make me love myself / silversmoke

— 36 moons, ages on the 23rd
— skyclan warrior (ex-lead warrior ; disappeared/consequently demoted 28/7)
— long-furred blue spotted tabby with one blue eye and one green eye
— mentor to n/a ; formerly mentored chrysaliswing, crowsight and emberfall
— penned by @PUNK

↳ attack in #aececf or @ this account
↳ will start fights | liable to escalate tension | will kill
↳ non-violent and healing actions may be powerplayed
↳ please contact me on discord for plots and interactions!

— scars:
↳ two over his blue eye, from slate
↳ puncture scars on his right hind leg, from a snake bite
↳ three scars on his back, from a rogue (while defending a kittypet)

✧✧ — strength
✧✧✧ — dexterity
✧✧✧✧✧ — endurance
✧✧✧✧✧ — climbing
✧ — fighting
✧✧✧✧✧ — hunting
✧✧✧ — intelligence
✧✧✧✧✧✧ — wisdom
✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ — charisma
✧✧✧✧ — resilience
✧✧✧ — volatility
✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ — spirituality

colours ref:

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SILVER for the colour of his fur; SMOKE for his 'presence' and aggressiveness
⤷ thoughts on name
SILVERSMOKE is a former lead warrior of SkyClan and a long-term member of the group. He is honourbound by duty to do whatever he must for his clan, often at the expense of his social life and relationships with those within it. Fierce in battle, he has often taken the role of a combat mentor to young SkyClanners. Undeniably stubborn and devoted, he is still maladroit in the face of new pursuits and prefers familiarity.
☆ ─── BASICS
  • ☆ MALE • HE/HIM
    ⤷ has a strictly masculine presentation; biromantic asexual
  • ☆ 36 MOONS • 3Y / 0M
    ⤷ created 00 . 00 . 0000 at 00 moons
    ⤷ ages every 23rd
    ⤷ born 07 . 2021 ( greenleaf )
    ⤷ knows few other loves than the love of his clan, whose prolonged existence gives him a reason for living and is the sole reason he sees himself as more than just a twolegplace rogue. his loyalty borders on fanatical, and any display of criticism of his home may be met with aggression and admonishment. it is a blood debt he owes skyclan for saving his life, one that he works everyday to pay off.
    ⤷ has neutral, if not negative opinions, about the other clans. believes that skyclan should not waste their time with allies outside of their borders when the other clans are more volatile and less honourbound to keep to their codes. in particular, he hates thunderclan and windclan and will actively avoid conversation with their warriors.

    silversmoke is a blue spotted tabby with heterochromia (left eye green, right eye blue) and patches of white sporadically across his body. his spots are all across his torso, but spare his face, legs, and tail, which take on the typical tabby stripes instead. his paws are white, as is his belly and chest, and there are faint patches of white around his eyes and muzzle. there are also faint stripes on the back of his neck, but they are difficult to see unless standing close to the introverted tom. he is a rather pale creature, with muted colours and white whiskers adding to this almost phantom-like appearance.

    silver is a tall figure. once a lanky youth, whose limbs seemed too awkward for his body, silversmoke fits them better now, though his tail is still proportionately short. smoke finds himself with black-tipped ears and a large amount of fluff around his face. the rest of his fur is soft, and whilst relatively well-groomed, there is still an unkempt edge to it around his chest fur.

    parent 1 traitsparent 2 traitsbreed traits
    ⤷ stands 14 inches in height • body length of 27 inches
    ⤷ weighs 17 pounds
    pre-2023 • Two long scars running over his right eye. Though it does not look it, his vision is damaged on that side, though, he is not entirely blinded. Caused by a skirmish over food with ex-rogue turned skyclanner, slate.
    04 . 04 . 2024 • A two-pronged bite upon his right hind leg, small, but noticeable. Caused by an adder while protecting sorrelsong from it.
    27 . 07 . 2024 • Three scars that run along his spine, carefully stitched up by a Twoleg but a pinkish-grey reminder of the injury remains. Was dubiously injured by a rogue in defence of the trespassing kittypet, belphegor.
    Brief description of item.
    ⤷ Received how or from who?
    ⤷ Significance.

    Brief description of item.
    ⤷ Received how or from who?
    ⤷ Significance.

    STUBBORN . If Silversmoke sets his mind upon something, it will either take a long time to give up on it, or he will not stop until he has gotten what he wanted. Within SkyClan, his defiance of death and separation from his home has resulted in this being an admirable trait, however in the past, it has caused him to harbour grudges for too long and refuse to relent upon harmful ideas. These aspects are still present, though they have been watered down with time.

    INTROSPECTIVE . Coming across as moody and brooding to the outside world, the spotted tabby has a complex inner world that often questions himself and his morality and how both can grow in an ever changing clan. He has strong beliefs that he often mulls over and, should he do something wrong, he is often quick to think about it and confirm or deny his guilt. Such decisions are often made bias by whether or not in broke a lawful code or whether his intentions were just, however, he is sincerely more open to change when it comes to friends.

    LOYAL . Silversmoke holds an almost houndlike loyalty to his clan, wishing himself to be utilised as a warrior and refusing to acknowledge its flaws unless alone. There is no universe where he would betray SkyClan. Friend or foe, he would protect anybody that called themself a SkyClanner even at the cost of his life.

