major player in the cowboy scene | aftermath

(Raid discussion aftermath, this is after all the patrols have already been sent out.)

He's lost in his own thoughts, the world around him only blurs and muffled noises and he does not hear the brief moment a cat leans into his den to ask if he's fine, nor does he hear them leave without a word; its all a fine haze. Dandelionwish didn't think himself the type to lose to despair like this, to fall into a pit he had no choice to climb out but he's scared beyond belief and there is only one cat he can place the blame on but to do so meant near certain death; mostly. Starlight protected him, shone like a halo and guarded him from the fate most cat's recieved under a ruthless new world order and he longs for the barn once more, something he hadn't felt since he was still carrying the name of 'paw'. His mother isn't there anymore, his father is gone, his siblings here, but he dreams about being in the hayloft and rolling in the golden reeds, sliding down them and scattering them around in a burst of glowing sun; a lullaby lazily drifting down from the rafters from Daisy's watchful eye. In the distance the farmer starts his machine that meshes the golden fields into pieces, something he once had nightmares of chasing him only to find a morbid fascination with its desctructive ways. If his teeth were that sharp he could defeat anything, he could tear apart anyone who harmed any cat; but in doing so wouldn't his own paws be drenched in red?
The sepia point drearily lifts his head from the floor, he had not even laid down in his nest and merely tucked himself in the furthest corner before seemingly blacking out; was it anxiety or was he genuinely that tired-it was hard to say. The murmurs outside his den drew him from its depths at long last, what felt like moons were only several hours and he looked around with his fur unkempt and his mismatched eyes glazed over. Cats were talking about...something. He picks up on the words bit by bit, scratching away.
Catmint. SkyClan. Patrol....finally...steal. Raid. Fight.
The blood in his head begins to pound, its going to drown him and he whirls around in horror to finally realize what is happening. So little cats were left in camp but it was far too late for a hunting party, no patrols were ever sent out at this time. They were.....they were going to attack SkyClan.
In his panicked haze he recollects his return, how he had shouted in his frazzled and upset state at Juniperfrost and stormed off to his den. What had he said....what had he said....

SkyClan said no. He'd just condemned an entire clan on some folly, he had not even intended to tell Sootstar he was going to ask for catmint at all; she would have told him not to bother, clamping her teeth onto her pride to the last. But she had lives to spare and his clan didn't.

"I stop them." He's moving in a stagger to the edge of camp as if blind, as if disoriented.

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Yewberry couldn't shake the sense of foreboding he had caught ever since the party left. Was this the right decision? Sure, he agreed with it in the heat of the moment, but was it the right thing to do?

He couldn't stop fidgeting. Couldn't stop pacing. He wanted this to be over.

But he wasn't the one who needed help. He saw Dandelionwish staggering for the camp entrance. He quickly hopped after him. He knew Dandelionwish was stressed beyond his limits, and he didn't want him to have a heart attack or something.

"D-dandelionwish... You need to settle down... You can't even walk straight." He said quietly. He didn't want him to go out there and get lost in a blizzard trying to stop a war that there was no stopping.


He'd watched it all go down from afar. Dandelionwish's all-too-quick return, the clan learning what happened, anger-filled schemes of fighting and stealing rumbling through the camp. Lemonpaw watched the whole thing, witnessed Dandelionwish's siblings take part in it.

Lemonpaw doesn't think fighting is the way to go. But, unfortunately, that is not the way WindClan thinks. WindClan would rather use their claws than seek out a different means of solving a problem. It's how things have been for a while now.

It's a plan set in stone - to fight SkyClan and steal their herbs. The camp seems satisfied and ready for what to come, but Dandelionwish comes stumbling out of his den, and he... he doesn't look good.

The cinnamon tom pads over to check in on his mother's former apprentice, and it seems Yewberry feels the need to do the same, in the cold wind.

"I have... to stop them."

The words bring him more concern than WindClan's plans do. Dandelionwish, he's not in any sort of state to stop anyone. It was clear to see. Lemonpaw worries for him, hopes things will be okay soon.

"You won't be able to stop them," he says, tail flicking behind him, sunflower eyes filled with concern for the medicine cat, "They've got their plan. They won't want to listen to anyone's protests about it."
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Like a hawk he had been watching, keeping his eyes on the den. Everything had been a mess outside here and he had been trying to protect their medicine cat from it all knowing he had been against it. Of course if he could have stopt this reckless raid he probably would have but there was no point in speaking up against Sootstar especially when she had made up her mind about something so he just stayed out from it. None of the cats who had joined that raid were cats he was close too so who cared what happened to them. If they wanted to run into a sucide mission that was on them. Maybe they actually would succeed and if so good for them, he guess. They did need catmints for the sick cats after all and no matter what they decided death would mostly likely follow them anyhow.

What he did not like though was to see his friend leaving the medicine cat den, and by the looks of it he was heading towards camp. Narrowing his orbs, Vulturemask was quick to follow actually not that far away from the camp entrance Dandelionwish had been heading towards. So it was easy for him to step in front of them to block their way, and with a high lifted head he would stare down at them. " You're not going anywhere. " It came out as an order, his gaze observing them closely with a disapproved cold frown. He already knew what this tom was thinking about and the answer was no. He was not gonna let them leave that easily, to run into a battlefield and get himself killed. Medicine cats should stay away from the battlefield and that was final. They should listen to him, Yewberry and Lemonpaw.

If he didn't....if he didn't he would...shit.