
the ugly truth
Aug 22, 2022
Ashkit doesn't usually bully other kits, and on the rare occasion they deserved a little push-around, she would call it fair game instead of bullying. Payback, for something they'd done to wrong her. And often times, it wasn't physical, it was something like hiding a maggot in their food or telling a rumour about them. But this time, she was just... enticed to do something different. Granitekit was one of the bolder kits, and she'd seen him messing with some of her siblings. Good enough to register him in her book.

As he walked past (though she did intentionally idly stroll nearby), the tabby kit decided quickly. Kicking out her leg, she was hoping to stumble him, if not fully make him fall. Posed in her obvious crime, she said casually, "Oops. Sorry, just walking by."

Granitekit doesn't deserve the animosity all of Briarstar's spawn have for him - he firmly believes this. He's never done anything to them that they didn't deserve, and yet he's constantly plagued by all of them, even the grown members of her family. It's ridiculous - it's enough to make him hate ShadowClan!

The gray and white kit barely notices when Ashkit extends her little foreleg. Granitekit stumbles and goes sprawling, face first into the ground. He bites his tongue, just a bit, and tastes the coppery bitterness of his own blood.

Murderously, Granitekit pulls himself to his paws and finds Ashkit. "Oops. Sorry, just walking by." Blood trickles from his mouth as he spits, "Just because your mom's the leader and your dad's dead doesn't mean you can trip people for no reason, tadpole-brain!" The fur along his spine spikes. "Are you the stupid one? It's so hard to tell, you all have bogwater brains!"