pafp MADE FOR THE SKIES [spar]

ꕀꕀ Sandpaw has spent his entire life, it feels, lagging behind the other apprentices in every skill that matters. RiverClan’s struggles against rogues have made it crystal-clear what he should be focused on—and they highlight the exact ways that he has failed as an apprentice. No, as a RiverClanner. He may be good at fishing, at patrolling, but he has consistently failed at the only skill that matters—battle. There’s a reason his mentor left him behind while the rest of the clan went to fight off the rogues. There’s a reason weird, ugly Cicadapaw has beaten him easily every single time that they’ve sparred.

Today, his mentor has left him behind in camp, and the tan-patched tom lies where he’d landed after flopping onto his stomach in frustration. His forepaws rest in the water, gentle waves lapping at them. The river is calmer, for once, than he is; his chest feels like a raging storm has made itself at home inside. He feels angry, upset despite how hard he tries not to be. And he wants, more than anything, to take it out on someone who won’t beat him so badly he goes back to his nest with his fluffy tail between his legs. So when he sees a black and white pelt that doesn’t make him cringe—and mismatched eyes that aren’t beady and unsettling—when he glances around camp, he climbs to his paws quickly.

The other apprentice is much fairer than her brother, with a facial structure more like a cat than a skeleton with fur. Sandy paws carry him to her in a few carefully placed steps, and yellow eyes narrow when he speaks. "Beepaw, spar with me," he says, attempting to stand a bit taller, a bit more confident.

  • WHAT

I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — There's only one time that Beepaw had lacked training and knew absolutely nothing about battle, she thinks about how it could've been useful in her younger moons yet she doesn't linger on what ifs. She focuses on the now where she's more capable of defending herself and those that she cared for, Bee emerges from the apprentice's den with her feathery tail sweeping behind her and makes her way to the freshkill pile but her trip is interrupted. Her eyes focus on the sandy pelt of the other apprentice with her expression unreadable as she remembers the first time Cicadapaw had "sparred" with Sandpaw. She can faintly remember the soft coo of her late father's voice, the seething anger both her brother and father had shared that day, and nosy Pikesplash that had gotten the tail end of the trout that day.

Beepaw never refused a spar unless it's Moonpaw since she still remembers hurting the other apprentice on accident that one time they had been put against each other by their mentors. "Very well," The smoke speaks in a cool yet blunt voice as her tail lashes behind her carefully wondering if Sandpaw had only asked her so he needn't seek out her brother. Regardless, she'd be a fool if she refused this and she doubts that it'll bother Cicadapaw in the slightest or that's what she assumes anyways. Her mismatched gaze watching carefully as Sandpaw attempts to stand taller and come off as more confident, Bee stifles an amused snort as she lifts a snowy capped paw to hide her maw briefly. A curt nod given in his direction as she mews calmly "You may have the first move."


  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    10 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Brookstorm has no true intention to watch the apprentices spar. She would admit, maybe, that she is a bit curious; after all, they both used to be denmates of hers. But outside of that, she hardly truly knows either of them. She knows so little as to how their apprenticeships have progressed, their hobbies and skills; at most, they're just... apprentices to her.

The she-cat is merely taking a break and eating something when Sandpaw suddenly approaches Beepaw. They're stood in her view, and she supposes as she swallows another bite that she may as well watch. She doubts that Smokestar will give her an apprentice soon (though, the nursery is so full of kittens, that maybe she shouldn't be so uncertain,) but maybe watching a couple could give her some tips on how to handle one.

"Who do you think will do better?" she asks the nearest warrior, absentmindedly. There's no real 'winning' in a spar, not between apprentices who are still learning. But they both surely have retained enough training to have different means to an end, and surely will learn something from one another.​

Curiosity bubbled within Moonpaw as she watched Sandpaw approach Beepaw, ears pricked as eyes followed the two before the invitation to spar reached her. Moving closer to soon-to-be spar the lone healer would watch the two with interest, ready to jump in if necessary though she trusted the two to at least try and be civil and not unsheathe claws - not on purpose anyway. More than anything, though she wouldn't want to admit it, she wanted to learn little things if she could, hope that she would be able to retain how to defend herself better if it came to it - though StarClan forbid it would come to it again.

"I think it'll be pretty close," Quietly she'd answer Brookstorm, eyes flicking to the other for a moment before they moved back to the two younger apprentices before her. They'd both been trained well by their mentors, and had been training long enough to be close to becoming warriors themselves so though their names still ended in -paw, it was likely to be more closely watched as a spar between two warriors. Despite this, she'd silently root for Beepaw, for her friend, and she'd watch the other closely to see what moves she'd do to deflect from whatever Sandpaw threw at her first.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    11 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed