private Made their claim [Strawpaw]

Today had been a good day, Badgermoon felt: he'd actually caught something, a rabbit of reasonable thickness, and had even been able to eat something in exchange. Nothing quite as succulent as his catch, but he hadn't choked on any feathers nor hard, sharp bones, and the soft warmth of mouse-meat still lingered on his tongue. Now his belly felt fuller than it had in some time, and he was in good spirits, watching his Clanmates as they ate their dinners and shared tongues, settling into camp as the setting sun cast a dusky bloom over the wide-open sky. Contentment filled his heart as he surveyed the Clan, but his yellow eyes paused on a mottled figure: Strawpaw, who seemed to be sitting on their own. They were an intriguing youngster, he had to admit, but not in a bad way; moreover, he couldn't help but feel that they knew a great deal, even if it made sense only in their own head. Besides...they seemed not to have much by way of close friends or family, and neither did he. Perhaps they'd be up for a little conversation. Maybe he just wanted an excuse to try to connect with someone. Either way, he pushed himself to his paws and approached the younger WindClanner slowly, a smile appearing on his face. "Evening, Strawpaw. How's it going?" that was an okay way to start, right? They were a little bit of a weird kid, to be fair, and he didn't want to seem overbearing. Or creepy. "Did, uh, you have a good day? Get something to eat?"

They liked to people watch, they found out a lot of secrets from it. Especially with their mentor... Skymoon wasn't exactly the quietest of cats when it came to sharing tongues with his clanmates. Or maybe it was an example set for Strawpaw... Be louder...? They blink and look towards the sky, murky symphony of pinks and oranges blending with blue; Sky would be taking them out for night hunting here soon.

They turn their head slowly as Badgermoon pipes up, tilting it ever so slightly as he talks. They know this one... Uh... Badgermoon, yea. "Hi..." they greet slowly, a yawn forcing itself from their mouth. A large ear flicks before they shake their head, ridding themselves of some grass that had collected over the day. He asks if they've had a good day and Strawpaw would assume so... It wasn't bad so it must have been good. "Yea. Haven't eaten, not yet." what an odd question... Straw doesn't think any of their friends have asked that before, is that how you show you care? Well, if it is, Strawpaw has a lot of cats to smother in snow.

"Uhm... Just between me and you......." they wanted to bring up the topic to Skymoon but Badgermoon would work better. "Nettlesong and uhm... My mentor... Want to have kits... What does that mean?" they fix Badger with a burning stare, leaning in to listen. I mean, Straw knew what kittens were.. But at the same time, not really.
Something about their eyes was striking to him: he wondered to himself if there was something star-touched about them. Perhaps they were so strange because their mind, their spirit, was more closely connected to StarClan than the average Clan cat. Or maybe they're just weird. Either way, despite the unusual rhythms of their blinking and the slow, strange way they spoke, he found himself more intrigued than unsettled (though he would grant that he felt a little off-kilter around them, if only for the sheer unpredictability of what they might say next). In his opinion, though, every young cat deserved to be treated with kindness, even if they had a prickly attitude (the faces of Firepaw and Rampaw flashed in his mind's eye) or were just a little bit ... different. After all, everyone was different to someone, right?

"You should have something to eat, then. You're a young cat - got to get enough to eat so you can keep growing and become a strong warrior." the black and white tom meowed cheerfully, trotting towards the aggressively underwhelming fresh-kill pile. "C'mon, do you want to pick something out?" he waved a paw at the options, of which there were few - a scrawny ouzel, a scuffed-looking hare, one withered lizard, and a small heap of mice - someone must have found a nest of 'em, he thought. To his surprise, the calico cat kept talking, raising an entirely different topic - just between the two of them, eh? Badgermoon didn't like intruding in his Clanmates' lives (or so he said to himself), but he knew that information was a precious resource, and he was hardly going to turn it down.

