camp made of clay, that's worn ☀︎ cleaning

The days were an odd haze lately, he felt as though he was lucid dreaming at times; unable to focus as though the mist of the morning was filling the inside of his head. Sunfreckle was often known for daydreaming, but lately it was hard to break out of it-to stay sharp and oriented on his tasks, to not waver in reply. Words often seemed muffled, he found himself asking clanmates to repeat themselves again and again and fretted over being a bother for doing so, but thankfully most were happy to accomodate him. ThunderClan was his home of homes, he could see no other place for him but an odd sense of wanderlust had struck him in his feverent haze and he felt the urge to roam like an itch along his back.

He raised his paw to his mouth, swallowing hard. For whatever reason, that sparrow had not agreed with him and he wondered if maybe it had gone bad. It was his own fault for not checking really, but the freshkill pile had not given him any reason to think nothing on there was fresh; the scent was fine. The red tabby picked up the remains, stomach lurching as he rose to stand and carry them off to the edge of camp into the pile that would be cleared out at the end of the day and decided that perhaps checking the pile to be safe wouldn't hurt. It could be just his was an issue, it could also be he was imagining things and had an upset belly for an entirely different reason. Regardless Sunfreckle was pawing through the pile, sorting the freshly caught prey from what had been there for only a day and then tentatively sniffing each to gauge freshness. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, though the scent of food was making him strangely dizzy in a way he hadn't felt in such a long time. Sunfreckle sighed, sitting back on his haunches and carefully continuing his task of poking and prodding every little mammal and bird before him despite the unease swelling at the back of his mind. Couldn't be. Could it. No, of course not.
He shook his head, striped pelt shaking with him as he did so.

Rabbitnose hated the warmer months. They always made things so unbearable. Sure, the forest always springs back to life in the spring and feeds them throughout summer, but did it have to be so hot? The mere thought of summer itself filled him with exhaustion. It was the only time Rabbitnose ever willingly considered swimming, even though he couldn't swim. He was no stranger to how the heat could ruin your appetite, either.

Which was why Sunfreckle's behavior wasn't lost on Rabbitnose. Was the weather bothering him? Was he sick? Was he not feeling well?? It's possible, he figured. He watched his mate discard the bird he had been eating and continue poking around the fresh kill pile as if to inspect it. Did he eat something bad? Rabbitnose hopped over to inspect the pile with him.

"Are you okay, love? Was there something bad in the pile?" He asked, brushing up against him.
( ) Was there something bad in the pile?

Her ears would perk up, and she would lift her gaze. Sunfreckle was back at the fresh kill pile, Rabbitnose at his side. Hadn't Sun been eating a sparrow earlier? Her gaze would narrow in concern, and she would quickly finish off the mouse that she had been eating. The warrior rose to her paws and padded over to join the pair by the pile. "Everything alright?" she asked softly, glancing at Sunfreckle who looked quite off today.

She leaned forward, moving her nose towards the pile. She smelled a mouse, and then a small bird...everything smelled good to her. "You took a sparrow earlier right? I just caught that this morning...I swear it seemed fine...Maybe my nose is off?"

A purr rose from him in reply to Rabbitnose' presence suddenly at his side and he leaned into his mate with a soft smile, a paw still resting on a vole he had pulled from the heap to inspect. The question gave him pause, he supposed him not finishing a meal had been rather noticable. Not to call himself out, but Sunfreckle liked food and it took a lot to sustain a cat his size; he easily dwarfed most his clanmates and prey had been plentiful so he was allowed to indulge more heartily than leafbare. Him not eating was noteworthy in itself.
"I...don't know actually. I thought so but maybe I was wrong. I thought I'd check the pile anyways to be safe and-" A warm glow of fur emerged to his other side and he grinned in silent greeting to Flamewhisker arriving onto the scene, her words only confirmed he was either imagining things or something else was wrong. Sunfreckle closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, he wasn't a naive and foolish new warrior anymore and he certainly didn't have the time to waste convincing himself of things he knew to be true. He was much more sensible than that and frankly...part of him knew regardless and he was only fooling himself with this 'bad prey' business. A paw slid forward, pushing the vole back into the pile and he opened his eyes to exhale his held breath in a heavy and lengthy sigh.
"...I'm having kits again I think." Normally, this would be a time of celebration, he loved kits, he loved his kits-his family meant the world to him. But all he can think about is being stuck back in that nursery and it filled him with an immediate sensation of dread and unease. It had taken so long to get himself back in shape since the last litter. His hunting had improved, he'd fought in a skirmish, he can only imagine how soft and useless he'd end up a second time.




♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡
Prickleflower had been idly laying nearby, eating a petite mouse. Her ears were angled just right so she could eavesdrop on the cats gathered at the fresh-kill pile. At first it all seemed very mundane… someone ate something bad, Sunfreckle was probably about to be escorted to Berryheart. Until all of the sudden Sunfreckle announces, “…I’m having kits again I think.”

A metallic taste of bitterness swells up in her mouth, her tail bristles but she quickly lays it flat. Instead of joy for her clan-mate she feels unadulterated jealousy and rage. Some days it felt like everyone but her got to become a queen, sometimes even twice over, like in Sunfreckle’s case! It felt childish, Prickleflower knew her feelings were childish, but she feels them anyway.

She isn’t sure what propels her to, what her motive is, but she bounds over to the Tom. A smile that’s only known to be faux by its bearer shines. ”Did I hear that right? You’re to have kits?” She inquires with a cooing purr.
Raccoonstripe supposes ThunderClan-born kits are a reason to celebrate, but he notes that Sunfreckle is looking almost dismayed with his revelation. He would much rather two strong warriors bring children into the Clan than the refuse they keep picking up and giving to the queens, but it's hard to be happy when Sunfreckle looks like that.

"Not looking forward to round two, are you?" He asks with sympathy. He glances at Flamewhisker, who'd left the nursery not too long ago herself, and Prickleflower, who only questions if she'd heard right. He remembers the dark-pelted she-cat is childless still.

"I wouldn't want to be stuck in a den for five months, for sure," he concedes. "But your first kits are... good... apprentices." At least they're forest-born and act like it. He can say that at least. All three of them are different degrees of feral.


Did he hear him right???? Was he just hearing things? Sunfreckle was possibly having kits again?

Rabbitnose felt his heart swell with excitement and nearly bursting with love. His eyes widened and sparkled and his expression brightened so much the sun was nothing in comparison.

"You're pregnant...!?" He managed, his voice high with joy.

Sunfreckle might not be as excited, but that was okay. Rabbitnose would be excited enough for both of them. He loved his family with his whole heart and to hear it was going to grow filled him with joy.

"That's wonderful!!" He nuzzled into Sunfreckle's neck.

It was then, however, the memory of Dovekit hit him. How she was so sickly, and how she died so suddenly. Would it happen again? Would they watch another child die, right in their arms again?

Would they have to say goodbye so soon after saying hello?

The thought tanked his mood, and he was glad his face was buried in Sunfreckle's fluff for the moment. He was scared, but only briefly.

When he pulled his face away he was calmer, still having an adoring smile. The seasons were warmer now. Everything should be fine.

Raccoonstripe has a point, as he listened. Sunfreckle nearly went insane in that nursery.

"I can watch the kits more so you can stretch your legs more often.." he suggested. Sure he couldn't nurse, but kits could always use someone willing to get beaten up, right??

He couldn't help but grin when Raccoonstripe mentioned his current children. They were all strange little creatures, probably got it from his genes.

"I hear they're doing well, I'm proud of them." He said. They grew up so fast.... It won't be long until they're warriors.

What?. Sunfreckle was pregnant?. Shallowpaw didn't want to believe it. What a bad timing too for his mentor to be expecting another litter. First the incident with Sunnyday and now he was gonna lose his mentor too because that is what it meant, didn't it?. Sunfreckle couldn't continue to train him if they were gonna end up in the nursery again. Shallowpaw had have enough of sudden and drastic changes in his life lately and the last thing he really wanted right now was to get a new mentor. " Can't you tell the kits to wait?." He wasn't naive enough to not understand that two cats were needed for kits to get born into this world but beside that he couldn't say he had much knowledge in this field. How the whole process worked afterwards. Maybe there was a way to pause this whole pregnancy at least until he become a warrior...he didn't even care that he was being selfish about it. Sunfreckle already had kits why would he want to have more for?.

Shallowpaw's attention drifted over to Rabbitnose watching how delighted that warrior was over the news. His eyes suddenly grow darker realising who the true culprit was behind all of this. So he started to give them that well traced creepy stare which he always had been known for. He would stare right into their own back sending vibes of someone watching them like an hawk. It was all their fault he decided. The one to blame was Rabbitnose himself.

  • Haha
Reactions: Flamestar and Blobl
( ) "...I'm having kits again I think."

