MAD WORLD ⸸ howlingstar

"...I'm sorry for intruding. No one else from my clan remained and I need help walking home." It was a simple apology and probably not necessary but Magpiepaw felt it worth saying nonetheless, Howlingstar seemed too kind to be bothered even if he was ShadowClan and his efforts on healing Stormpaw had certainly endeared him - not that he wouldn't have done it even if it hadn't. He'd decided a long time ago that he didn't care about the clans as seperate things, his support was to Starlingheart alone and any wounded cat was treated the same. The journey had only reaffirmed this decision, he was not ShadowClan's medicine cat there - he was Magpiepaw, the only cat who knew to mend wounds, to help the injured. None of them had hesitated to call for his help when needed and he had never hesitated to give it. It was a much simpler life than ShadowClan, where his stature did not spare him the mockery of some clanmates and the ire of others.
"...I'm glad Stormpaw will be alright." Unable to walk as she once did but, she would manage all the same. It was strange being here, among these cats who gave him only the faintest glance of curiousity and confusion before dismissing his presence; the lack of hostility surprised him.
His blue-violet gaze scans the tabby leader, she looked older than the last time he had seen her come to their camp to fetch the vagrant that had long since been cast out. The one who hurt Lichenpaw...the thought of Lichenpaw unsettles his stomach and he pushes it away. Instead, he focuses on something else, something he had wanted to say since realizing he might get to cross the forest leader's path again.
"He came for her, you know..." He starts, wistfully glancing off to the side - the first time he'd seen a StarClanner in their world and not in his dreams, "...he was a big gray tom with kind green eyes. StarClan can reach the mountains, far away as they were. I think they can reach even further." The medicine cat apprentice shifted his paws where he stood and offered a tentative smile, "I think if you can see stars they're there."


  • 71106748_sHwOMVBEMYvXzVS.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.

Howlingstar is mid-step, about to head to somewhere only StarClan knows. Her paws feel restless, like she cannot sit still knowing the tragedy that has befallen her deputy's daughter, the confirmed loss of her own daughter. But the words of the ShadowClan apprentice stop her and they earn a glance, curious but neutral. Her gaze softens at his apology and she shakes her head gently, mewing, "You are not intruding. You helped Stormpaw get home." After a moment's hesitation, she pivots to face him, tail sweeping at her heels.

She looks to the medicine den as he mentions the apprentice's name and she frowns softly. "At least she is alive," She says with a sigh, eyes shutting for a moment. She has never seen anything like this before; she doesn't know if Berryheart will be able to bring back the feeling in her legs. Will she be unable to walk for the rest of her life? StarClan, watch over her. "I have you to thank for that." She returns her attention to him, green eyes searching his blue.

When he speaks next, she feels her paws grow cold. Her heart trembles within her chest like a fluttering bird. "What did you just say?" She whispers, leaning forward with narrowed eyes. He continues, saying he had been a gray tom with kind green eyes and her breath catches in her throat. "You saw Gray Wolf." Tears begin to well in her eyes as she stares at him. "My mate. My kits' father."