make a deal | guarding camp

// set on the night of the gathering !! anyone who didnt go is welcome to participate

Worry gnaws in her stomach as she sits in camp, quite literally unable to even relax due to the unrelenting fear that she knows would not go away till they got back. Paws knead the earth below in an anxious manner as she breathes, continuously pacing back and forth in the moonlight. How does rest come easy to those in fear of their home? The screeches of war-torn cats and kits huddling at the mouth of the elders den and the nursery, and the fear of losing her home- it all constricts her chest and makes it hard to breathe. If Windclan had attacked them in camp once, they'll do it again, and if they're smart they'll take advantage of the fact half their clan was out at the gathering.

But not tonight, no. She tries to tell herself this over, not tonight, not a sacred night. Not on her watch, she'll see them coming before they see her, she'll make sure of it. And she'll make her promise to Dawn come true, she'll kill them, she will, she'll kill them all dead!

She doesn't realize how violently shes shaking as she moves through camp in a pace, settling at the beginnings of the entrance, where she feels is the safest position to attack a patrol leader. She knows she'll lay down her life for the cats currently in camp but does she still fear for the safety, fear for the unknown regardless? Yes. But she forces her fur to lie flat as she gives curly chest fur a lick. "You think Blazestar is tellin everyone about Windclan now?" she asks a nearby cat, casting her gaze towards moonlit skies. Some decent conversation would help pass the time for sure. She'll rotate between sitting on the inside and sitting on the outside of the camp walls, just to ease her own worries.

Sleep had not come easy to Twitchpaw, either. To the gathering he had meant to go, but at the last second he'd pulled out from equal parts fear and duty. It felt... wrong, abandoning the cam even though the full moon beckoned them. WindClan's tactics were dirty, he knew that very well... what was stopping them descending upon the camp and stealing herbs while the majority of the warriors were away? Necessity had willed him to stay here, even if it was perceived. There were so, so many possibilities he just couldn't push out of his mind. Sootstar revered StarClan- that was the logical option, that she would not betray the trues. But the what-ifs were so many, a cursed menagerie, and he couldn't, he couldn't...

Sheepcurl's voice snapped the bicolour tom right out of his stupor, fatigued eyes snapping toward the lead warrior. "I- I hope so," he admitted, fur bristling along his spine. He felt... ill, wishing that sort of misfortune on a whole Clan. Exposed for being thieves, underhanded, violent- but part of him felt strongly as if they deserved it. Conflict sparked a thunderstorm in his chest. "RiverClan'll stick up for us too, I think."

There, at least, was a silver lining.
penned by pin ✧
"I h-hope so!" Sweetpaw's meow comes a little louder than Twitchpaw's but within a heartbeat, and they glance at him with a mortified look over their accidental synchronicity. The little mink stands nearby, mittened paws hesitating in their trek to the apprentices' den, and glances between the two older SkyClanners. Against her better judgement and the tiredness tugging at the back of their mind she takes a few steps closer, inviting themself into the conversation.

"The other Clans will be there too, right?" Sweetpaw doesn't know the intricacies of Clan politics yet, but feels that it would be a safe assumption. "Hopefully they'll listen to us if RiverClan backs Blazestar up ..."