made you look & disappearance


Dec 22, 2022

"You'll Never Be Unloved By Me"

Sunlight filtered through the tree tops leaving behind dappled patches of golden rays. Things seemed to be coming back to life now. Plants had started to bloom, the grass was getting greener, and everything seemed to be at peace in Skyclan. Aside from the Riverclan denial, there was no real complain about the weather or the situation. Things had been smoothed over with Orangeblossom and he couldn't be happier. She made him the most happy tomcat in the forest and he was so lucky to have her.

Ashenclaw padded through the brush of Skyclans territory towards the twolegplace. He was curious to see where Bananapaw had found that fat bird from their little competition earlier in the week. Maybe he could bring something back for Orangeblossom or maybe even Thistleback or Termitepaw. They could use a good meal after everything thats been transpiring. From the Thunderclan attack on Riverclan to the trial, things had been hectic and he just wanted to make things easier.

The blue tabby tomcat crouched low to the ground suddenly as the fences of twolegplace came into view. He stared up at the white picket wood for a moment before leaping up onto the top of the fence, tail hanging down behind him as he stared out at the grey buildings and the roar of monsters came from nearby. Tufted ears flicked back and forth at the once familiar noise that now sounded too loud. The stench was also much worse than he remembered, and he wrinkled his nose in response.

Dark green hues looked from the buildings to the forest behind him. A contemplative look crossed his broader features as he recalled that not too long ago he would sit here, watching the forest for movement, wishing for something different. Something that he could make his life worth living for again. Being a house cat had been great, good even, but it was so- monotonous.

Same thing day in and day out. Same dry food, same bed, same toys, same everything. It left a hole in his chest he didn't know was missing until he founded Skyclan over a year ago now. Found his mother, and now his sister, and he had the start of something good in his life. It was no clear cut decision to leave behind the comforts of his home, but it was one he was glad to have made.

Ashenclaw gave a deep sigh through his nose before something cross his scent glands back inside the forest line- a bird. He perked up his ears and hopped down from the fence, crouching in the grass as he watched a little robin peck at some trash on the ground. He crawled towards it with his tail out behind him, and his gaze narrowed. There was a few pawsteps towards the bird before it took off into the air.

He gave chase.

Though the bird soon disappeared into the forest.

As did Ashenclaw.


✦ ★ ✦

He would normally not have taken notice if a clanmate had disappeared for a while. Everyone deserved a bit of privacy every once in a while and as long as they did their duty, Silversmoke saw little need to pursue it. Times were different within SkyClan's little forest nowadays though. Ashenclaw was no longer a daylight warrior, so he had no need to enjoy the comforts of that life of a night. Howlpaw was still missing, and her captor (or killer, though he tried not to think too much about that for Blazestar's sake) had yet to be found. It was hard not to consider both of those things when he failed to see the other tabby for some time. He silently searched at first, kicking at newleaf grasses in hopes they'd somehow reveal a scent to track or a clump of ashy fur, but the maine coon found neither. 'There's a logical explanation', he thought as he inhaled deeply, trying to make sense of it in his racing mind. Each option he considered was quickly met with a dead end. Unlike Howlpaw, Ashenclaw truly had no reason to disappear for a long period of time. SkyClan provided the other cat with love, family, and security - and he'd never thought them a foolish enough cat to take that for granted.

Tufted ears were pulled back as his pacing grew more erratic, his dilated pupils trying to focus on anything that would give him peace of mind. There was little surrounding the spotted tabby that seemed to pull him down - the thought of another clanmate, a friend gone from right under their noses seemed to be far less coincidental now. He bumped into some brambles and wrenched free of their grasp with a vicious snarl, claws out and ready to handle the threat until he realised it was just the camp wall. What little good such a fortification would do if it couldn't protect the ones he cared for most. Mismatched eyes peered into the camp and, aware that his incident with the foliage may have caught some attention, relented from his solitary search to ask the others. Perhaps he should've done it from the start, but the frigid feline expected a certain mockery for revealing he actually liked his clanmates, he just hoped that pride hadn't been the thing to cause him hours of unnecessary stress. No, that wasn't right. He hoped it had caused him stress, at least then it would mean that his friend was safe. "Isn't Ashenclaw supposed to be back by now?"

