sensitive topics MAGGOTFUR x SNAKEHISS one night stand litter [CLOSED]


drinking lemonade and playing with my hair
Jun 7, 2022


  • This litter contains mentions of the following triggering topics: Character Death, Implied Character Death, Parental Neglect and Abandonment
    Please do not read further or apply if these topics trigger you!

    Maggotfurs story is far from a happy one - a child of a long awaited union, her first moments in the world were filled with blood and death. Viridianskies went into labor a week too early, and with complications the then newly named Starlingheart was unprepared to deal with. The queen succumbs to blood loss, alongside two other kittens, while a single child survives. Aggrieved, Wolfbite takes his anger out upon his lovers look alike - naming the sole survivor Maggotkit and disavowing her in favor of his other children.

    Another queen, Snailcurl, has her kitting the same night and takes her under her wing after the loss of one of her own litter - but it is not to be. Famine strikes shadowclan, and occupied by the deaths of her own brood one after another Maggotkit falls to the wayside, forgotten and oft neglected by her foster mother, forced to care for herself.

    In the end, Maggotfur grows up a disillusioned thing, cold and distant from all those but Magpiepaw - a child as odd as herself, and just as orphaned; and Sunflowermask - a strange feline she meets on the thunderpath and swiftly befriends. Bitter and cruel, she decided early on that the world is not kind and so she can't be either - that it is kill or be killed, and that nobody will protect her but herself. Still, her world comes crumbling down when Sunflowermask stops showing up in the wake of Windclans kitnapping and Magpiepaw is struck by a monster upon the thunderpath, leaving the molly utterly alone once more.

    Grief stricken, one late night wandering leads to irrevocable consequences.

    A stranger on the thunderpath - a rogue he claims (though unbeknownst to her, he is a former WindClan deputy and a traitor to Sunstar who has been living in exile). Maggotfur certainly doesn't question it further, and eager to escape and confide in someone they share a night of passion before going their separate ways. The shadowclanner thinks nothing of it - until she starts noticing that she's acting strange. Seeking out Starlingheart in her confusion, she is startled by what she's told - that she's expecting kits. Parenthood is something she's never given much thought to - never planned on in all her ambitions, but she takes to her new role with grace... and a certain amount of reasonable frustration at her newfound limitations. She's determined to give her kits a far better childhood then her own, no matter what life throws at her - she will not be like her father.

    The days pass, and she reaches her due date without much fuss - except, something goes wrong. Complications arise during her kitting, and Maggotfur and Starlingheart are thrust into an all too familiar situation...

  • — Kits will start at one moon old and age realtime on the day of their birth.
    — There is no set posting quota or activity level for this litter, but please be aware that consistent inactivity may result in rehoming.
    — Applications for this litter will close on September 4th, with choosing date being the day following. The birthing thread will be made sometime within that week to allow for account creation and availability of roleplayers.

    — Snakehiss is not aware of these kittens existence; nor is Maggotfur aware of his identity as a former windclanner or the fact he has sired other kittens. Any and all relations listed are to be considered unknown by the characters themselves.
    — Maggotfur will be having these kittens on her own in shadowclan as a single parent, and will not speak of these kits father in any capacity. For all intents and purposes she will move on with life as though this is a miraculous conception. Publicly, the sire will be assumed to be an unknown shadowclanner, as Maggotfur is not shy in voicing her dislike of non-shadowclanners... or even her own clanmates, for that matter... but theres certainly one in particular she seems to be spending far too much time around.

    — Specifics pertaining to the plot after the above storyline will be DM'd and/or discussed via a family group chat after choosing in order to keep details secret. This is, however, a litter who's birth will contain triggering topics (as mentioned above) so please only apply if this is something you are comfortable being involved with.

    all kittens can be black, black tabby, black smoke, or silver tabby
    — kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    — kits can have no white, low white, or high white
    — kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    — kits may or may not develop vitiligo in adulthood
    — kits may or may not have polydactyly
    — kits have some maine coon heritage and may or may not show breed traits
    — kits will carry dilute; shorthaired kits will carry longhair; tabbies will carry solid; silver kits will carry non-silver; polydactyl kits will carry non-polydactyly

