astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


It was by sheer luck that Quill came across the scene that he had. While out patrolling along the river he'd spotted movement up ahead, and putting his stealth skills to work, he'd crept up to find a crow pecking at a large fish. He knew that typically his clan didn't eat the scaly things, but food was food, right? And besides, it looked freshly caught and big enough to feed at least one cat.

Keeping low the tom stalked forward, trying to use the birds distraction against it as he prepared to pounce. He wasn't sure just what alerted the thing, but somehow it managed to pick up on Quill presence just a moment before he made his move. As the thing burst skyward, leaving its catch behind, the chimera charged forward and leapt, swinging a heavy paw at the bird only to miss.

He landed with a huff, watching as the thing took off to land in a nearby tree, squawking down at him with a cackle like noise that had him frowning up at the thing. Was it laughing at him? He considered for a moment climbing up after it just to show it the trees were far from safe, but ultimately decided that stealing its food would be payback enough.

Only, when he turned to make his way back to the fish, something else was already standing there.

" That's mine." he informed the thing, which looked like the ugliest cat he'd ever seen, all narrow-snouted and oddly proportioned.

Quill had never seen a raccoon before, but here one was, standing over the fish and staring at him like a child caught with it's hand in the cookie jar. The two stood there in a silent standoff for a moment, and then the thing picked the fish up in its weird little hands and started running away on two legs.

The fur along his neck and back spiked up as he was hit with a case of the creeps, but he quickly shook it off and broke into a run after the thing. With a yowl he leapt and ricocheted off its side, causing it to stumble onto all fours with a snarl, turning to face him with its hackles raised, spitting angrily.

"I said that's mine!" the chimera growled, squaring off in front of the thing and puffing out his coat, meeting its display of aggression with one of his own.

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.
) Fish was something that Bearheart had once enjoyed on the regular thanks to his former twoleg owner. Though granted he was more used to the cooked variety over that of raw fish. But deep down his body still craved its unique flavour, and the good memories that lurked in the depths of his mind of better days. Flavours could unlock such things.

However it seemed as though there was a more pressing matter that needed addressing, and that was of the weird ass creature that Quillstrike was confronting. "What the heck is that?!" Bearheart blurted the words aloud as he found himself gawking at the raccoon, a creature he too had never encountered before. Still, as much as he would have loved standing there and staring endlessly he also knew that he had a clanmate to back up! The large tom moved to stand beside Quillstrike and he puffed himself up with a throaty growl. "I don't know what you are but you're gonna get fucked up in a second if you don't run!"
She watches from a distance with some amusement, as a crafty little critter creeps up on Quillstrike's prey while he chases off the crow who had claimed it first. Watching a raccoon move never got less interesting. However, she has to wonder - why was one out during the day? weren't they normally nocturnal? weird. Maybe this was the same one who had frequented the forest last newleaf. It's a shame she doesn't remember the markings too well. The deputy reveals herself as Quillstrike confronts the stripey predator, preparing to step in should things get out of paw - but a second booming voice makes her stifle a groan.

"That," she says disdainfully to Bearheart as he takes off to assist the young warrior, "is a raccoon. How do you not know what a raccoon is?" She could understand Quillstrike not knowing; he'd really only ever been out of camp when her favourite cat-adjacent creatures were less active. Bearheart, however, had been a kittypet prior to joining SkyClan. Surely he'd seen them around every so often?

"Quillstrike! Chase it to the river, they can swim but it'll use that as a way out. Try to get it to drop the fish first."

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

  • Love
Reactions: wolfie


Bearhearts sudden arrival was appreciated, mainly because Quill wasn't sure what the hell he was dealing with here. And while it didn't sound as if his clanmate did either, having some back-up was appreciated.

"I don't know what you are but you're gonna get fucked up in a second if you don't run!"

He felt the familiar surge of confidence that came when standing shoulder-to-shoulder with a clanmate against a common foe, and he tacked on a lame but very much meant, "Yeah!" of warning to go with Bearhearts threat of an asskicking.

A familiar voice from off to the side sends his gaze momentarily flashing toward Orangeblossom as she informs them of what they're dealing with. She doesn't look upset or unnerved by the site of the thing, simply barks an order that Quillstrike is quick to nod an affirmation to before he stalks forward, circling behind the raccoon so he can herd the direction it runs off in. It's beady eyes flick frantically between him and Bearheart, still chittering and hissing, hunched over the fish.

With a burst of speed he darted forward and sank his teeth into the fluffy striped tail of the thing, giving a hard yank and prompting the thing to snarl and whirl toward him with outstretched claws. He retaliated with a flash of his own though, fangs leaving their mark so that paws could rake out at the creatures face and head. It made a pained sound as his claws tore open their ear and caught the side of it's face, and it quickly backed off, reaching for the fish only for another heavy swipe to send it leaping away with an angry chattering noise.

"I said that's mine!" he growled, darting forward again and feeling a deep sense of satisfaction when the creature lept back from him, dropping the fish and bristling up, but not seeming keen on engaging in another tussel. Feeling more confident that this thing didn't actually want to fight him over the fish when there were other cats present, he charged toward it at a sprint and smirked as it turned to race toward the river.

He gave chase, wondering if Bearheart and Orangeblossom intended on joining him.

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.
) Raccoon? What the heck was a raccoon? Well, obviously that thing, but still! "Never seen one before..." He huffed in reply as he continued to arch his back so he could continue looking big before the strange beast. He filled the air with hisses and caterwauls to add to the intimidation level whilst Quillstrike did the needful in order to force the pest to give up the fish.

When the raccoon started to flee he decided to focus on grabbing the fish so it couldn't be lost again. He'd leave the fitter cats to deal with the chase to ensure that the raccoon left. All in all it had been a fairly successful team effort.