private Make a move | Hunting patrol


Though death may be nipping at their heels, its teeth are not set only in the rogues’ mouths. Starvation is just as sharp a threat, and one far more familiar. Hunger and grief weave between Snakeblink’s ribs in twin discomfort, but only one, for now, might kill him; it’s also the only one he can truly do anything about.

He leads his patrol towards the twoleg site, knowing their detritus always attract prey in the cold moons where strange-smelling crumbs become the easiest source of sustenance for the scurrying creatures. It’s also far removed from anywhere Riverclanners may have met their ends; there has not been a new snowfall since, and he fears blood would still mar the ground. Still he remains on edge, eyes and ears flicking from his new apprentice to his patrol to their surroundings, waiting for each breath to be doubled, each shadow overlaid with that of a rogue’s lying in wait.

”Be vigilant,” he hums in a low tone. ”Twolegs rarely come out here in this season, but it does not make this place truly safe by any means. Warn the rest of the patrol if you see anything strange.” His thoughts are laden with memories of traps.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • @turtlepaw , @willowroot , @DEWCLOUD , @SWIFTFIRE , @brookstorm

    optional prompt: while hunting, one of your patrol members comes across a thin brown skin that smells really good

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    Snakeblink • he / him. 49 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

i'm in the in between, honey

Turtlepaw feels very important today. When she was Fennelridge's apprentice, they rarely went on hunting patrols. It was typically just the two of them. Today, though, her new mentor was leading a hunting patrol, and she got to join in!

The tabby bounced between patrol members with excited chatter. "One time, I saw this massive millipede and I followed it for like an hour!" She babbled to no one in particular. She remembered the millipede fondly. It's many legs moved in such a silly way! At one point she left it crawl over her paw and she giggled at the memory of the feeling.

When Snakeblink started speaking, the apprentice quickly stopped herself from another story. Turtlepaw knew of twolegs... barely. She'd heard stories of them grabbing cats and locking them away forever. She couldn't imagine being trapped with them in their weird stone dens. How would she swim? Or who would she tell stories to if the only ones who could hear her were stupid twolegs?

Turtlepaw shudders and moves closer to Snakeblink with her ears flat against her skull. "What kind of strange stuff?" She whispers (or tries to whisper).

Dewcloud is always at least a little surprised, these days, when he’s assigned to take part in a patrol. With everything going on, with who he was — or… used to be? — and his blunderous tendencies, the silver tabby figures he’d be put on less. But he’s out again, following behind Snakeblink, and listening to Turtlepaw’s chirping tales.

A millipede! “ Dewcloud echoes, encouraging the young apprentice’s story as they walk, lazuline eyes bright with intrigue, “ How far did you get? Very? “ Perhaps he shouldn’t continue the discussion, perhaps he should be motivating the kid to stay silent, but he’s not Turtlepaw’s apprentice, and anyway, it seems to keep her busy and distracted from any hunger that may bite at her.

Paws slow to a stop at the sound of Snakeblink’s voice and so to does his discussion. He looks to the lead warrior, making sure to listen, to be correct this time and not make any mistakes. The storm-furred tabby nods. Be vigilant — warn the others of anything strange. He can do that, right?

He tears off from the patrol when the time comes to do so, parting his maw for any trace of prey. The smell of food hits him then, different than anything he’s ever smelled before. Is this worth calling out for, or is this a critter he has yet to see about, one he’s yet to taste? He figures it’s the later, figures it might be some sort of bird, or something, and follows the scent. Whoever takes this off the fresh-kill pile will have a good meal, for sure.

Whatever he’s following is still and unmoving, and soon the smell grows strong. Snowy limbs crouch downward, creeping toward the area, but still, he cannot find what he’s looking for. Lazuline eyes blink in confusion as he opts to creep forward still, until a strange object comes into site — brown and thin, almost skin like, partially wrapped in something light in color.

That’s not prey. A gray head lifts, searching the area for someone to wave over. “ Is this strange enough? “ He calls to whoever listens. ​
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    ── Warrior of RiverClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A gray tabby and white tom with blue eyes.
    ── Mentored by the Ripple Colony
    ── "Speech"; Attack