    — nongenetic disabilities are allowed as long as they are thoroughly reasearched and portrayed respectfully and responsibly
    — while never given a specific cause, it should be noted that she-cats on Maggotfurs side of the family tree have a history of complications during kitting and any AFAB may optionally carry this higher risk factor ​

    — half-siblings to rowanpaw, privetpaw, viperpaw, ___paw,
    — cousins (1x removed) to whitedawn ​

    The naming theme of this litter is colors:
    basic: red-, orange-, yellow-, green-, blue-, purple-, pink-, white-, grey-, black-, brown-,
    fancier: silver-, gold(en)-, copper-, bronze-, ivory-, indigo-, violet-, lilac-, lavender-, scarlet-, crimson-, carmine-, ginger-, azure-, cornflower-, sapphire-, turquoise-, teal-, viridian-, ochre-,
    abstract: rainbow-, colorful-, pale-, bright-, light-, dark-,

    please do not use any names outside of the theme. all name ideas listed here have been confirmed legal by staff, you can use a name not listed as long as it fits the theme but please check in discord to make sure it is legal. ​

    — ???

    there is an unconfirmed number of slots for this litter. it can be anywhere from just the one to a full litter of five. size will be determined later on, based on litter interest, applications... and possibly a dice roll.
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IVORYKIT IVORYPAW IVORYBITE: she / her; cis female, bisexual – genetics pending approval.

small prose here

─ 01 moons: SNAKEHISS xx MAGGOTFUR; siblings here: kit of shadowclan.

✦ hardworking, jerk, loyalist, expand blahblahblah

─ kit will have partial blindness in one eye
─ full head is white to match mom and she will follow her mama around like a candle to a flame
─ polydactyl & absolutely massive paws, but the trick here is that she'll never grow into them and will always have issues with hunting and stalking because she can't stop tripping over them
─ she can't really wrap her head around the whole non-clan-born-cats-aren't-actually-clanmates portion of usual clan lore, so she won't follow that ideology
─ she's kinda lowkey ditzy and stupid, and no it won't improve with age
─ she will be the biggest kit in the litter and/or first born in some type of manner
─ because she is the first born her god complex will clash with her impostor syndrome in the worst possible ways so she's going to be such a mess and so fun to play
─ will have a huugeee sense of impostor syndrome where she doesn't think that she truly belongs in shadowclan and therfore doesn't feel loved or cared for

finished app
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tracking w the names rainbow, indigo….

- silver tabby, possibly chimera with black smoke depending on how my design ends up looking. vitiligo later in life
- definitely has maine coon traits; big paws, broad muzzle, large size. probably very tall but on the skinnier side because of it, towers over others when grown
- more notes to be added later when it is not the middle of the night…….
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At the start, when the monochrome pelt of "Rainbowkit" slips into the world of the living to take his first greedy breath, he's named after anything but his coat or appearance. The name is graciously bestowed upon him by his mother despite the charcoal hue of his plush coat and the few splashes of white that touch his face, belly, and tail. He takes after the father that he will likely never meet in appearance though when he opens his eyes for the first time and reveals pristine baby blues that rival the sky for a few weeks, they darken into a finer brown that resembles the soil that he has learned to walk upon. As a kitten, he's simply this fuzzy puffball on stubby legs and his body's round with kit fluff and kitten fat.

It's later on that his Maine Coon genetics kick in in his later kit moons, his size towering over most of his denmates and even some of the apprentices themselves. Once he becomes an apprentice, he feels like alien around his newer denmates but still weird all the same as he goes on about his duties but unfortunately for Rainbowpaw, he just doesn't seem to stop growing there. Some odd features about Rainbow that stand out is the polydactly/genetic mutation that he has obtained from his mother and it has effected his two front paws that has six toes each. This abnormality isn't present on his back paws thankfully and he definitely struggled walking the first time due to adjusting to large paws he had to grow into and the extra toes.