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TAGSSome's jumpy. It's his first thought when he hears Silversmoke's commotion, tearing brambles away from the camp wall with a clumsy growl. Cloverjaw's tall ears twitch and swivel in the warrior's direction. But before he can comment on the incident, he catches the frantic glint in the other tom's eye. Oh. Ashenclaw is missing? "Not another one," the striped tom mumbles, a frown working its way onto his lips. First Howlpaw, and now Ashenclaw? But, no... it can't be all bad. They don't have to worst-case-scenario this one, do they?

Black-tipped tail flicks as Cloverjaw appraises Silversmoke. He looks like... shit. Just a little. The warm rays of sunshine and light threads of birdsong aren't enough to ease this worry. Should they be? The tom tilts his head, and utters a half-convinced suggestion, "You're sure he isn't just taking the scenic route back to camp?" But it feels hollow the moment he speaks it. Howlpaw's disappearance has primed him to expect more. Maybe Ashenclaw really is gone, and he'll be next, or Orangeblossom will be, or Silversmoke himself- or, StarClan forbid, maybe even Slate. The spider of worry weaves his throat shut. His expression turns somehow more pensive. "... Maybe we should organize a search party." A rare suggestion of action from the tom. But desperate times call for desperate measures, right?​

Everyone had been markedly on-edge since Howlpaw had disappeared, and the search patrols had turned up dishearteningly empty; and Twitchbolt was no exception. He was sure he'd ended up jostling Quillstrike (and whoever else slept close by him in the warrior's den) awake a few times just from his nightmares dipping into cruel speculation as to what had happened to Blazestar's daughter, but... there was little he could do to quell the worry when there'd been no smudge of an answer. His on-edge, ever wary demeanour had tripled in intensity since Howlpaw's disappearance, but- he had not been vigilant enough, it seemed.

Isn't Ashenclaw supposed to be back by now? An urgent voice- and then, from Cloverjaw's maw, the suggestion of a search party. Already. "He's- he's not back?!" An incredulous waver, Twitchbolt almost stumbled over himself as he scrambled over, looking between Silversmoke and Cloverjaw frantically. "You- you... did you see when he left? He can't have been gone that long, right? He- he's- what if he's hurt, somewhere...? What if he found Howlpaw, and she's hurt?" He'd managed to keep his lid on when Howlpaw had gone missing, focused on a mission- but now, now this was becoming a pattern. And this was, absolutely, the most terrible pattern he'd ever bore witness to in his life.
penned by pin ✧
Fireflypaw listens to the panic around him once more as everyone searches for Ashenclaw, the large tom having gone missing right after his sister- part of him warns himself to prepare for the worst. That Ashenclaw had found Howlpaw's body and paid for it, trapped in a trap that was laid just for someone looking for her. They would look everywhere for his sister, but what about Ashenclaw? The tom had just recently confessed to their Deputy, and apparently the feelings were returned- it would be a shame if he was lost to Her grasp.

Charcoal-dipped paws walk over, tail whip-like behind him as the grin on his face grows ever the wider. "M-hmm.~" He hums softly, murmuring a hymn under his breath. "Someone fetch Orangeblossom. We need to find hi-m.~" His worry is evident in the way he paces back and forth, mumbling obscenities. Remembers the way StarClan nearly struck the Wicked Witch down, knows Ashenclaw didn't deserve this. Perhaps he would be back soon,but there was no time to wait.

"Better yet.. I'll go get her myself, y'know." He huffs, scurrying off to find the missing's mate. She would know what to do.

The deputy in question returns to camp with a pep in her step and Eveningpaw by her side, limp bothering her far less than usual - enough so that she's managed, once again, to catch some prey to add to their steadily growing fresh-kill pile. Even if she is a little tired, something she blames on a rough night of sleep, it's not enough to slow her down. Today's contribution is a lucky robin, clasped firmly between scarred jaws so as not to jostle the prey too much; and hopefully, once her Clanmates have had their fill, she'd get to share it with Ashenclaw.

A tiny part of her is still in awe of their feelings in common; it's the part that she doesn't oft listen to, ruled by her head and not her heart. And even if their confessions had been spurred by conflict, finally settling in the wake of it all, Orangeblossom is, in some weird way, glad it had happened. It gave them an outlet, gave them a reason to talk things through properly. Gave her a mate, a confidante; gave her Ashenclaw.

