private made my steps towards the shore - lichentail

Lichentail is not a cat he's talked much with. The only other time he would say he'd interacted with them was when it came to the fox attack. Pikesplash himself is unsure how they ended up alone. He's swimming around while Lichentail remains on land and it hits him. Does Lichen hate water? He tilts his head as he stares at Lichentail. Hating water and living in Riverclan would be an unfortunate choice considering this was... Riverclan. They were known for swimming and hate to break it to you, there was water. You were gonna get wet.

He finds himself looking back at their run in with a fox. Both he and Lichen didn't rush into battle like Aspenhaze and Petalnose. For once it felt nice to fight with someone who approached battle similarly. I want to become stronger. I don't want to worry anyone, but I don't know how to fight. Not like everyone else. Sighing, he started paddling towards Lichentail. As he approaches, he meows, "Hey Lichen!" Maybe it's too friendly, considering they don't know each other too well. Unfortunately, he didn't think of that when he called out to them.

When he does end up in front of Lichen, still in the water, his lips curl upward. "Do you want to train with me? O-or! Would you like to have some fun?" This is going to be a little awkward if they decide to leave. ACTUALLY! I think them walking away is much nicer than them saying no and staying close by. Nevertheless, he waits for Lichentail to confirm or deny his request. The only thing that changes is his smile becomes more sheepish as time ticks away.

// @lichentail
Tapping their tail in anticipation as they sat in wait-mode at the shoreside, Lichen eventually had stared so far off into space they weren't sure they'd come back. The tail tapping became one of idle waiting to that of a passive tune, a forgotten melody form ages past they'd hummed along to get the sun to move faster. Hmmm... hmm hmm hmm.. hmmm..... The sun was warm on their back which made it hard not to crave the wet sensation of a cooling swim but the way their fur clung to their body afterward was unsightly and uncomfortable...

"Hey Lichen!"

A small purr of acknowledgement came in reply, tilting their head slightly as the world came back into view. Pikesplash had something to say, huh? They coul tell by the small smile on his face that he had come up with some delightful scheme under the guise of an offer to train. That word and being this close to the river definitely meant something more sinister. Glancing back at the sun as if contemplating their life choices for a brief moment, the blue point finally conceded.

"I assume you have something in mind then? Alright... alright..." Better to break the tension now... Wading a small ways into the cold... wet... damp.... cold... river..... Lichentail stood not even deep enough for their belly fur to be drenched if only to prove they could go in and not drown but not quite committed to being soaking wet yet.

"What's the fun option? Is that part of the training?"
Is something wrong? He tilts his head when Lichentail apprehensively stands in the water. It's strange. He doesn't respond to her first question, preoccupied about Lichentail's demeanor. Of course he's not going to mention it or ask because he has a feeling that Lichentail would simply walk away from him or the mood would sour horribly. Anyhow, he decides it would be best to swim up to her. Water is dripping from his pelt, the sudden chill from the wind and the warmth of the sun hit him. He can't help but shiver from the temperature changes.

"The fun part is splashing each other! If... You want? I mean it's not really training, but we work hard so I thought it would be nice if we just messed around?" Options, options, options. Which would Lichen take? I'm not sure. I dunno what's the deal with water, but I think we could still have fun around the shore? I'm not boring her, am I? From what he made it out to be, it seemed like they were going to do something serious or some mischief. Maybe she was simply wary because they didn't know each other too well.

There were too many possibilities and he was never going to arrive at the correct conclusion. Instead he decides to lift his paw and flick it against water away from her. Water is sprayed away from them, "Or we could see who could splash water the farthest? I know the water can be... Cold, so I get not wanting to get wet and be damp for most of the day. If you have something else in mind, that's more than cool! I don't mind doing something else, I really just wanted to hang out with you."
They watch with a tempered gaze as Pikesplash comes closer to shore, eyes skimming over the sheer amount of water that pours off of him in rivulets as more of his fur becomes exposed to the sun's insistent rays. How can cats carry so much water on them... their coats were meant to resist so much of it... yet still it insisted upon itself and crowded around the body like a needy child. They'd missed half of what he was talking about at first in their idle staring...

"-we work hard so I thought it would be nice if we just messed around?"

A small nod of agreement. They did work hard... It was kinda all they knew how to do in order to feel like they were contributing. They had to be good enough to be here, in the clan. A moment wasted was a moment someone else was worth more, had earned their right to be here... someone that deserved the comfort and safety of friends on all sides.

He flicked some water in a demonstration of what tomfoolery they could get up to, a reminder of times where Lichentail had made fun of their twin for faer inability to properly swim. A smile crept onto their face at the thought and with a small exhale to steel their nerves, the blue point nodded again, more earnestly this time. "You're on, Pikesplash." A proper declaration of the legendary splash battle to come.