Her eyes widened at his words. A wave of excitement washed over her, but it was quickly replaced with sympathy. Rabbitnose was undeniably ecstatic about the news, but there was no hiding how Sunfreckle felt. She was excited about her best friends having more kits running around, but she also knew how stressful it was. It wasn't too long ago that Sunfreckle had returned to his warrior duties, just like her. She couldn't imagine having to go back in the nursery for moons, being tied down and forced to stay in the camp. She loved her kits to death, she didn't want to repeat those five moons again any time soon.

She thought about Lilykit and Butterflykit, her heart stinging for a moment. Even though kits were rewarding, there were many scary things about it. Sunfreckle and Rabbitnose had lost Dovekit too...she sent a silent prayer to Starclan that they wouldn't loose another kit...that was a pain she didn't wish upon anyone.

The tabby would take a step forward and touch Sunfreckle's shoulder with her nose, before taking a step back. "That's wonderful news...When they are here, I would love to babysit for you so you can have some away time, don't hesitate to ask." Her gaze was excited, but there was a warmth of unspoken understanding that she hoped he would pick up on.

Shallowpaw's voice was next, "Can't you tell the kits to wait?" She swallowed back the giggle that begged to come out. That was certainly not how kits worked...but she knew that Shallowpaw had a lot going on right now between Sunnyday's antics, and now loosing his mentor..."That isn't how it works hun...Don't worry, you'll still have Sunfreckle for awhile, and then Howlingstar will find you a great mentor to step in."
She trots into camp alongside @Silverlightning , a mouse dangling from her teeth by its tail. With a mrrp of pleasure, she greets both of her fathers, depositing her catch into the fresh-kill pile Sunfreckle is pawing through. "Hi!" Her greeting is chirpy and bright. She'd had a successful hunt, and so her mood is sky-high. All of her boasting is paying off! (Or maybe it's because she's been paying more attention to Silverlightning...)

But there's something clearly amiss. Shallowpaw says something about kits, and she gives Rabbitnose a questioning look. "Kits? What is he talking about?" Her first thought is Flamewhisker, but, no, she'd surely know if that were the case... and Prickleflower would already be in the nursery, no doubt, she's so ready to have them!

Her brilliant green eyes fasten onto Sunfreckle. Her other father looks almost defeated by the news, heavy with the knowledge of what's to come. And yet, Mousepaw's sympathy evaporates like rain in a hot climate. The other cats fade away, background noise, as she zeroes in on Sunfreckle.

"You're having kits?" Her voice goes from chirpy to shrill, high-pitched with disbelief and hurt. She turns an accusing glare on Rabbitnose. "Are we not enough for you anymore? Is that what it is?"

Childish tears prick at the corners of her eyes. She whirls back to Sunfreckle, knowing she's being unfair but unable to contain her pain, her jealousy. She's felt so distant from her kin since becoming an apprentice, and the rifts have only widened with a series of events. And now, now she's going to lose them again, this time maybe for good as they doted on smaller, cuter children.

"They won't replace Dovekit or Mossypaw, you know! You can't, no matter how hard you try!" She sniffles and wipes at her eyes with her cream-colored forepaw. With dramatic flair, she flounces around and tears back towards the gorse tunnel, unwilling to be around either of her parents a moment longer.

// out :,)


"Yes, I think." Prickleflower's question is answered with a surprised flinch but soft smile to her presence suddenly there at his side. As Rabbitnose processes the information slowly he offers Raccoonstripe a shrug and a laugh, "They're energetic for sure!" His kits were fine apprentices, a little wild but then again the other lead warrior had been given the wildest of them all so he was not one to judge. "Perhaps you can have one of the next ones, Raccoonstripe? You did so well with your last one~" It was a tease and a threat, once he figured out which of the new kits was the biggest loud mouth he'd place them with the dark striped warrior to teach them both a lesson in humility and for all his abrasiveness the tom was a good warrior; a good cat.
His mate finally mentally catches up, excited as he expected and more thrilled than even Sunfreckle who only bumps his head into his in an affectionate gesture, "Thankfully I'll have Wrenflutter for company." A nursery queen to help, his time with his first litter had only been mitigated by Little Wolf's presence, it was that last moon of idleness that nearly drove him mad.
Out of the corner of his green eyes he catches Shallowpaw approach, a look he can't identify sent to his mate before the young tom asks if he can just 'wait'. Thankfully Flamewhisker answers as he's too distracted laughing, though it was all in good humor.
"Oh, if only I could tell them to wait. I'd be happy to." The red tabby rolled his shoulders. "I don't mean to say I'm not glad for them. They'll be loved, like my last, I am just you know..." Sunfreckle smiles awkward, tries not to be so bothered as he explains, "...not looking forward to the idleness, but I'll manage. I did before." This litter better know how to behave because if even a single one looked at the edge of camp he'd lock them in the nursery.

