averted to anywhere but Auburnflame's own minty hues. "I don't want this to be the third time I lose something important to me. I don't know if I can grant forgiveness to someone who does not want it but... for that important thing, I will try." Maybe he was talking about himself, his own claws allegedly threatening to tear at his own neck according to Auburnflame. Maybe he was talking about SkyClan, his home he promised to love and adore until his last breath. Silversmoke knew what he actually meant, bereft as he was to keep secrets from him, Auburnflame was still that important thing. His smile shined brighter than any sun he'd ever seen, his laughter was more wholesome than any bird's song. Auburn's joy for life was a greater motivator than revenge could ever be - he made a mental note to remind himself of it the next time he was forced to share a space with Slate.

'Nothing is worth losing you for'. He almost cringed when that was the sole thought that shone through the fog. It was sappier than honey and twice as sweet, not even his other friends had had such things thought about them. Remembering Ashenclaw's disappearance fueled the silver tabby to take a step forwards, leaning his head down so he could try and catch Auburnflame's attention after the other found it hard to keep eye contact as well. Silversmoke took a deep breath, feeling as if this entire conversation had led to this point. No more digging holes, no more justifying himself, it was clear what needed to be done. Vocalisation had never been the solemn cat's strong suit, but apologising had to be the hardest thing he'd ever done until now. "Auburnflame, I am sorry for disregarding your words. It was selfish of me to promise something and go back on that just because I was angry." That was a thorn successfully ripped out, even now, it felt so.... cheap. Words made things right for Auburnflame but Silver didn't know if they did for him. Actions always spoke louder than them, all he could do to prove his worth was not fight or threaten Slate ever again and, more importantly, keep his promise to both Auburnflame and clan alike.

"And I'm sorry for causing you so much stress. We've lived very different lives-" It was a guess. He didn't know how anyone like Auburnflame could've been a street rogue, scrapping to survive and screwing over whoever one needed to. If the calico had come from such a toxic place, then he wore a greater mask than Silversmoke had ever given him credit for. "- and I should've considered your point of view before jumping to my own conclusions. I won't ask you to forgive me or trust me again after that, I just ask that you give me time to work on... I don't know, not wanting to hurt him. As I said, it's not easy. I can't put a number on how long it'll take, could be a day, could be twelve moons. I just hope you'll be there the day I can say I am strong enough.... friend."

As the man before him shouted, Auburnflame grew more silent. To listen to Silversmoke pull his heart out and reveal his true feelings, his ice capped gaze began to melt away as he listened. He may be the kindling flame, whimsical that brings light and life—he also could scorch and burn; and burned he did. But Silversmoke was what rose from the ashes, smoldering and cutthroat. He could feel the exasperation come off of him in waves, the confusion and the frustration that came with it. Why couldn't Silversmoke see? Why couldn't he see that the warrior wanted to fight at his back? He wanted to be by him in everything and anything. His mind whirls, drifting back towards their mindless chatter by the river, how he'd want to hang around him—even if it was described as being better than around the Daylight Warriors. His stony expression cracked, eyes rested into solemness and his pink lips relaxed into a soft frown. He wanted to understand the phantom before him, he didn't want to fight —but he also would not roll over and submit to him either.

Unnecessary feelings? Mismatched ears pulled back slightly as the words nearly stunned him, his canals facing away from the source of frustration and his gaze trailed downwards, mindlessly studying his paws as Silversmoke went on. Was he referring to the clan— to Slate and his anger? Or—was he referring to what began to bud in between them as well? A rational being would think of the clan, not some infatuation that caused his heart to flutter every time he heard the lead warriors name. A small bit of insecurity stung him, akin to a hornet within his abdomen. Auburnflame still kept silent, his too big heart beginning to take a beating—a feeling not unfamiliar for him for his sensitivity. He'd always been too quick to trust, too quick to forgive. He wore his heart on his sleeve and that'd never change, just he knew Silversmoke's vindictive nature would never really extinguish.
Silversmoke had always been on his own until joining SkyClan, wrestling through life with no one to guide him. He always managed on his own. His gaze ascends to the Main Coon now, a plumed tail drifting around his patched paws as he meets his bi-colored hues. "You don't have to feel alone anymore. Can you not see that? You don't have to be alone any longer." He murmurs, his voice cracking with a wave of emotion as a lump began to form in his throat. While he did have to learn to go through life by trail and error, he always had a support system at his back. His mother, his sibling, Orangeblossom, and even sometimes his father while he was alive. Silversmoke had no one, ever—until now. He didn't know what to do with it, didn't know how to handle it. Auburnflame wanted him to know—wanted him to feel that support and protection like he offered so many others. Shelter in the midst of a storm. But how could he, if Silversmoke denied him every time?

Now he speaks of hating someone, assumes Auburnflame did not have that darkness within him to do such a thing. And perhaps he is right. The tortoiseshell could never bring himself to hate—even when the tom that killed his father to protect his mother. He was misguided—following orders and nothing more. He felt that same passion as he did—that same protectiveness and would lay down his life immediately so his friend could prosper. His heart was too forgiving and he held his father's loving heart within his own chest. It would bleed for any who needed his aid—and he'd never change that. To him, forgiveness was a sign of strength to look past the wrong-doings and move forward. But maybe, just maybe, some things weren't worth forgiving. "Defeat?" The warrior echoes, his brows quirked in confusion. "You compare defeat to death?" His jaw clenches again to muffle another hollow laugh that catches just behind his tongue, ivory tips curving into the earth. Albeit in a way, he spoke truth upon his tongue when everyday was a morbid game of survival. A life or death situation, like fighting a fox or someone like Kuiper. But Slate? Auburnflame couldn't understand. Slate was temperamental at most, for if he was actually that blood-thirsty—Silversmoke wouldn't have escaped with just a mere scar over his eye. The warrior shook his head slowly—No. That wasn't right. If he was like that, Silversmoke would've let that hound tear Slate down into a puddle of barren bone and fur. But he can not truly speak of it, can he? He wasn't in the situation. He wasn't there to bare witness to the savage-like behavior.

An individual...

As the word had slipped from his lips beforehand, he watched his friend falter and echo his words. He could feel a sense of hurt, of betrayal within his whisper. Instantly, Auburnflame began to backpedal as alarm washed over him. Oh, no. That's not what I meant! He frantically searched for the correct words, but none came to him. No, no, no! His tongue became swollen and dry along with his parched throat. Pink lips parted again to speak, but only a huff of air escaped him as he sat there in a blunder. What would he have said in it's stead? A warrior? A friend? A lover? Nothing seemed right and he felt an intense pull of overwhelming panic as he tried to right himself. "No! I–I mean, yes but—you know? As yourself!" Mint hued eyes widen, void pupils expand and now his tail twitches nervously. "You are my friend!" He blurts now, funbling over his words like an idiot. "You''re my friend. All I want for you is to be happy." He repeats, this time with more solidarity and now Silversmoke catches his eye.

I don't want this to be the third time I lose something important to me. I don't know if I can grant forgiveness to someone who does not want it but... for that important thing, I will try.

Auburnflame can feel his heart began to gallop, beating again it's ivory cage and begging to be set free. A silent gasp hitches in his throat and his cheeks burned, now they were within close proximity of each other and his anger started to subside from before. Those words echoed in his mind, reverberating his helm but he welcomes it. A sound of effort and he can not help but feel the corners of his maw twitch into a small smile. This look the lead warrior gave him, the fuel of passion within his gaze and sincerity. He suddenly felt nervous as butterflies fluttered around on his belly, his heart nearly skipping a beat whilst studying the festures of the man in front of him. Upon his lips drawls out what he wanted. An apology comes at last. No matter how cheap it could have sounded to the latter, it meant everything to Auburnflame.
An overwhelming urge—a need to be close to him washes over the tortoiseshell like crashing waves. He wanted to embrace him fully, to intertwine his tail with his and never let go. All of his anger melted away like snowmelt, as winter rose to spring and the warm sun began to light his soft features. He smiles—toothy with pinched cheeks and aimed to flick his tail over Silversmoke's nose. "That's all I wanted to hear—" He trills, a purr edging his tone. "Is that you'll try. Thank you, Silversmoke. I do forgive you." And with that, paws carried him forth as he aimed to graze his muzzle along the silver fur of his friend's own cheek, his soft purr still rumbling in his throat at he did.