Wading a bit further out still, Lichen could feel the gentle tug of the river at their paws... the way it chilled their belly fur in a most unpleasant fashion... but it was nice to escape some of the stinging heat at their back. Turning to glance back with a mischievous grin, they goaded him, "Better hope you live up to that name of yours, huh?"
Had he been a dog this would be the moment he believed where he would be wagging his tail at Lichen's approval. Sadly, he was not a canine counterpart and would instead be beaming from ear to ear. In order to make this fair, he started treading opposite of her, the cool waters slightly unpleasant. The worst part about swimming was not the swimming aspect itself. The worst part he would say above all else was actually getting into the water. Especially during leaf-bare. It was not uncommon in parts where the river was unfrozen for cats to experience shock when going into the water. The river was naturally cold, but leaf-bare made that ten times worse. In all, the river was harsh.

Thank Starclan they were not going to be completely in the water or it was leaf-bare. AND NOW IT BEGINS, A WORTHY OPPONENT! Childish indeed, but let him live and have his own fun. Yes, that even means his internal monologues. At the mention of his name he gasped, pretending to be offended. "Oh, you're so on Lichen!" The reality is that he was not named over his splashing abilities per se, but that was neither here or there. Besides who wanted name history moments right now? This was clearly fun times, not lame explanations that could be saved for another time!

Lichen's goading only served to make him more excited, so much so he couldn't help himself from smirking when he got up on his hind legs and quickly slammed his front paws against the water, attempting to shower Lichentail in water. Regardless of whether or not he managed to wet her, he would be purring with laughter. In truth, he didn't actually care if he won or lost. All he cared about was both of them having fun and letting loose from the usual warrior duties. "Show me whatcha got Lichen! Bet you can't do that!" Oh, to goad another. This was shaping out to be a wonderful day.
Pikesplash's eager journey back into the water just a little deeper was an amusement in and of itself. The child-like wonder and energy that he expressed now was unfamiliar to her... though... she supposed her own willingness participate was equally strange for the tom standing a small distance away. They were both a bit reclusive in nature at least, focusing on work and contribution and worth and dedication and...

They were never stopped did they? Tilting her head at her own thoughts, Lichentail found this a perplexing moment to have such personal realizations. Didn't her parents say something a long time ago about understanding more when you were older? She had assumed that just meant adulthood and you were all wrapped up but... she was well past that point now and still unraveling quirks and oddities in herself; some of that she had to thank RiverClan for. Being surrounded by others all the time forced these social situations that implored her to be... different.

A horrifying prospect really, knowing that those kind of 'differents' could be the ones others didn't like. It still afforded her some friends though, if this silly battle was any indication of that. Crouching slightly as he exclaimed his baited words, the molly couldn't help but let out a growling laugh. The spray he wielded was far more distanced than she had anticipated and with the weight of the water around her feet, dexterity was limited. It was a true test of her skills given that she spent the majority of combat dodging rather than fighting. Ducking away, the pull of the river dragged her feet most unfortunately and with a small cry of surprise, found herself absolutely doused in mere seconds.

Standing in the water with her fur wielding a threatening amount of liquid on its own, the warrior just kind of stood for a second, dripping as the water returned to its home slowly.... Raising a paw to flick the water off it, as if that would save her from the drenching already well recieved, the molly couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"You're going to regret that," she warned, drawing her legs in closer before pressing forward with as much force as possible, sending a deluge of water at Pikesplash's general location (it was hard to see past the fur in her eyes).
( tags ) Maybe he shouldn't be so proud of himself for making Lichentail look like a drowned rat with the amount of water he sprayed her with, but paired with the moment of silence. He found himself laughing just as hard as her. At her remark, he grinned ear to ear and watched her prepare her counter attack. Now, he could've dodged it. But where's the fun in that?! Part of him thought Lichentail could see fairly well, so he did what was he about to do partly for her. The other half was for him because he didn't actually care if he got drenched in water. He'd only care if he got sick after this and even then he wouldn't regret this. Maybe a little because Ravenpaw and Beesong would have to use some herbs and medicine cat things to help me when I could've been more careful. Hmm... THAT'S FUTURE PIKES ISSUE!

As soon as he saw he start drawing her legs closer, he rushed forward. A soon as she send a deluge of water at him he jumped, maw agape, laughter being turning into a gargle as the amount of water and the force caused him submerge entirely. Perhaps Lichentail would only really see a bit of his fur moving close to her and then hear him gargle followed by a loud splash. While he was submerged underwater he was not panicking but his lungs did hurt from the water that entered them. Of course, his bodies natural reaction was to spit out the water and demand air. He flailed around before his head burst from depths.

