camp MAD HATTER &. a new friend


we were playing in the sand
Feb 27, 2023

a new friend. he needed a new friend. he didn't have enough friends to tell all of his silly stories to, so he needed more. his ears twitched back and forth as he looked over at the other queens with their kits. he momentarily thinks of his mom before standing up and tumbling out of the nursery. he skipped around the camp before gasping loudly and dramatically at what he saw. he slowed to a stop, lowering his head to the ground, keeping his hind end up, as he swayed his tail.

"hi! this one's name is raggedkit! do you have a name? what's your name?"

the stick he found didn't move. his nose twitched with a giggle as if he was truly waiting for a response. he was a bit of an airhead, but he did know sticks didn't actually talk.

"that's okay if you're shy! raggedkit can name you! hmm.. he thinks you should be called... stickkit! hehe!"

he stood up, grabbing the rather large ( certainly larger than the kit ) stick between his teeth, growling harmlessly as he dragged it closer to the nursery. he stopped, placing his new friend down, panting with a lash of his tail.

"hey guys, come meet raggedkit's new friend! this one would tell him to tell you a joke but his sense of humor is a little... stiff."

he covered his mouth with his paw to stiffle his own childish giggle. he sure was funny.

Change your mind

Crowkit had began to wonder what Raggedkit had gotten themselves into, her brown eyes following after the other as they stumbled out of the nursery, only to come back hollering into the den exlaiming he had a new friend and the kit was quick to jump onto their paws. Raggedkit made a friend?? How exciting, they were quick to rush out of the nursery only to realized that Raggedkit's new friend was a...well stick.

Crowkit chuckled figuring he was best to play along with Raggedkit's silly jokes as their tail swished a bit and looked at the other with a toothy grin "Ahh their jokes can't be that bad! Ask them to tell one! Go on! I wanna hear some" He exlaimed happily to the other while her eyes brightened with excitement, jokes!! Those were always fun.

Eeriepaw's attention has turned to watching the nursery more often, nowadays. Ever since the last incident with Raggedkit - and the other kits picking on him - the apprentice started to keep watch for any trouble given to the kid, ready to shoo them away if necessary.

Today, his attention is brought over to the kit by his own voice, a call to meet Raggedkit's new friend. Well, that was exciting, wasn't it? Raggedkit having a friend meant one less kid to pick on him, after all. Spindly limbs move to pad over to the child, and, much to his surprise, it's... not a kit.

Rather, a stick.

Eeriepaw can't be one to judge though, having his own friend in a bird skull that sits in his nest.

"Hello... new friend," he greets the stick, before settling - sitting with his tail wrapped around his paws. Raggedkit claims this stick has jokes and Crowkit asks to hear one. Eeriepaw'll have to listen too, he supposes.
maggotpaw | 04 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mediumpurple
Sometimes, the girl wonders if she is truly the only sane one around here. But... thats not necessarily a bad thing she supposes, watching the group with narrowed turquoise eyes. A sigh slips past her lips as she stretches, languidly weaving her way over with a lash of her plumed tail. "...your new friend looks... skinny," is her own attempt to join in - not quite making a joke, her words falling somewhere short of humor but close enough.