She's not ready for it to fall apart beneath her.

They're just outside of camp when a familiar cream-and-black shape comes scurrying towards them, makes a beeline for her specifically; and while Orangeblossom would usually be on the curious side of confused when it comes to the apprentice doing that, moreso now as Dawnglare's apprentice than before when he'd been Huckleberry's, his expression makes her frown in turn.

"Fireflypaw? What's the matter?" She meows through a mouthful of feathers. Past him, into camp, she can see the tense expressions of other Clanmates, and the fur on the back of her neck prickles uncomfortably.

  • // app tag @eveningpaw
  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
Blazestar has tried not to give up hope finding Howlpaw, but as days pass with no hint of her anywhere, he begins to decline. His eyes are dull with pending grief, grief he feels guilty experiencing since it's almost an admittance that she will not return. He can't be bothered to groom the snarls from his coat, and though he's forced himself from his den to try and continue to look for her, he feels he's close to falling apart. Sharpeye's betrayal, worry for his ThunderClan kits, and Howlpaw's vanishing have worn Blazestar to the bone.

He almost flinches from the conversation the warriors are having in camp. "Another cat is gone?" His tail droops. Is SkyClan getting picked off one by one? "He's just... gone?"

It can't be a coincidence anymore, and that's a hard fact to swallow. Blazestar looks with pain as Orangeblossom returns from her hunt. He does not relish telling her the news -- but he tries, "Ashenclaw wasn't with you, was he?"



Termitepaw notices, this time. She's been jittery since Howlpaw's disappearance, on edge and terrified. She'd been able to quell the panic when it seemed like they might find her on the day she'd gone missing, but now -- but now --

She went to the Twolegplace, to search for her, and she didn't find her, but Kuiper (the rogue, the murderer) said that's where he -- left her. What if she'd been there, and they'd missed her? Mangled and crow-eaten by the side of the Thunderpath -- no, no, half-dead, he'd said half-dead, that means she could be still alive. She has to be, yet they can't push the image of her dying, slowly, alone and in pain, from their mind. She must be scared, wherever she is. But the days wear on and they still haven't found her. She's trying so, so hard not to give up hope.

And then her mentor doesn't come back, and something in Termitepaw breaks.

She hears the conversation of her Clanmates, and is glad they're the first to speak it aloud, too scared that it'd become too real if she spoke it. Her ears lie flat against her head as words burst forth from her maw. "H-h-hhhe i-is, he's gone," They come out in a rush, panic driving her words, eyes unfocused and breathing heavy. "He's -- been go-o-one for -- fo-or too, too long! He-e should've..." They waver, expression crumpling. "Shhh-should've come ba-ack by now... He's -- It's ju-ust, just like..." Howlpaw. She can't bear to say it out loud.

Her thoughts are racing. Why, why would he leave? He was happy, he was happy, they'd noticed, why couldn't that last? Maybe Twitchbolt is right, and he found Howlpaw... Maybe he went back to the Twolegplace, and -- maybe he's hurt, just like her, maybe he's dead and she'll never see him again. It doesn't escape her notice that it's her mentor disappearing, this time. Two cats she'd just been starting to know, beginning to get close with, ripped away before she could get the chance. Some kind of punishment, maybe, for a crime she couldn't puzzle out. Who would be next? Chrysalispaw? Katydidpaw? Bananapaw? ...Herself? First Howlpaw, then Ashenclaw, and she feared that the pattern would continue, cats vanishing to some horrible fate, cats she knew and cared about and she couldn't do anything.

Termitepaw's words have run dry now, lost in her own head. Her breaths come in frantic pants as the looks between the gathered cats, looking for some kind of answer or reassurance. It's Orangeblossom that she settles on. She's his mate, she's the deputy. She'll know where he is, she'll know what to do... right?


  • //
  • TERMITEPAW named for their dark and shiny fur.
    — she/her, they/them, or it/its. 10 moons.
    — skyclan apprentice, mentored by ashenclaw.
    — cowardly and superstitious, yet still kind.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • termitepaw.png


His skin prickles with a cold sensation as he hears the voices of his clanmates raising, catching the words and rising panic radiating from the group as he gets to his paws and makes his way over. Howlpaw was young and inexperienced, an apprentice who possibly met more than she could handle one fateful day- but Ashenclaw? He was a fucking warrior and a good one too, loyal to the point where he wouldn't just leave, surely? And there was no way he didn't go down fighting against whatever had stopped him from coming back.