By the time he's an adult, his longhair coat is well taken care of and tidy due to him making sure that he's well groomed before heading out onto a patrol or training w/his potential apprentice. Although, there are bits of his coat that tend to be more unruly than others so there is oftentimes, a day or two that he simply copes with his slightly messy pelt. More characteristics from his Maine Coon heritage a lot more notable with his height, broad build, long coat, bottlebrush tail, and tufted ear tips (similar to that of his mother, Maggotfur). Despite not being splashed with several colors much like his own name, Rainbow has the handsome features of his father when it comes to facial appearance/look. Unfortunately, his personality isn't as charming as his appearance.

Personality. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae nibh eu diam condimentum fringilla. Etiam mollis laoreet lorem, quis sagittis est lacinia quis. Mauris a ligula enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sem est, pellentesque vulputate volutpat sit amet, pulvinar vel augue. Ut nisl diam, feugiat at risus sed, consequat dignissim odio. Nunc consequat lorem id efficitur faucibus. Vestibulum consectetur tristique vulputate. Maecenas convallis feugiat est sit amet mattis. Pellentesque purus dui, vehicula non lectus nec, convallis suscipit lacus. Vestibulum est ex, porta sit amet gravida nec, lobortis vel nisi. Maecenas eu tellus sapien.
  • Six toes on front paws, back paws have four/are nomal
  • Has vilitigo that won't kick in until late(r) warriorhood ; will likely believe that there's something wrong with him
  • An overall inquisitive kitten that will ask several questions and perhaps too many as his need for knowledge is insatiable
  • His curiosity ranges from innocent to downright morbid, he finds himself interested in death/the afterlife and Starclan itself
  • He'll likely take an interest to the Thunderpath due to said curiosity, he watches the movement of the monsters that rumble by with interest
  • Potentially ends up with small collection of bones and other random garbage/knick-knacks from the Thunderpath or Carrionplace
  • His best skills will likely be hunting and tracking, he's semi-decent with fighting, and poor with stealth due to his sheer size (will likely change ICly due to mentor)
  • His personality is up in the air and prone to change once he's actually in game/being roleplayed ICly, the personality is a faint outline of how I imagine him/wish for him to be
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tracking here too

designed to be a twin to andy's rainbowkit
afab she/her, black w/ high white, gray-blue eyes

WHITEKIT Maggotfur x Snakehiss
ALT ;; Black-kit ; Graykit

LH BLACK W/ HIGH WHITE // reference (click)
SPECIFICS ; Carrying dilute
Where Rainbowkit's spots are lightened with white, Whitekit's are the opposite- a void of white envelopes everything but the darkness spotting along their muzzle, stomach, paws, tail, and back left leg. It makes her striking figure in the dark, making it all that much harder to hide. Whitekit takes pride in her appearance despite the negative effects it may have on her later, ensuring her pelt is groomed and tidy before any work happens. (This is however not an issue with mud: she finds it a necessary tool.)

KIT - TRAITS. explain



NOTE // I may change pronouns personality up while I roleplay. I tend to find grooves for characters, and find it more enjoyable to roleplay them in a certain manner. This is loose, but I will be following it to a point.

  • FEAR // WHAT - WHY
  • FEAR // WHAT - WHY
  • FEAR // WHAT - WHY
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  • Violetkit—☆
    ————— alt: Indigokit, Lavenderkit or Purplekit


    0 moons
    ————— ages 1 moon on the first of each month
    ————— birthday 00/00, created on 09/04/24


    gender; she/her
    ————— thoughts on gender? She will grow to prefer they/them pronouns as she grows older.


    A Morticia looking for her Gomez
    ————— what they are attracted to? She will struggle with attraction regardless of gender. Eventually she'll learn that she wants someone that'll make her laugh and is openly affectionate.

    CLAN & RANK—☆

    Kit of Shadowclan
    ————— former ranks

    ———————————————————————lyrics 1

  • THE GOOD—☆
    Fun-loving | Suave | Decisive

    Outspoken | Irreligious | Honest |

    THE BAD—☆
    Selfish | Envious | Reckless


    Violetkit is a thrill seeker and enjoys running around looking for entertainment and enjoying herself. Lives by the mindset, 'here for a good time, not a long time.' It's no surprise that she loves attention and is quite charming when she speaks, mimicking the way grownups talk with reason and logic.

