camp Make like a tree and leaf || Big Leaf

Jul 3, 2023
It's not uncommon to find Ptarmigankit on his own, finding some kind of entertainment by himself. He doesn't mind playing with the other kits, but what if they were busy? What if they didn't want to play with him? He didn't want to intrude!!! And so, the fluffy kitten found other things to do. This was one such time. There were leaves collecting in the camp, having fallen from trees and blown in from Thunderclan's territory. He thinks they look funny... But one looks particularly interesting.

It was a HUGE leaf. It was bigger than him!!! THATS CRAZY!!!!!

He can't help but stare with wide eyes through his fluffy hair. Look at this thing! He picks it up by the stem. He has to show everyone!!! It's incredible, the biggest leaf IN THE WORLD!! As he bounced along, the leaf blocked his vision of who was in front of him. As such, he was excitedly bounding along, looking for someone to show this leaf....And bumping right into an unsuspecting clanmate with a soft "Oof!"

He looks up at his obstacle, half covered by the leaf and minty green eyes showing through his bangs. "....Big leaf!!" His quiet voice pipes up softly. He hopes this cat is just as psyched about this leaf as he is. He thinks he's found the treasure of the century.
———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
Ptarmingankit was far too considerable for his age- at least, that's what Scalejaw thought to herself. She herself had an issue being considerable until she had put moons between her paws. But during leaffall, prey was becoming scarcer then it had been before- which wasn't much better, anyways. She had just returned to camp with a small frog, a tiny breath leaving her nose as a gentle breeze blew down another wave of leaves. Her eyes lifted to the sky, then down towards Ptarmigankit, who seen entertained by one of the falling flora.

She turned her head away, a little grin on her face as she started to head towards the freshkill pile, until she felt a knock into her knee. Scalejaw's vision tipped back down, and a snort left her as he peered up at her. She set the frog down, the grin on her face only widening in the action. "Yes, big leaf." She stated, a tiny chuckle leaving her thereafter. "It's almost as big as you are, Ptarmingankit. Where'd you find it, hm?" Scalejaw asked, voice warm and open towards the kiddo.


[penned by dallas].

tags. ↟↟↟ Pinekit’s whiskers twitched with interest as he observed Ptarmingankit pick up and carry the massive brownish orange leaf. A couple dead leaves blew around the camp either from more lush parts of the first or the handful of deciduous trees located in the pine bog. Why were the leaves brown and orange instead of green? Why were they wilty, dry, and crunchy? He’d knew small plants to die but the tall tall trees of the forest?

The brown kitten trotted a couple steps after Ptarmingankit. He halted when the fluffy kitten smacked into Scalejaw’s leg. They all seems okay - even the leaf mostly - so he got closer. ”It is a big leaf.”

”Why is it here? Why are they falling out of the trees? That’s why it’s called leaf-fall.” The tomkit mused and inquired. This would be his first leaf-fall. Kittens always had something new to witness.


"I've seen bigger," the Lead Warrior spoke with her characteristic bluntness, head tilted as she tried to recall where she had seen a bigger leaf. Searching through her memories, she seemed to recall a brief respite in a Twoleg garden beneath leaves that hung towards the dirt like swooping birds, large enough to fit several cats beneath its gorging shade. A whole chowder worth of cats, and not one had been able to offer a true name to the mystery plant. That was not much of a feat though. Staring down Ptarmigan's assailant, the identity of the flora was lost on the cinnamon tabby's tongue. Its orange hue gave away nothing, so many tree leaves seemed to wither and die in leaf-fall that, as Pinekit had so succinctly mentioned, they had named a whole period of moons after the phenomena. On her tippy-toes, the Lead Warrior leaned forward, a quiet gasp escaping her as if she had thought of something truly amazing. "You should bury it in a safe place and see if it grows into a tree." That was how trees worked, wasn't it? If not, then Ferndance was fine with it - she wouldn't mind finding the hiding spot and adding a new addition to her hoard of stolen nesting material.

"It blew into camp!" He piped up, voice still soft. "How's it get so big? And why do our trees have funny skinny leaves??" He asks. He doesn't know a thing about trees. This leaf is an anomaly. It's so unlike what he's used to. What kind of tree did it come from? Would the pine needles on the trees become big leaves like this?? Woah.

Pinekit raises a good question. Why are they falling out of the trees? Are they trying to fly? Are leaves actually alive? So many questions flood his mind at this realization. He hopes his apprenticeship will bring things to light. He must know. Its important. "Do the leaves get tired, and thats why they fall?" He asks.

Ferndance says she's seen bigger, and his eyes widen. "Really???" He asks in awe. His mind is blown. Leaves BIGGER than this one??? Incredible. He wants to see them. Imagine....With enough leaves, he could make... A leaf den! A den made of leaves! What she says next excites him even more!

"I could grow a tree!?" He squeaks, possibly the loudest he's ever spoken. He could grow a tree!! "I gotta find the best spot! We could have a tree with big leaves!!"

He's so excited over this revelation that burying leaves could grow trees. He could start his own leaf collection and bury them and grow MORE trees!​