magically inclined | owl sighting


pretty please
Jul 26, 2024
જ➶ Soft steps tread silently across the pine strewn marshes. Each step purposefully placed with sureness as they move. The morning is quiet and only filled with the sounds of early morning birds and some insects that insist on singing just as loudly. Last night they slept much too hard and perhaps it is because of the exhaustion of recent events. The toll of emotions rushing too strongly and not having much of an avenue to release them. A part of them thinks to confine in Mirepurr but they don't want to bother them at the current moment. Perhaps later when he can get his own thoughts together, try to express themselves as best as they can. For now they are just enjoying the time during dawn when things are just waking up. Tiping their head up, two toned eyes glance upwards and the sight they see makes them stop with a soft gasp. The silent beating wings are a sight to behold for them and they watch with wonder in their gaze. Even from here they can see those dangerous talons but the owl takes little notice of them. Taking time to return to their nest, a hole in a thick and large tree.

"Returning home for the day, hmm? I hope hunting last night was fruitful for you." A respectful tone lingers on their tongue as he dips his head to the owl that disappears from his view. Ah, he hopes that their own hunting is just as fruitful today and if not then they do not mind going out during the night to try again. A lot of things seem to want to evade the heat of the day light and thrive during the mellow night hours. Slowly they take their eyes off the tree and debates what to do now. Perhaps return back to camp? But then he shifts as they hear the rustling sounds of pawsteps. A small smile pulls at their muzzle, plain and neutral as they speak. "Good morning."
Forestshade rather likes taking her time coming back from nighttime hunts. The dawn is quiet, soothing. She needs that more than ever these days. For the first time in her life, she’s even started to pray. To Chilledstar, mostly. Can they even hear her, she wonders? She sure hopes so. She pads into camp with a frog in her jaws and quickly deposits it on the pile before moving towards where she hears clanmates talking. Or…is it only Thrasherthroat?

”Morning,” Comes the torbie’s response as she pads towards him, tail flicking to and fro. Her ear twitches curiously, as she is absolutely positive she heard him talking to someone, but as far as her senses are concerned there no one else around. She takes a seat near him and gets to work on a knot in her chest fur, waiting just in case for anyone to pipe up. She doesn’t want to make a fool of herself, after all. When nothing comes, she lifts her muzzle back towards the other warrior and trills, “Who, uh, were you talking to…?” He does know there’s no one around…right?
She's wondering the same thing as Forestshade, at first. Would Thrasherthroat be finally joining the ranks of ShadowClan's insane alongside Ferndance and Betonyfrost? Has Chilledstar's death sealed the breaking of his mind? Sharpshadow wouldn't blame him, honestly. Well – no, she probably would, but she shouldn't. Whether or not Sharpshadow himself was in that demographic, he's not really sure. A Hallmark of the crazy was that they didn't know they're crazy, isn't it? For a moment, he glances around in confusion... Only to lay eyes on the plucky feathers of an owl just before they disappear from view. It has the stealth of a ShadowClanner – no wonder Forestshade didn't notice.

" Are you wishing good hunting to an owl? " incredulously, Sharpshadow asks. Surely Thrasherthroat had about a million better things to do right now. And if there was any sort of creature she'd wish a fruitful hunt to, it surely wouldn't be an owl. " That thing's belly is full of kits, for all you know. " A joke, maybe, but the expression he wears is one of genuine hopelessness. She things about Gigglekit. One of the last scars for Chilledstar before they had died... He sucks in a sharp breath. If only she could care as little as Forestshade did...

[ ༻❄༺ ] With how many here that speak to themselves, it came with no surprise to witness Thrasherthroat do the same, yet the mention from Sharpshadow that it was an owl made Snowpaw uneasy, remembering the attack that happened to Singepaw, to Gigglekit, and to Briarthorn and Screechstorm. "I wonder if it's the same one" he piped up as he moved to join the group, a yawn slipping from his maw before giving a nod in greetings to the two lead warriors, tiredness in his gaze while the thought of dawn patrol came to mind, no doubt Mirepurr would possibly be joining that.

"I'm sure that owl's belly is filled with more than just kits" he snorted, the uncomfortable thought of a kit being snatched away to be food made him frown, especially when Shadowclan had its fair share in attacks with owls in the first place. Shaking his head he glanced between the three warriors akwardly. "Has anyone ever taken down an owl?" he asked curiously, a part of him wondered how they even tasted like. Surely not good at all but still he wondered anyways, besides wouldn't that be a catch to brag about.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 12 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

જ➶ Their ears shift and swivel, turning to focus all of their attention on the one before them. Forestshade. A great warrior despite being blind, someone to look up to perhaps but they have always been cautious when it comes to giving their trust away. Esepcially after the things that have happened. Perhaps they should tell Mirepurr about it. Shaking their head a little they watch as she begins to groom her pelt before a question is posed to them. "Oh, I was speaking to yhe owl that has returned home within the canopy. In the trunk of a tree a couple foxlengths from here." Easily enough their gaze shifts to look at the place it has disappeared before they shrug their shoulders. Though such a movement is not seen by the other they don't comment further. At least that had been the plan till Sharpshadow makes her appearance. The feline settles down then and they shake their head just slightly. "Of course I am. For one day I'll catch them and I want the owl to be pulp."

A good large piece of prey for Shadowclan to taste and enjoy. A meal that can easily feed almost three grown cats. If only they had the chance. One day. Or one night. Turning their eyes away them they almost scrunch up their muzzle just slightly. "Most likely filled with rodents and lizards..." Their gazs falls Aat then and focuses on Snowpaw then, the notion of it being potentially the same owl that caused terror before. If it is then all the more reason to wait for it to become complacent. "I don't know but being the first would be interesting. Hopefully soon."
Forestshade's ears perk at the mention of an owl. There had been an owl flying over camp and no one had warned everyone else? Instead, her wise clanmate here decided to wish it well. She rolls blind eyes, whiskers twitching as she listens to the rest of the conversation. "Yeah right," She muses. "Not even I'd try to fight one of those things. They've slaughtered cats time and time again." Their feathers are thick, their talons sharp. No cat could ever take one down.

Making a face, she tilts her head. "And if it's full of kits, that'll be a pass from me. I ain't eatin' a kit-eater." An attempt at a joke as teeth show. Deep down, though, she truly does hope the owl doesn't cause trouble for them if it's perching so near the camp. She just hopes Snowpaw's curiosity and Thrasherthroat's intrigue doesn't get either of them into trouble with the feathered beast.