    Violetkit has an active imagination and is often seen with her head in the clouds. She is open to sharing what's on her mind and the world in her head with a stoic face; she sure can say the craziest things.

    Violetkit values herself and expects her words to be valued by others as well. This mindset extends to others around her; she expects cats to say what they mean with honesty. Violetkit will have a hard time understanding why others lie and how to spot it.

    She doesn't really care to believe in Starclan or a place for the dead to go after they pass. The dead go to the ground; the living live; that is all. Violetkit doesn't fear death or getting hurt; the concept fascinates her.

    Once anything gets into her possession, you'd have better luck killing her than having her give it up. Violetkit looks after herself first and only a few others second. Everyone else is competition. While it's a fun mindset when she's a kit, she'll grow to constantly compare herself to others, always striving to be the best part of someone else.

    ———————————————————————lyrics 2

  • 87155392_NRwSHjA389shGPd.png


    ————— a dark colored skinny long kit with bushy fur. Her ears are small and her tail scrawny.


    ————— Violetkit body is long/lean built for running long distances and she will struggle to put on weight . As she grows older she'll grow tall with a strong body to match. Her endurance will remain but her running speed will decrease with more weight and as she learns other skills.


    ————— what do they smell like? As a kit she'll smell of milk and moss. As she grows she'll smell of damp soil after rain.
    ————— what do they sound like? (could be VC or written description)
    ————— what are they commonly doing? Can often be seen watching the world go by with a smile. Or laughing while playing kit games.

    ———————————————————————lyrics 3


    ————— will not start fights, will maim, will not kill, will flee
    ————— her claws won't cut but her words will. In a fight her main goal is to escape, will use her body as a shield to protect others.


    ————— Sneaking | Scouting | Running

    POOR AT—☆

    ————— Climbing | foraging | Swimmig

    ———————————————————————lyrics 6
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named for their
afab, uses she/her, will switch to they/them, with a gender neutral preference to gendered terms
no known sexuality, single
0 moons
shadowclan kit

scrawny silver tabby kitten with low white and orange eyes

[ + ] smart, observant, protective
[ / ] sassy, independent
[ — ] angry, snappy, easily frustrated
due to her observant nature, she is pretty smart. she latches onto information pretty easily, and often can tell when cats are lying due to simply watching their facial expressions. this does not leave her immune to manipulation however because with the right amount of time and effort she can easily be persuaded to do something, espeicslly if she believes cats are being sincere. she is also very protective of her family and does not tolaterate cats making fun of or talking down to one. if she knows your weaknesses, she will use them to get at you if you try and hurt her family.
she is quick witted and sassy. can and will snap back at anyone, but especially tom cats. she has a pretty notable disdain for toms outside of her family, or authority in general. will never back down from telling someone how she feels. she is fueled by inner emotions of a lot of rage, and it's very easy for her to snap at anyone who pisses her off enough
she is easily frustrated. if things arent easy enough, or the splution isnt right there, she csn get pissed off. if someone looks at her funny she can get pissed off. if anyone has a different tone of voice when spesking to her or her family that she doesnt like she can snd will get pissed off. she will be known to start fights over this.​
.     · + * . . ⋆ ✧   ˚ · .  . .   .     ✺ ·     * ⊹ .   * *
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  • GENERAL I talk in my sleep

    ✦ female, (She/Her)
    ↪ heterosexual - too young for romance
    ✦ created TBA, at 0 months ageing rate every month on the 1st
    ✦ current age, unborn
    ✦ Shadow Clan kitten
  • APPEARANCEWhen the night is listening

    ✦ A black and white molly with a short tail that ends in a point and blue eyes
    ↪ An almost comically small kitten covered in more fluff then fur, Orche's larger then life personality seems to be an attempt to make up for her lack in height. Her eyes are bright blue, and almost always seem to be stretched as big as they can get almost like she's trying to drink in everything around her.
    ✦ smells like - moss
    ✦ sounds like - Daphne Kluger - Ocean's 8
    ✦ Inspired by - Azula - Avater
    ✦ any physical illnesses - no
    ✦ Will develop vitiligo later in life
  • PERSONALITYIn a language you don't speak

    A playful cat overly aware of expectations placed on her by herself to make her mother proud of her - something her imposter syndrome would never let happen no matter what anyone says.