He found his usual place as Twitchbolts side, tail brushing against their flank in reassurance as he turned his attention to Orangeblossom.
"I can go wherever I'm needed." Quill offered, claws flexing in anxious anticipation. It could very well be a coincidence that Ashen hadn't come back yet, but he didn't think the older warrior would be so stupid as to pull something like this in the wake of Howlpaws disappearance.

skyclan - male - 13 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several old scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.
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// mobile, quick cw for a panic attack

Between Blazestar's look of pity, his question, and Termitepaw's hiccuping cries, Orangeblossom pieces together what's happened. Appetite suddenly gone, she places the robin at her paws and tries to ignore the hollow nausea of realisation that churns behind her ribs. Her mouth is dry when she manages to utter, "No ... he ... he said he was going to try his luck near Twolegplace. You don't think ..." Her shoulders slump gradually as she pieces the sentence together, glassy gaze flickering between her Clanmates with increasing panic.

"Um ..." Orangeblossom sways slightly where she stands; in no real danger of falling, but unsteady just the same. "Um ... let's try to follow his scent trail. We'll send patrols further out that directions to try and find him. I ..." Her breaths come shallow for a moment and the deputy wobbles in place again. StarClan, let him be safe. Even if he is missing, please. Keep him safe. She squeezes her eyes shut for a moment, flexing her claws into the earth beneath her paws in a futile attempt to keep some semblance of control over her panic. StarClan, please. When she opens her eyes again she's mildly, distantly surprised to see the ground - having slowly curled in on herself in panic, she hadn't noticed the change in angle.

"I ..." She tries again, choking out the syllable with heaving shoulders as if she'd just run from camp to Fourtrees. Get it under control, Orangeblossom! "I ... Sorry." She shoots Blazestar a quick, pleading look. He'd be able to take over the organising, wouldn't he? Quillstrike had already offered, and she'd come as well. Just ... once she calmed down a bit.
He hears the franticness of their voices, the shrills of worry and the anxious pacing. Auburnflame follows in behind Orangeblossom, mismatched ears flicking for all the buzzing of voices that touch his ears. Isn't he suppose to he back by now? He's just..gone? He couldn't have been gone that long, right? Oh no. Ivory claws anchored himself to the forest floor, rooting him there as if a gale of wind was reeling to sweep him away like the others. StarClan, why was this happening? Howlpaw and now Ashenclaw. Auburnflame had been sure it was because of Kuiper, sure he had something to do with it. You don't even realize the outside forces will step over your scent lines and snatch your children. He had been certain those ominous words were meant for Howlpaw, but perhaps not considering that vile rat had snatched Centipedepaw first. He didn't mean Howlpaw at all, and now Ashenclaw was gone.
Worry plagues over his features, wrinkling his brow and the tightening of pink lips as fear strikes his heart. The warrior can't help but take a glance at a ghostly silver figure, anxiously pacing a shallow rivet in the ground as he walked. What if something happened to Silversmoke next? Clearly whatever it was, had no issue taking on large warriors. Dread seeps into him now, it's icy chill causing his spine hairs to prickle and his heart hammered furiously. But as if a switch was flipped, the weak murmur of a voice turns his blood cryogenic.


He watches the statuesque deputy with dull irises, his expression turning horrid as he watches her chip away—bit by bit, her eyes distant while she curls inward to hide herself. A blur of white and suddenly he's beside her, pressing his flank against her own to steady her. "Ssshh—sssh. It's alight, Ora." He coos to her, plumed tail aiming to drape over her shoulders in comfort. How dare he—how dare he be selfish. Lost within his own concerns of Silversmoke, a dear friend—he didnt take into consideration about how Orangeblossom was feeling. The actual dread, the drop in your chest and the closing in of walls around you as your world feels like it's imploding on top of you. She was feeling it. Ashenclaw was her love—and a respected warrior of SkyClan. Auburnflame considered him a friend. Termitepaw's mentor. Everything felt as if it was collapsing before them all. "We'll find him. We'll find him." His voice is soft like summer rain, gently caressing his cousin as she tries to speak. He wants to stay by her side, but he knows he can't. They needed to search for the warrior. We'll find him. We'll find them both.