His daughter arrives and he turns with a smile, preparing to tell her the good news only for her to quickly surmise it herself and in moments works herself into a frenzy. "Mousepaw-" She's already run off before he could process her tearful outburst, it was true that since becoming apprentices he spent less time with his kits but that was because their mentors were teaching them now and while he loved them he could not come between them and their training to be future warriors. Sunfreckle inhaled slowly, his daughter had always been on the fiesty side-taking Rabbitnose' energy and turning it into something slightly destructive at times but she was a good kit still even with her occasional lapses in judgement due to being upset. He'd give her a moment and then go speak to her, not wanting to poke at the fire while it was still raging; let her douse it herself some.
"...I had wanted to wait...until they were warriors but..." Things happened. Life happened. To even consider the idea he was replacing anyone was heartbreaking, they were irreplacable. Nothing on this earth could ever replace the kits he'd lost and in time he knew the tortie would understand.

  • Crying
Reactions: Marquette



♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡
Feline’s rejoice and gather with the dark tabby, their directions pointed at the expected Tom. Eyes glitter with excitement, but Shallowpaw and Mousepaw seemed blatantly less so. The elder apprentice is spared from her scorn, but Mousepaw is given a glare as she departs for the gorse tunnel, tears shining in her eyes.

She gives Sunfreckle a stern look, ”She will get over it. Kits are always a blessing for ThunderClan. By the time leaf-bare rolls around we will need the extra paws.” Her words are straightforward and lacking sympathy for why Mousepaw feels the way she does. Prickleflower believed if she wanted to pout like a spoiled kit then she could, alone.



👾 👾 👾 👾 👾
Ragwortpaw is overjoyed at the news of more kits, she couldn’t help but eavesdrop from afar when she heard the commotion. The blue apprentice doesn’t hide the fact she doesn’t know in the slightest as she’s grinning ear to ear, her hidden eyes sparkling. Until… Mousepaw.

Her friend was angry, tears glitter her eyes and after yowling at Sunfreckle she turns and heads for the gorse tunnel. Ragwortpaw wearily steps around Prickleflower, fearful of getting whacked, and glances at the bright furred lead warrior. ”I will try talking to her.” She promises before walking away, only to abruptly stop in her tracks, ”Oh um uh- congratulations!!” Then she bounds in the direction of the gorse, attempting to track down her calico den-mate.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
There is the faintest sparkle of pride resonating deep within his gunmetal gaze as he walks alongside his apprentice. Her training has improved greatly, and it would only be a matter of time before she was a wonderful addition to thunderclan's group of warriors. Silverlightning lowers his head to deposit his own catch into the pile as Mousepaw branches off to mingle with her family. However, the cheerful voice that colored her vocals plummeted into something shrill. Lifting his head he catches the dismay written across her features, visibly upset over the idea of new life coming into the world. Silver's attention flickers between the pair wordlessly just before the pale tortoiseshell zips off. A gentle sigh falls from his maw. What a delicate situation. He takes a step forward, allowing his gaze to linger on the lead warrior for a moment longer before opting to trail after Mousepaw.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road
She is late to the conversation, an upset Mousepaw zooming past her as she escapes the stares of her clanmates after her outburst. Howlingstar pauses in her steps to look over her shoulder, gaze clouding with worry. But seeing Silverlightning go after his apprentice brings her some comfort; she offers him a small nod in understanding before putting a smile back on her face. This is good news, and she'd make sure she shows it.

"Did I hear kits?" She trills softly, excitement gleaming in her eyes as she approaches with a ducked head and gleeful smile. Not just any kits - a lead warrior's kits. "Congratulations, Sunfreckle," Howlingstar purrs, moving to bump her head affectionately against her trusted friend's. She is sure to look to Rabbitnose afterwards and offer him an equally large smile, "And to you, Rabbitnose. This litter will be a blessing for ThunderClan!" Returning her attention to the fiery-furred tom, she lifts a paw and gestures it vaguely. "You'll be sure to see Berryheart?"