private Make a bet | training

He'd lost a bet it seemed, the new guy needed training and while he complained he had his paws full already with his own apprentice she was taken from him out on patrol to give him no excuses. He never missed Iciclepaw so much as he did now knowing he would dealing with a cat far softer than she was, a new warrior freshly joined tentatively dipping paws in pools and chasing fish with all the enthusiasm and lack of skill you saw from kittens pursing a moth. It was to be an excercise of his patience and will, another trial to overcome, another moment to prove himself. Stars above, he hoped Salmon was not some simpering coward; the truest struggle when it came to training any cat was breaking them from their fear of being hurt and apprehension in causing pain.
The dark tom makes his way over the stepping stones of the river, back from his hunt and no longer looking forward to the rest of his day knowing what it might entail. The trout in his mouth is deposited on the pile, a brief, competitive frown flashes across his face as he sees the other there much larger than his own and he makes a mental note to ask who caught it. The thrill of battle was something he did not often get to indulge in any longer, so he had mentally replaced his desire for combat with competiting silently alongside his clanmates to gauge his own worth. Unhealthy? Perhaps, but he never claimed to be a healthy cat-at least not mentally. He didn't know much about the mind or how it worked but when it came to form and fitness then he was your guy. Unfortunately. Twin suns honed in on the red tom, still nervously perched near the medicine cat den as he had been for some time and always seem to be; perhaps he found comfort in Beesong who seemed to have his wits about him well, or maybe the scent of the herbs was some comfort. Regardless, he was going to be pulled from this place he so seemed to enjoy for the time being.
"Salmonrun, has anyone showed you-" Smokethroat paused, stopping to stand before the other and eyeing the lacing of scars on his back so entricate and detailed they almost passed as tabby stripes on their own, "-how to defend yourself in a fight?"