    ✩ Playfull || Brash
    ↪ Orche is always in search of adventure. She is also blessed with just enough audacity and ability to be outspoken and daring. As she ages, she will push for her siblings to adventure with her outside of camp walls, confident in her abilities to protect them. Blessed with a small frame but fast paws, she does well enough on this promise to not get into to much trouble... yet.
    ↪ A consent voice in any discussion, Orche is nosey, blunt, but well meaning. She simply wants to understand the world. Why can't she sleep in the warrior's den? Why does the leader sleep alone? Why can't she just eat the herbs? Having more impluse then much else, Orche often finds herself in trouble, and usually blames her age or another. She's so small, they should've been watching her! How could she know?
    ✩ Protective || Manipulative
    ↪ Filled with pride for her clan and her family, Orche is quick to jump to their defense. Even small comments can look like an attack to her if they are targeted at her siblings. She is quick to return the comment, often resulting in a fight of somekind.
    Vain || Hardworking
    ↪ As she grows, Orche will become the victim of love, and it's sister jealousy. More insecure then she cares to admit, Orche will become more and more vain as she grows, aware of how plain her pelt is. How she chooses to handle it will depend on her IC rp situation.
    Positive Traits:
    - generous - snarky - sarcastic - stubborn - critical thinker
    Negative Traits:
    - vengeful - tit for tat - can't say no - hopeless romantic - vain

    ↪ I'm expecting lots of IC problems lol she might be a bit of a problem child, always pushing boundaries and being just a very cute annoyance all over. Lots of her IC consequences will lead her to be a bit more sneaky n her apprenticehood
    ↪ As an apprentice, I can see her starting some fights with apprentices that 'deserve it' by being mean to her or her family, but never overtly starting fights. She'd put rocks in their nests or getting them in trouble for things they didn't do instead of hashing things out with words. During this time there'd be more and more of a disconnect between who she is and who it is apparent she needs to be in order to be 'accepted' by the clan.
    ↪ This disconnect will firmly establish itself in warriorhood.
    ↪ Orche is vain, but also a romatic so I think sometime around her late apprenticehood/early warriorhood i'd like to have her in a few romantic plots. I see all of them ending in pain for her, because of her own doing.
    ↪ TBH i usually play very anxious and calmer characters, so Orche would be a bit of a detour. I'm real excited to strech my writing muscles lol
    ↪ She'll be more of a gray character, driven by her wants and needs which will always include the happiness of her siblings, probably the only cats she'll listen to.
  • RELATIONSHIPSWith words we choose not to hear
    TBA x TBA
    ✦ mates with??? (too young)
    ↪ any offspring??? (too young)
    ✦ mentored by TBA
    ↪ currently mentoring no one

    ↪ mentored no one
  • INTERACTIONI talk in my sleep

    ✦ touching? can powerplay peaceful or nonviolent actions
    ✦ fights? will start fights / will fight honorably / will show mercy
    ↪ STRENGTH: ★☆☆☆☆☆

    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★★★★☆☆

    ↪ SPEED: ★★☆☆☆☆

    ↪ STEALTH: ★★★★☆☆

    ↪ SWIMMING: ☆☆☆☆☆☆

    ↪ HUNTING: ★★★★☆☆

    ↪ STRATEGY: ★★★★★☆

    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★★★★☆☆

    ↪ MEMORY: ★★★★★☆

    ↪ HEALING: ★☆☆☆☆☆

    ↪ WISDOM: ★★★☆☆☆

    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★★★★★☆
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Thank you to everyone who showed interest in the litter!

Between Starlinghearts guess and a dice roll, the magic number is 3! After much consideration (and provided roleplayers are still interested) the chosen kits will be as follows:

@helly with Ivorykit
@BossTaurus with Rainbowkit
@scar with Cornflowerkit

You will each be added to the discord sometime today.