made up MAKEUP ☾ lightstrike

In the same way he had to her when they were named warriors, Moonwhisper stepped over to shove him in the shoulder in what could have easily been mistaken as a friendly gesture; another more firm shove made clear her intentions - directing them both to the outside edges of the camp where she stalked ahead with her head low and shoulders hunched. It was clear, in one way or another, she was bothered, but she did not explain anything or even attempt to face him until they had gotten a little further away so that when she spun about with paws raised and rising on her hindlegs not a soul could stop her from trying to stomp her forepaws down onto his shoulders, to try and shove him back onto his back where she could bare her teeth and snarl into his face.
"Are you mousebrained?!"
It felt as though she had not breathed since hearing the several voices volunteering but while even her mother had done so it was the cream tom's insistence to also join that had set her fur bristling with unease. Little Wolf, as foolish as she could be, was still a mature warrior with plenty of seasons and life skills that had prepared her for such a perilous trip and though she would not lie and say she'd not miss her mother while she was gone; it was Lightstrike's stubborn and cheeky demeanor that would be a more stinging loss of company.
"You'll get yourself killed!" Whether she had pinned him or not she would step back then, shaking her head and trying to reign in control over the fire that swilled in her belly; she was angry - her anger had always been a burden and fiercesome but even she was surprised by how heated she was becoming over this display, this act of foolishness, this senseless disregard for feelings not his.
Lightstrike was reckless, arrogant, he would get into no end of trouble if she were not there to put a stop to it. What other cat could he rely on to keep him in check? The thought of him being buddy-buddy with some other clans was almost too much to process, her teeth clenched so tight she worried she might chip one if she didn't calm down.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
I’ll go. His own words echoed back at him, seemingly louder with each passing second even as the voices of his Clanmates called out to add their own. I’ll go. So easy to say, but only now was the gravity starting to weigh on him.

He couldn’t back out. Lightstrike didn’t want to back out—he was sure of it. He was. There was no reason for him to be nervous, because he most certainly wouldn’t die on some stupid trek to the mountains to get an herb.

In fact, he was more concerned about the others, about Stormpaw—

A head butted into his shoulder, the golden tom jolting uncharacteristically before green eyes snapped over to the pointed tortie doing the shoving. Moonwhisper. He smiled then, somewhat wobbly but she paid no mind to it and shoved him again, harder. It fell away, leaving him stumbling to his paws and herded away and—Oh, she was upset.

It wasn’t often Lightstrike saw her so worked up, only memories involving Raccoonstripe or Mousenose also involved bristling fur and frustrated glaring. This time, with an unusual amount of heat, that glare was turned on him, and an ugly shield quickly clamped down on his heart and his jaw set defensively before he even knew what was to come.

Away to the far reaches of camp they went, not a word spoken. Abruptly the she-cat turned, eyes filled with an undoubtable fury piercing him, and the larger cat was suddenly towering over him with paws crashing down. A move he so favored himself, now turned on him by a much larger foe.

Off-put by the situation as a whole, his unsure feelings, the most he could manage was to rear up in return, eyes wide with a mixture of unease and indignance. Pointed paws slammed into his chest, and down he went, his breath escaping him in a cough and Moonwhisper securely on top. His ears were pinned, ready to shove his hindlegs into her belly when she shoved her face into his.

Past frustrations aside, this situation was new, and Lightstrike was caught completely off-guard. Her teeth were bared, and with his thoughts come to a screeching halt, he let himself backseat to instinct and impulse. Pearly teeth exposed themselves in return, the breath he’d managed to pull in released in a hiss. Mousebrained?

”What the fuck is wrong with you?” the warrior finally snapped up at her, and she stepped off of him before he could begin to pummel her with his legs. Ears hot, he quickly flipped onto his belly and glowered at her. His fur spiked at her next comment.

Now on his feet, he opted to shove his face into hers instead. ”Fuck off, Moonwhisper! Where’s my vote of confidence? You expect me to sit back and watch everybody get sick and die?” Tail lashing, he jerked back. ”I’m not gonna fucking die, but I’m glad you have so much faith in me!” he spat.