A cold lick ran down the tabby's spine as the worst was confirmed by those around him. 'Second-worse', he had to tell himself to quell the worst of his anxiety. Without a body, Ashenclaw could simply be missing, hurt but alive - for everyone's sake, he had to hope that was the only case. His heartbeat was so loud he could scarcely hear his own thoughts, his eyes struggling to find just one cat to focus on. Eventually, he chose Auburnflame to be the focus of his gaze, watching as the calico moved to comfort Orangeblossom as she struggled to control herself. He felt a pang of guilt within his chest at the Deputy's state - StarClan, whatever he was feeling could not compare to someone losing a loved one. Silversmoke ran through prior conversations in his head, trying to make sense of them passed the roaring of blood in his ears, pulsating in a staccato rhythm that reminded him he was not immune to fear. He'd never been scared of what would happen to him, he knew how much his life was worth and it would never compare to the bright souls of his home, but what would happen if each one of the candles would be snuffed out?

After everything, he wasn't sure if Blazestar would be up to taking Orangeblossom's place. The leader was not immune to pain, a reality Silversmoke had been faced with mere days ago. His reverence was gone but devotion still remained, and after taking a second to compose himself, the tabby turned to the leader. His heterochromatic eyes widen briefly as he spoke, the Lead Warrior's face was otherwise as taciturn as ever. "His last known location was the Twolegplace, right? Allow me to lead a patrol there." His ears twitch as he said it, the regret that instantly panged within his belly soon mixing with guilt. He should not be afraid of the place after all this time. The twolegplace was like a basking snake, filled with poison and yet perfectly content to exist where it was needed the least. Some of its poison may have seeped into his home but it did not change what the rogue-laden streets entailed. For Ashenclaw's sake, he would have to brave it and hope he did not have to pass the streets of his youth.
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she had entered camp alongside orangeblossom after a peaceful outing, a ghost of a grin upon her features. the tortie was about to turn and break off to spend a moment relaxing under new-leaf's sun when they were bombarded with bad news. ashenclaw was missing alongside howlpaw. concern etched her rounded face, glancing upwards to her mentor who was quickly devolving into fractured words and a panicked voice.

how did one simply go missing? skyclan possibly had the largest network, with allies both in camp as well as the twolegplace, so how could they just keep up and disappearing? they should have found howlpaw by now, but still search party after search party came up empty. her fluffy tail twitched nervously behind her. would they all just be taken one by one until nobody was left in her home?

cats were piping up, offering to patrol and find orangeblossom's lost mate. eveningpaw hesitated about returning to the increasingly scary territory. she wanted to look, even if she wouldn't be much help, but something was out there either coaxing their ranks away or taking them forcefully. that had to be the reason, you didn't just lose two loyal members overnight. but one more wide gaze in the deputy's direction helped make up her mind. she looked terrified, eve could only imagine how she was feeling. "i'll go."

Without the arms that climb and stick, a vine could never grow toward the sunlight. Ashenclaw was the roots, arms, and leaves for Skyclan. A warrior with a warm heart, despite the occasional silly misconception that leads more into the realms of humor rather than actual damage- Ashenclaw was a tomcat you could sit back and speak with, for hours until the sun settles. He doesn’t thrive where drama grows, he even brings prospective enemies together. Without an Ashenclaw, you have a bottomless void.

Thistleback’s hackles are bristling, Orangeblossom returns with his daughter and he breathes out harshly in relief to see his daughter home. Urgency spreads like a disease, the black and white lead places himself next to Eve and swings his head to listen, but his eyes catch the slight swing and unsettled breaths as Orangeblossom adjusts to the news and tries to do her duty as deputy. Auburnflame is quick, rushing forth to do what Thistleback wouldn’t nor couldn’t for those who needed it. His eyes are soft despite their metal hue, and he forces them away from the internal battle out of respect.

She pipes up, Thistleback’s shoulders flex but he says nothing. The thought of her disappearing-, god help the culprit to all this.

" I’d like to follow. Especially, with my daughter. " he adds swiftly, like hell he’d put his child’s safety in the twolegplace without his attendance. Old stomping grounds he never wished his kit’s paws to ever have to touch.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
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