Pike began coughing out the water and laughing all the same. It took him a moment to recover before he smiled at Lichentail, "You got me good!" Did he make it easier? Yes, but this was just a moment for them to goof off. Who said he couldn't be a clown during this? A certain idea was planted in his mind. "BUT DON'T THINK IT'S OVER YET!" Without any warning he suddenly rushed towards Lichentail, his speed increasing as he got closer to the shore. However, he suddenly threw himself in front of her, in an attempt to soak her even more. It was probably amusing to see him run at her and then just launch his drenched body about a tail length away from her.
Soon the two playing around became a large cacophony of noise, shrills cries of joy and bellowing laughs of amusement. It was a sound RiverClan hadn't had much of lately. The carefree attitude that so many had been forced to tuck away in an indeterminate permanence. As much as she would loathe to spend the time grooming her fur back to normalcy and despite how much she hated the chill that radiated to her bones once thorough drenched in water, this felt worth it.

It was a weight lifted, even if only for a moment.

The sound of an exasperated breath, squealing laughter, and a worrisome gurgling let her know she'd succeeded in her half-blind attempt to strike back. Pikesplash would not get out of this unscathed by the treacherous water that bound them both to this clan.

Shaking out her coat into a messy array of wildly displayed hairs, the molly's grin never faltered as he declared himself a victim of her merciless attack. Watching him hare off like a coward towards the shores, she opened her maw to protest him cheating but soon it to be a trap.

As if a fish himself, he practically leaped back into the water, sending up a spray that could only be rivaled by a far larger cat than him attempting the same stunt. Sputtering to get the water out of her mouth, Lichentail could only laugh as she found herself cursed with the hiccups from the awkward inhale.

"Pikesp-hicc-lash you are a -hiccup- menace!" Lunging at him to tackle him into the shallow depths, Lichentail offered another battle cry, "I'll take you down with me!"
( tags ) Paws scrambled to rise to their feet, and it seems like he wouldn't be left standing for long. At being called a menace he couldn't help but smirk, a small twinge of pride blooming at receiving such a title from her. The advantages of having short fur was that he was able to see her easily. However, he made no move to dodge her attack. If anything, he shifted his paws so that he would fall without her worrying that he would hit his head roughly. Playing along with her battle cry he yowled, "ACK! NOOOOOOO~" A loud splash resounded when the pair fell. As soon as his back hit the ground, he couldn't stop himself from laughing. He might have lost the battle, but he definitely won the war. They didn't train today per se, but this felt in a way like training. Very serious training where they were viciously attacking each other definitely.

Eventually his laughter dies down and he looks up at Lichentail on top of him. "Hehe, I lost!" It doesn't sound at all like he is genuinely saddened by the result. He's beaming from ear to ear and makes no move to get up. Instead he closes his eyes for a moment and leans his head further into the water, finding the gentle waves pleasant after a game. I kinda want to lay here for awhile. After a few seconds his gaze meets Lichen's, "Did you have fun?"

The question isn't meant to force her into answering a certain way. If she didn't experience as much joy he would find it strange considering it felt like she enjoyed herself, but he wouldn't press her. His goal was to make her comfortable and by extension let her relax. He was sure the both of them were content in their own ways, yet he wanted to make sure this was something she like so they could do it again sometime.
The impact lit a fire of victory in her chest, tackling the slippery tom into the shallow waters with a gentleness reserved only for friends. His loud (albeit dramatized) shout of defeat only proved to amuse her more, forcing a half-purred laugh to escape her. This was nothing more than a big joke... and they were both the fools. It was a certainty between the two of them that the only real losers where any poor sop that had to witness the childish antics of what should've been 'well-behaved' adults. Warriors behaving like children.

StarClan owed that break to them, she thought briefly, to be able to afford to play around and just live.

Landing on top of him like falling into a firm bed of cattails, Lichentail folded her paws neatly on his chest as if posing for her success. A great conqueror and hero of RiverClan, she had disarmed the enemy spy and successfully taken him down. Eyes winking shut as a cheesy smile sat on her face, the blue point paused to just listen to the world go by around them, completely unbothered by the silly antics they'd devolved into. The river trickled by so gently... The sun felt comforting where it struck the damp fur on her spine.

It was just another day. The river was flowing and they had been blessed with a beautiful day.

The giggling confession to his title as the loser brought pale eyes back into view, peering down at Pikesplah's wicked smile as she twitched her whiskers in a display of enjoyment. "You lost," she confirmed, voice a mockery of someone more solemn or sincere. Scrunching up her nose at this question, the molly shifted slightly to free him from where he had otherwise been pinned, "I will admit, it was a exhilarating battle."

Drawing a paw over an ear at an attempted to seem less excitable, the molly let out a small breath, "I guess it'd only be fair if I allowed you a chance to earn your honor back sometime..." Dragging over a mischievous glance, Lichentail offered a teasing taunt, "Unless you're worried you'll lose twice?"