MAKE ME SWAY &. hunting patrol


it was fucking impossible to hunt in these conditions. they had half a mind to ignore the damned patrol request all together— in all sense they could do that. it wasn't like they had to listen to the deputy. they were leader. their word was law. but they don't want to fight. they needed the damned prey and that's the only reason they're even beginning to indulge in the foolishness. they lashed their tail, grunting as wind further hits them in the face. how inconvenient.

"alright. we are splitting up. i will take forestshade. sundewtail, you can take crowpaw and ferndance you can take wolfpaw. this should cover more ground. we shall meet back here momentarily... don't go too far. I want you within shouting range."

more shouting than they'd already been doing over the loud whistles of the wind against the pine trees. they blinked their eyes momentarily before heading off in a different direction, clearing their throat to signal their former apprentice.

"we will cover this area. you got that side. I'll get this one. you know what to do if you need me."

they'd done this tango many times before. oh, how they had no clue just how different this one would be.

@FORESTSHADE, @Sundewtail, @FERNDANCE @Wolfpaw., @Crowpaw.