His fur felt like there were claws tangled within them, gripping at his sides so painfully and yet never drawing blood. Life had been more comfortable within SkyClan before Auburnflame, no one had dared to challenge his perception because he hadn't ever dared share it with anyone. Combat was a good thing to help one grow in body and in mind, but a war of words was one he could quickly feel himself losing as the calico insisted that he had friends amidst SkyClan. Tufted ears sagged alongside his haunches. "I can accept I'm not alone, I can't accept that companionship means being scared of losing that which I treasure most." He whispered, the words feeling like thorns in his mouth. Howlpaw and Ashenclaw's disappearances were maddening, not only because that was a friend that was gone, but because he couldn't do anything about it - he would never be strong enough to save everybody. Such an admittance, even to a friend, did not feel good. There was a vulnerability that left him wanting to tear away from camp and clear his head. That would mean a death though, not of the body, but of a cherished friendship. "This Clan's done too much for me already. I won't keep taking and taking, I won't have cats die for me because I made a mistake."

He was content to leave the conversation at that, feeling his stubborn resolve weaken with every counterpoint. Silversmoke knew it was not his choice to make if someone wanted to protect him, the Warrior Code existed strongly within his life but it did not take away the agency of choice from those around him. It should've been a happy feeling to accept that the lessons of his childhood could be wrong, staring at Auburnflame's paws, his heart racing, all he could think of was how numbing it was. The Lead Warrior was grateful for but a second to have something else to focus on, a hypothetical, one he could answer with more certainty. You compare defeat to death? "As a rogue, it has the same meaning. Defeat is the difference between a full belly and an empty one, or light scrapes and a wound ripe for infection. Clans have changed its meaning, I'm grateful for that, but..." He was not clanborn. He did not have the luxury of a family or friends that secured his place in SkyClan, only his own merit. It was somewhat worrying to consider what would happen should he suddenly stop being so useful. 'By the Stars, you're not alone. He just said that.' "I guess for me, the meaning is still the same as it was all them moons ago."

Auburnflame talked more and if his heart had not already been pierced, he'd have feared that Auburnflame had landed several more attacks on it. He had gotten the point the first time around, he was just a friend and each concurrent mention left the tabby's regret growing heavier and heavier. He should've made it more obvious, perhaps let him know earlier so the unintentional rejection would not sting so badly. "I understand, I... think." His head still tilted somewhat, pushing his cheek fluff deeper and deeper into his shoulder as he tried to make sense of the warrior's fumbled words. Silversmoke couldn't tell if Auburnflame was messing up or if it was his own hearing, the words jumbling together like white noise as he tried to make sense of the new feelings within him. "I want the same of you, um, for you. For you to be happy. 'And if you are happier without me by your side, then so be it'. He could tell himself the feeling he felt was 'friendship'.... probably.

The idea disappeared faster than the odd-eyed tabby could even blink. A flash of fiery fur bopped his nose and a smile sweet as honey spread across the other's face and Silversmoke's mind went blank. All he could think about was how happy his friend looked, so full of radiance and life that Silversmoke had to wonder if an argument had even occurred. He offered his own smile, weary and suspicious until Auburnflame told him that he was forgiven. He looked away in relief but soon felt the calico bump his head against his cheek, the tom's pupils dilating in alarm. Instinct caused his paws to twitch, wanting to bat the stranger away, but he eased into it when he realised that it was no stranger at all. It was Auburnflame, sweet Auburnflame, whose naivety was both alarming and endearing in a world full of cynicism. Quiet purrs escaped the Lead Warrior as he allowed himself to enjoy the embrace, his words rolling off of his tongue without him thinking about them. "Thank you. I- I'm glad we could work this out."