make a splash // puddles

Mar 26, 2023
sleekpaw | 04 months | genderfluid | he/she/they | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mistyrose
When sleekpaw joins the patrol that morning, it is with great reluctance. It has only jsut stopped raining, leaving the ground damp in some areas and soaking wet in others. The soft furred apprentices is clean and pristine - she and mud truly do not mix well. Nose scrunched up, they move much slower than the rest of the patrol as they try to evade the muck. Unfortunately, not everyone seems to share this opinion, for it's not long before one clumsy npc splashes water up and into the air. Sleekpaw expects it to splatter him, eyes even shut as he freezes and waits for the inevitable - but it never comes. Baby blues peek open only to link in surprise. Someone else has accidentally stepped into his path and inadvertently gotten splashed instead. "Oh" she says, voice hushed in awe. Had they... done that for them? "Erm - th-thank you," the words come out rather stiff and awkwardly. It hardly crosses the apprentices mind that this move might not have been purposeful - after all, their pale pelt is clearly too pretty to get dirty, his clanmate must have known that too.

// made this an open instead hehe


The dark pelted apprentice loathes these types of patrols, the ones where he is lumped together with the other apprentices. Surely he was getting a bit too old to be made to hang back with those who were fresh out of the nursery? He was much bigger than them, at least. But he was bigger than most adults, he could thank his father for that. He does his best to ignore them, yellow eyes scanning the underbrush for any sign of prey.. or intruders. Either would be just fine with him.

Suddenly, though, while he is walking along and minding his own business, water hits him, soaking his thick pelt. "What the-" he cries out, surprised and angry. His narrowed eyes land on the npc apprentice responsible for drenching him "Do you have bees in your brain?" he hisses. It would take him all day to get his pelt back to looking even somewhat normal. Hes absolutely mortified. A small voice speaks from behind him and he turns to look at Sleekpaw. "Thank you?" he echoes confused. It hadn't been anywhere near his intention to take the blow for his clanmate and he has to resist the urge to scoff. "Uh you're welcome I guess" he grumbles instead, shaking himself to try and rid his pelt of the worst of the muck, not particularly caring where the droplets ended up.

// mentor tag @Flycatcher

The patrol had been a fairly slow and uneventful one that morning. Minus the downpour shortly before they had left the weather had held steady. Whilst Flycatcher wasn't so thrilled about all the muddy ground, he hoped that the sudden change in weather would have kept some of their neighbouring clans away. He wasn't really looking forward to the idea of another possible confrontation, not with so many ThunderClan apprentices present.

Flycatcher has stepped away from the main part of the patrol to strengthen one of their scent markers when he hears a sudden angry cry. He knows his apprentice well enough to know its Burnpaw calling out. Curious about what was going on, Flycatcher rushed back to see what had caused such a reaction "What's going - BLEURGH!" Flycatcher's question was quickly cut off by several droplets of mud hitting him in the face from where Burnpaw was shaking himself out. Regrettably, some of it had gone in Flycatcher's mouth and he had to spit a few times to try and rid himself of the taste.



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”Watch out!” A shrilling scold pierces the air, Burnpaw goes from receiving praise to scolding when he begins to shake his pelt out. Muck had landed right on their deputy’s face, blatantly getting into his maw. It was clearly not intentional on Burnpaw’s end but… Prickleflower was Prickleflower. She rolls her eyes and looks to Flycatcher, her gaze notably softening. ”Apprentices and their dirtiness!” She retorts, though amusement can be found in her tone to the Tom. ”The stream is up ahead, let’s get you a drink and get all that mud off your fur before it dries. You’ll never get the knots out then.”
WE'RE GETTING LOST! The stocky warrior much preferred to be on patrols than anything else, especially with her little caravan of apprentices to drag about. Not only because she found herself poor at hunting (to which she would never admit to her older brother), but because she placed herself as a first line of defense for the borders. Between RiverClan, ShadowClan and WindClan, she didn't trust they wouldn't stop pushing their borders more and more as long as they existed in the forest.

There seemed to be a stall in their tracks as mud became someone- someone's issue. She glanced behind her to look at Sleekpaw, hearing her meek voice. She watched, trying to hide her amusement as Burnpaw unceremoniously spread the muck about. She tried to hide her laughter at Flycatcher's demise. The she-cat herself didn't care much about it. Her and Hawkshiver had spent countless times wrestling in whatever terrain and whatever weather before.

"Sleekpaw, the mud won't bite." She reassured her apprentice with a smile. "And if it does, let me know. I'll have sharp words and even sharper claws for it." Killdeercry flexed her claws for the show with a smile.

-- app tag @barleypaw.

— tags

A part of Flycatcher wished no one would see him in this state, but he was well aware that there were other warriors and apprentices present on the patrol. As Prickleflower approached him making a comment on apprentices and their dirtiness, he caught Killdeercry attempting to stifle a laugh. Despite his own embarrassment he could find the humour in the situation and let out a little chuckle. "I think washing this off is a good idea," Flycatcher nodded in response when Prickleflower suggested going to the nearest stream. "StarClan knows my fur can get pretty messy without the help of any mud."
sleekpaw | 05 months | genderfluid | he/she/they | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mistyrose
Any good will he'd had is short lived when Burnpaw proceeds to shake the muck right back off - and right onto Sleekpaw. An earsplitting shriek slips past her lips, and she frantically tries to scrape it off before rapidly running her tongue across her fur in an attempt to get it off when that doesn't work well enough. "You- you! Ugh!" they snap, cheeks puffed as their feather soft tail swishes irritably and they actually stomp heir front paw, like a kit throwing a tantrum. To be honest, it's not far off. Baby blue eyes wobble and water as the boy looks at killdeer pleadingly, received when somebody suggests going to the stream.