private M-A-M-A B-O-Y &. bobbie


just for your love, give you the world
Jun 10, 2023

"hi, mama. I brought you some food."

he worries for her mote than he worries for anyone. he's always been a mama's boy, even when she didn't seem like she was always here. he never blamed her. he couldn't. she's been through so much and she did her best. she does her best. and he knows that. since he was young, all he's ever wanted was to take care of his mom. she means the world to him, and if he can return some of that love, protection, and comfort she gave to him when he was but a kit, then he will. he sits beside her and aims to gently start grooming her fur. it's a little messy but lupinesong taught him really good how to get all the tangles out. he often falls asleep when cleaning himself. it's a lot easier with someone else.

"maybe we can go on a walk, soon. would y-you like that? i-it might be good to stretch your legs a-and..."

he doesn't finish. he wants her to be okay. she's not, right now, and that hurts. nothing hurts more than seeing his mom so broken. but it's okay. he will fix her, he thinks, even if it takes the rest of his life.
Drowsynose . . . of all her children, the one that fussed the most over her, that had clung to her since kithood . . . a rarity and a privilege she knows damn well she doesn't deserve after the mothering she'd given them, and one she treasures. The tabby's never been one to pick favorites, and she doesn't now, but she has to admit it: among her kits, a number recently doubled, Drowsynose may very well be the sweetest. The direct contrast of Crowsight's turned cheek sharpens her appreciation of his brother's behavior, and Bobbie leans willingly into the touch as he settles besides her and starts working at the tangles in her fur that had once been well - attended to and beaten into retreat but are now a near - constant.

The tabby herself isn't aware of how rare that privilege is as she grants it, but she does so all the same, pawing the piece of fresh - kill Drowsynose has brought towards her. A tea - leaf eye rests on it with no small reluctance, the very sight of the thing turning in her belly like a dozing serpent . . . but one glance at Drowsynose's worried face cinches it, and she takes a reluctant mouthful. " It's great, love, thank you, " she murmurs when she's swallowed the bite, leaning to nose the smoky tom gently behind one ear. Having successfully choked down one mouthful of flesh, she manages a second, and then a third, and another, ears twitching in acknowledgement of her son's words all the while.

It's easier to not think about the meat roiling in her belly, undeserved and unwanted and wasted on her, when she's distracted . . . and so she tries to be, blinking an amicable sage eye in answer to his question. The way Drowsynose's hopeful voice flags, wavers, then drops off entirely makes it twist in her belly all over again, and managing another bite of prey is a struggle, but she tries. Just . . . just swallowing this stupid bite of prey so her son will stop worrying feels like possibly the hardest thing she's ever done; harder than crossing a river, than fighting through caves, than climbing a cliff, than fighting off dogs and eagles and rogues and Harrierstripe . . . but she tries, and despite her own instinct's refusal, she gets it down.

" I . . . I'd love that, " she finally rasps, tired eye searching her son's face, hoping the creases of worry will dissipate. They don't, and she sighs. " You worry too much, you know that? "

OOC : 😭😭😭

it's hard not to notice the way she struggles to eat. still he's... thankful she's so willing to try for him. he knows it cannot be easy, what she's going through. she has been through so much. unlike his mother who seems to be expressing her feelings, even if only a little bit, drowsynose has suppressed most of his. he cannot possibly deal with his own inner turmoil when he has so many cats to worry for. he has to make sure his siblings are okay. all of them. half-siblings. littermates. step-siblings. all of them. every last one. his mama needed him. falcongaze needed him. everyone would always come first because if they were happy, he could be happy, right? that's how that worked. it's how it always worked.

but his mom thinks different. his brows furrow in slight confusion when she tells him that he worries too much. is there really such a thing? probably. but it was easier to worry and fret and try and make his friends and family feel better than it was for him to be left alone with his thoughts.

"i-i don't think so..."

he admits, gently moving to help her to her paws, and brushing against her. he's never realized just how much bigger he is than he. he's bigger than a lot of cats. but he's grown so much more than his mama. what an odd realization. he rasps his tongue over her cheek to get a stray fur, before nodding ahead to the camp entrance and beginning to walk towards it.

"I've always wanted to... look out for you, mom. always will. it's the least I can do for you taking care of all of us. let me do this for you, okay? you need to be taken care of too."