    TRAIT . A brief description of this trait, how it affects daily life, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.​
  • 38ekP6T.png
    Silversmoke is proud in some ways and deeply insecure in others. He is contemplative, moody and surprisingly introspective, but most of these thoughts are negative when self-aimed, believing himself to be emotionally immature due to a lifetime spent alone. He has always been private with matters of his self-consciousness, letting others discover it for themselves rather than admitting that he does not know his identity and feeling out of being SkyClan's soldier.

    Silversmoke's faith in StarClan is surface-level. He follows their code because it is in SkyClan's best interests, but he believes the strength of mortals is far superior to the confusing prophecies set about by their ancestors.

    Silversmoke is guided by principle, having a very strict moral code that is separate, but often overlaps, with SkyClan's. He is a textbook lawful neutral character, guided by the idea that order is the only way to govern and live, often comfortable to help others in pursuit of his society but too pragmatic to suggest helping others outside it unless there is some benefit. He can clash with more chaotic individuals and rulebreakers, believing the code they live by in SkyClan to be more important than their impulses and desires.

    Character's thoughts on relationships. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu.​
    • Rarely looks other characters in the eye due to finding it uncomfortable. He will only force himself to look at other's eyes when he believes it important, such as disciplining another or telling them something important. He is also highly sensitive to touch and may, at times, react negatively to sudden contact. It is only really tolerated by those he loves, even then, he may require space from time to time.
    • List of character's mental and physical mannerisms, as well as their physical demeanour and any habits. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.
    • List of character's mental and physical mannerisms, as well as their physical demeanour and any habits. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.

    LIKES .
    • Pheasant.
    • Training.
    • Alone Time.
    • The colour red.
    • Twolegs.
    • Crayfish.
    • Greenleaf.
    • Rogues.

❝ let me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle, but let me first do some great thing that shall be told among men hereafter. ( The Illiad ) ❞
    ⤷ How easily do they form platonic and / or romantic bonds? Conversely, how easily is their ire earned?
    ⤷ Silversmoke doesn't trust easily but has a duty to his clan to protect them regardless of how he feels about them personally. Distrust would not easily affect his actions toward them, but it will affect his attitude, and betrayal in anyway is often met with violence or anger. Forgiveness is not granted easily
    ⤷ Do they appreciate romantic advances or overtures? How do they react?
    • Open to xyz; closed to xyz.
    Smells of thing and thing. If you're a perfume nerd like me, you can write what perfume they would wear here.
    Sounds Central London, average pitch, has a voice and body that does not match. Voice claim is NEWT ( Maze Runner ).
    • Speech is #HEXCODE; dream speech is #HEXCODE; thought are italicized; contact and combat is underlined.

    ☆ Little blurb about their fighting style.
    Will start fights; won't flee; will start fights; will show mercy; will kill.
    ⤷ Killed Character on 00 . 00 . 0000 • THREAD
    ⤷ Killed Character on 00 . 00 . 0000 • THREAD
    ☆ Sibling / littermate / etc. to character.
    ⤷ Cousin, aunt, uncle, other blood relation to character.
    ⤷ Little blurb about who raised them and whatnot.
    FAMILY :
    ☆ Mate to johnnyflame/ padding after N/A / crushing on N/A; former mate to auburnflame.
    • Parent to N/A.
    • No known other relations.
    ☆ Mentored by N/A.
    • Mentoring emberpaw.
    • Previously mentored chrysaliswing, crowsight. chickbloom (shadowed)

    ❤️️ FRIENDS: Chickbloom, Florabreeze,
    TRUSTS: Crowsight
    LIKES: Twitchbolt, Figfeather, Howlfire
    MIXED FEELINGS & NEUTRAL: Thistleback, Orangestar, Slate, Doeblaze
    DISLIKES: Cherryblossom, Chrysaliswing, Howlingstar
    💔 ENEMIES: Dawnglare, Skyclaw (unknowingly), Raccoonstripe​
  • + PROFICIENT IN: Combat, mentorship,
    -- LACKING IN: Hunting, diplomacy, foraging.
    ☆ CLIMBING: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
    Average. Longer description of their (in)proficiency in this skill. Donec luctus tincidunt purus.

    HUNTING: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
    One-word descriptor. Longer description of their (in)proficiency in this skill. Donec luctus tincidunt purus.

    TRACKING: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
    One-word descriptor. Longer description of their (in)proficiency in this skill. Donec luctus tincidunt purus.

    COMBAT: ★★★★★★★★★☆
    run. combat is his hyperfixation, how he can turn even the bloodiest of dances into a win through skills learned as a clan cat and as a rogue is an enduring mystery he is driven to solve. training daily in the sandpit has given him a keen eye for the different ways he can end a fight quickly and extreme caution is advised for any that wish to fight him. there is a brutality to his combat, an indifference to how much he is hurt so long as the other is hurt worse. his two weaknesses are his pride, which makes it unlikely for him to back down from combat even at his own expense, and his eyesight, which is poor due to prior injury and results in a blindspot upon his right side that he covers with exaggerated head movements. ​
  • Code:
    [box=68%] [justify][font=georgia]text here [color=#aececf][b]"speech"[/b][/color] [/font][/justify] [/box]
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