"Nettlesong and Skymoon?" the big bicolor warrior attempted to confirm, in a tone of surprise. He wouldn't have anticipated such a pairing, but then again, he wasn't really the type to speculate on the romantic interests of others. If it didn't involve a good-looking tom or molly showing interest in him, he didn't care, truth be told. Though more kits for the Clan would always be welcome. Strawpaw asked him a somewhat loaded question, then, and he reclined into a sitting position, curling his dark tail around himself as he thought. How best to answer - or, really, how much to tell them? Their orange eyes were boring into him and he gave a little laugh at the whole scenario. "Well, that's a good thing, as long as it's what they both want." that felt like a safe place to start.

"Basically, if two grown-up cats talk to each other and decide they want to bring more kits into the Clan, they can do that. Usually it's something that happens when they are very, very fond of one another." was this too much information? Not enough? "Then when the she-cat is pregnant, she moves into the nursery and becomes a queen for a while, while she waits for her kits to be born. She'll stay there until the kits are ready to become apprentices. And some queens don't return to being warriors; they stay in the nursery and help other cats raise their kits." Badgermoon nodded, feeling relatively confident in this explanation. "The most important things to remember, Strawpaw, are that only adults may have kits; no one is required to have kits in their lifetime, even if they have a mate; and that when they happen, kits are a blessing, because they're the future of WindClan. Does that make sense?"
Oh... Badgermoon was really nice. Strawpaw thinks they like him more than Skymoon... Briefly they wonder what it would be like to have Badgermoon as a mentor instead. Strawpaw thinks his name is cooler. "Okay... I'm coming." they rise to their paws. nose wrinkling up at the dwindling pile. Uh... Straw isn't that sure they should take one anymore, the pile looks uhm... Bad... "Uh... Share?" they pick the hare up, a spark of hope. He may have already eaten but they don't want to feel like they're taking too much from Windclan, they typically just brought back leaves on their hunting expeditions.

They move to press asides him and slumps to the ground, tearing in to the piece of prey they had picked out. Stringy and tough but Straw didn't really mind, it didn't look the greatest when they got it. Badger sits as well, beginning to explain and their eyes grow wide. "Oh..." Straw blinks, processing the information. Ew..... That meant Skymoon had a girlfriend.. That was weird. "Uhm, how long... do kits stay in there... does it hurt?" their nose scrunches. No one is required to have kits, well that was a relief. Straw didn't like them... They were ugly and looked like worms and they were small, Straw likes their friends much more. "Do you have kits...?" they blink at him once more, head tilting much like a lost puppy. Badgermoon was fun to talk to...
He had already eaten, and specifically, had eaten enough to sustain him for another day. It would be a waste of prey for him to eat more - or, if not a waste, a misuse. It would be better given to someone who hadn't eaten yet today - such as Strawpaw. "Nah, I'm alright. I got something earlier. Eat your fill and if there's any left I'll polish off, how about that? Or we can give it to the elders." he lifted a paw and patted his stomach - not as round as it usually was, given the season, but thicker than some cats' by dint of his bigger build. "Besides, do I look like I need more food?" it was a joke, and probably not a great one, but he hoped it eased the calico's mind and encouraged them to eat as much as they needed.

Badgermoon watched as their eyes got wide and he felt a stab of anxiety: had he said too much? Had he made them more confused than they were before? It didn't seem to be going too poorly - they asked a follow-up question, at least, which meant they couldn't have been utterly bewildered. Maybe he wasn't giving them too much credit. "Generally around two moons." that was right, wasn't it? He had never fathered kits before - so far as he knew, though he'd had enough of a specific type of encounter with she-cats that he supposed it was possible - but two moons felt about right from what he'd observed. And ... did it hurt? "From what I know, it really only hurts when the kits come out, when the cat is giving birth. But I've heard that it can be uncomfortable sometimes when they're in there - sort of like if your belly was really full and your prey was wiggling around inside."

The broad-shouldered warrior wrinkled his nose at the thought. He was glad he wouldn't ever have to experience being pregnant, though he knew some toms did. "That's part of why queens stop doing their warrior duties once they're expecting kits, and why they must get plenty of rest and plenty to eat. It's not easy to have kits." Strawpaw's next question was sort of a surprise - especially when paired with that head tilt and wide, orange gaze. Badgermoon shook his head after a beat, smiling a little. "No, none for me. Not yet, anyway. Perhaps someday, if StarClan wills it."