private Make a man out of yew || Moonshadow

Sep 15, 2022

It took him a bit to gather the courage to ask for help on brushing up on his fighting skills. A good bit, actually. He was hesitant to ask at all, he would be admitting that he was a terrible warrior.

But he was.

He wasn't as strong as everyone else. He was....He just wasn't as confident. He wasn't the fearless warrior he should be. He should be strong and confident. Not getting ambushed and beaten up at the border by rogues. Not cowering before others in fear.

He was going to be a dad. He needed to be there for his kits.

This is what brought him to Moonshadow today. He forcefully swallowed his pride and approached her nervously.

"M-moonshadow? Uh...I was wondering if.... You would.....Train with me?" He asked, shuffling his paws. " I'm....Not as good as I should be. And with kits on the way, I....Need to be better."

He was nervous. What if she didn't want to??? Well, then he would just go hide in a hole for the rest of the day.

NO. He would find someone else!!! He had to be strong!!


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—————————————【 She/Her | Windclan warrior | 32 Moons 】——————————
Moonshadow would look up from her scrawny meal, slowly blinking dark blue orbs at the clanmate before her. She would listen quietly to his request before licking her maw and then rising to her paws, "Very well. Would you like to begin now?"

She would bury the bones of her prey before giving her chest a lick to straighten herself out before looking expectedly at Yewberry. It was not often that her clanmates asked for her assistance. Truthfully with Hyacinthbreath now, the black smoke rarely talked to anyone who wasn't blood-related to her, so this was a surprisingly pleasant change of pace for her.

[penned by Zaeya].

He nodded. He had worked up the courage to do this now, so it had to be now. Because if not he would be back at square one.

"I-if that's okay with you, anyways." He said. He didn't want to be an inconvenience.

He shuffled nervously, wishing he could beat his anxiety like he could a physical enemy. But that was a battle for possibly another time.

All he knew was he had to get himself together somehow and this seemed as good a way as any.
( ) Moonshadow would simply nod, and then begin to lead the way out of camp, expecting the young warrior to follow after her. Once they had reached a clearing with enough room to move and practice, the black smoke would turn around and meow evenly, "Before I can begin teaching you, I must first see what skills you have to start with. So,"

She would drop down into a defensive crouch, dark blue eyes narrowing at the tom before her as her tail lashed in a challenge, "Try and knock me over."


Yewberry followed her out of camp and was plagued with doubt. Was this a bad idea? What if something bad happened? What if he was a complete failure?

He took a breath and let it go. "Okay."

He dropped into position and paused for only a second before he skittered with the speed of a startled insect and once her side was in his view, he launched himself into her.

He was always proud of his speed, but it was his strength that always failed him. He was never the strong one, and he always tried to compensate for it, but he felt it was time to deal with it head on, now.

He couldn't stand being the weak runt anymore.