mad world — leisure walk


i wasn't strong enough
Feb 19, 2023
.a knife ? are you ———


——— flirting with me ?.
———————— ————————
THE BROWN TABBY SIGHED, HEAD TILTED TO STARE AT THE CANOPY OF TREES slimming until they barely dotted the landscape, welcoming the strange smells of the twolegs establishment he stumbled upon. He felt sore, but otherwise fine despite the mesh of scars that lay scattered across his muscular frame, new ones overlapping old ones. He shook his helm, bright yellow hues flickering to take in the sights with a curious hum, brushing past everything to head deeper, tail flickering as he went.

His bright yellow optics scanned the alleyway he found himself in, or rather, an alleyway that was nestled between two large houses, shading him from the rising sun. His skin prickled, staring over his shoulders, brows knitting in confusion.

Kavan shook his helm, blinking several times to clear his vision. Not helpful. He remarked, laughing lightly. “Suppose that’ll never fade, huh?” He sighed, shifting his stance, and relaxing further into his paw pads.

He ruffled his brown tabby coat, heading off once more, having already made two trips around while his mind swarmed with escape routes, unable to completely relax with being somewhere new and … well, alone. He hadn’t been alone in a long time, especially being with his brothers, but now … Kavan would have to get used to the silence and overwhelming thoughts he’d ignore with the soft chatter of his friends and family. “It’s fine. Nothin’, I can’t handle.” He muttered with a shake of his helm.

The brown tabby moved about in a carefree manner despite the heavy tension in his shoulders as he scanned the area with a critical hue, head cocked with a cheeky hum. I should find somewhere to rest for the night. He thought with a quirk of his lips, biting the inside of his cheek while mulling over potential places he scouted before the panic settled in. Damn, do I miss you guys. He chuckled, yellow optics softening at the thought of Mason, Keane, and Yuhwa despite the gaping hole in his heart after losing his brothers. He flinched, gaze down-turned. I’m sorry. He felt the need to apologize, to do something because he sure as hell felt awful for being the only one to survive. It felt wrong. He should have been the one too—Kavan muttered, shaking his helm. Stop it.

“Right. Find something to eat and then move on to finding a place to sleep.” He bobbed his head at that, bright yellow hues narrowing in determination.

thoughts speech