He would go, he would get the herb, he would come back. They would all come back. They would all come back with the herb, everyone would be saved, and it would be fine! So why was he stuck feeling so damned unsettled? ”I’m going, whether you like it or not,” he said, cutting off his thoughts. ”I’m going, and the other Clans won’t hold me back. It’ll be fine. I’m not going to get myself killed.”

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

She paces in place, great plume of a tail lashing from side to side as she watches him get back up and snap back at her that he was going whether she liked it or not and sure-what should her opinion matter anyways, they weren't related or even anything more than friends and the thought makes her bristle all the more. She doesn't know what to say, because she doesn't know why she feels so strongly that he shouldn't go. Why hadn't she volunteered herself? Part of it was not wanting to associate with other clans but the other half worried for her kin here in ThunderClan with Little Wolf leaving. Who would keep an eye on Skypaw? On Duskpaw? Who would make sure their borders were guarded with the tenacity of ten cats if she left? Her clanmates soft and more willing to let SkyClan continue being foolish kittypets who tripped over their own boundary lines.
Moonwhisper bares her teeth when he stands at last and thrusts his face into hers, it takes all her willpower not to swing a paw on instinct to the close proximity but she resists and digs those blades into the ground around her instead, "Fine! FINE THEN! GO!" Lightstrike was stubborn, determined, traits she once admired and now she found irritating to deal with because they were, for once, not in agreement. "You better come back! You better come back in one piece or I swear to the stars I'll-" What? Rip him apart herself? Make him regret leaving? She didn't know, she didn't know and so her words trailed off into silence and her fur settled down enough to deflate her already massive size; looking less imposing now and more dejected.
"...don't take risks. I KNOW you and I know you're going to try and do stupid things but think about what I'd say to you!" She wanted to be a little voice reminding him to knock it off, to not be reckless, to mind his temper, but another part of her wanted him to remember her.
"'re stupid. Didn't you JUST get away from Nightbird..." And now he has signed himself back up to being bossed about. Or had he not thought of that at all?
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Pearly teeth bear themselves right back at him, and Moonwhisper's voice raised to a climactic shout. "Fine!" he immediately snapped back, the heat of anger crawling under his pelt. Yet she swept on, and for once he let her, his expression now nearing the border of confliction.

She was threatening him now, threatening him to come back or she'll... nothing. Despite the energy still crackling between them, Lightstrike's hackles slowly fell. Hers were as well, and her façade began to melt away into something that looked almost sad. The flames in his chest puttered out, although his features were still somewhat guarded while he regarded her. Suddenly unable to bear it, he looked away.

Don't take risks. "Yeah." I KNOW you and I know... "Yeah." His voice was growing quieter. You're stupid. "Yeah." At some point he'd looked up into her eyes again, her own mirroring those swarming feelings he himself felt, but despite it all he still would not let himself back down.

She was just worried, he had realized at some point, even if she had a shoddy way of showing it. He knew, though. "I won't die," he affirmed again. "Doesn't suit me." An attempt at a joking tone wormed its way into his voice, but it fell just short.

Instead, Lightstrike's chest expanded with a breath and he expelled it in a sigh. A white paw lifted, and he planted it upon her chest. "I won't die. Promise. We'll go out there, get that medicine, and come back. Nobody will die." His brows furrowed. "And you won't either, got it?"

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

She paces still, tail lashing and he takes her abuse without much protest. Moonwhisper's anger fizzles out as quickly as he began, a quiet simmer and crackle of fire roaring in her chest to be replaced with a dull burn like sore limbs. When she finally stops moving the aggression in her posture settles, she does not swing at him again or yell further. The tortie point almost seems to deflate, losing all her motivation to maintain her anger and unease.
When he rises to stand and steps forward she doesn't flinch as his paw is lifted but is surprised to find he doesn't retaliate against her. Moonwhisper wonders if he can feel how her heart has quickened, despises it for betraying her.
She stiffened in place at the paw touching her, squared her shoulders and frowned at him intently, but he spoke so genuinely and with a seriousness she hadn't expected that all she can do is nod slowly in reply. "Okay..." She says, voice the whisper of her name - cold and soft.
"...okay." He promised. ​