MAKE MY WAY IN LIFE — intro , curious kitten

Sorrelpaw !

I love you so.
Apr 8, 2023

SORREL — she’s been living on the highest shelf.
She was making her great escape, off to soar through the world until she landed into that great blue pit of water her mother had always sung on about, where the breeze as so salty you could taste it and the sand so warm it felt like a comfort between your toes.
She knew she could make it, afterall she was Sorrel, the Adventurer. A self bestowed name and title of course, but important all the same.
She had barely broke the tree line where rugged asphalt became soft grass before she was distracted by something poking out of poorly-made camouflage. Sun glittered through the treetops, making it almost sparkle in all its metallic glory.
Sorrel, also a natural-born sleuth, had no other choice but to investigate.
Eyes wide and limbs dropping into a sloppy crouch, Sorrel crept towards it, batting scattered leaves away until a wall of mesh was revealed, its gaping mouth wide open at the center of its surface.
The familiar scent of housefolk radiates from it.
Bald beasts! Sorrel thinks to herself with a dramatic gasp.
She steps closer, about to stick her head into the belly of the cage for a better look.

/ tldr: she’s about to stick her head into a twoleg trap for the sake of curiosity <3
His whole body was tensed in preparation, ahead of him, a squirrel, standing just by some trees. Everything else seemed to fall away to the tom, until it was just him and his prey alone in the world. It was rare for him to go this far, especially just for a hunt but his negative interaction with Slate had left him needing some alone time. It wasn't often he felt that way but he'd really let the other tom down.

Tensing his muscles, he'd bolt forward, the grass blurring beneath him.
It was a quick kill and his eyes glittered with pride as the fluffy animal lay limply in his maw.
This peace was short lived as the sound of a gasp caught his attention.

As far as he knew, there weren't any other patrols heading this way and so he decided to investigate.
The sight in front of the tom startled him enough that he dropped the squirrel and moved quickly towards the kitten, heart pounding.

"Get away from that thing!" He'd yowl to her, stopping close enough that he could grab her if need be. He didn't know what they were but he'd yet to see any of their clanmates who'd entered one come back. Maybe if I'd thought out what I said more carefully Slate would still be here. In all honesty he didn't know why he felt so guilty, he'd hardly known the tom but he could feel the pain rolling off of him in waves.

"Don't go in there." He'd warn again, eyes scanning the surroundings for any upwalkers. Their stench was heavy and he was unable to tell if they'd been here recently or not.

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

Fur bristled along a lithe back and a tawny furred being was quick to Pigeonsongs' side with deep green eyes wide, "Hey! He-He's right! Be careful!" She wanted to scoop up the kitten and pull it away from the trap- but didn't want to risk getting tapped in there herself. Bananapaw boucned around the trap instead anxciously and looked to Pigeonsong for help.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
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Reactions: Pigeonsong
) Bearheart had been so close to actually catching something decent, but the sound of nearby voices from the others who had been hunting was enough to send the crow fluttering with a panicked squawk back up into the canopy above. Well out of reach of his claws. An annoyed huff escaped him as he was forced to abandon his task in order to investigate the hubbub. Though as he arrived and beheld the sight of another trap his irritation was swiftly replaced by overwhelming fear.

"Get away from it!" Bearheart bellowed as he darted forward in a bid to grab Sorrel by the scruff so he could haul her away from the trap before she could become caught within the interior.
Oh, dear Stars they were going to have a panic attack if that kit got stuck.. Oh dear Stars. Bluejay sticks her head out of the tree she was sitting in, leaves sticking into her fur as she swivels her head to look at the trap. Upwalkers really were trying to catnap a few cats.. But why? Nothing seemed to be wrong, right?

"In the trees! Come on, bring the kit up here." They could stay away from the Upwalkers if they outsmarted them, residing in the trees until they were safe. The sound of footsteps crunching through the grass startles the blue molly, tossing her head to look at her apprentice with nervous excitement. "What do you smell, kiddo?"

// apprentice tag @HEATHERPAW
જ➶ She is quick to skitter along the branches of the trees. Too nervous to even think about getting on the ground. Or maybe just too scared. She's never had to deal with Twolegs before and now they are kidnapping their warriors left and right. Blaxestar knows what to do though and she believes in him as a leader. So all she needs to do is be vigilant, yeah! Don't get scared and do what she needs to do. Her tail sways back and forth and she tilts her head as she hears the commotion, sticking close to Bluejay and she gasps quite loudly. "Yeah don't do that! It's a stinky twoleg trap!" This is her first time seeing one and it looks so cold, like a vice grip. If she got trapped in there she would most likely die of fright. Her tail curls closer to herself and she shakes her head before looking to her mentor. "Oh, smell, uhh! Uhhh!"

Turning her head she does a quick sniff before blinking slowly. "I smell that kit and the cage smells bad. And I smell something stale, maybe the twoleg? But I also smell prey! A squirrel nearby I think but I'm sure it heard all of us." She looks at Bluejay then witha hopeful gleam in her light amber eyes.

SORREL — she’s been living on the highest shelf.
A sharp yowl causes her to freeze, fear that she had been caught swimming in her eyes for a split moment before she was grabbed by a strange cat with a shocked squeal.
"Excuse-" she begins as she regains her balance, pelt fluffed out from both surprise and fear.
She cannot continue before another voice cries out, followed by a terrifying bellow.
She is snatched up again with a panicked "Eeek!"
From there, another calls from above while Sorrels heart goes frenzy with fear.
"Put me down! Stranger danger!" She cries as she flails from the bigger felines jaws.
The cat from above calls to another below, asking about smell. Smell?!
She should have never left, tears would well up in her eyes as she’d be carried up the tree, defeated by the older cats grip. "Let me go! I don’t know you!" She’d yelp again with one last feeble kick, hoping to give the other a good thump in the chest. Barbarians!

) Good, the trap would go hungry that day. The youth had been saved, though now seemed to be deeming him as the threat. Bearheart wished he could explain himself but with his mouth now full of scruff he couldn't do so. Bluejay calls for him to bring the kit up into the trees, but that stands as an issue; he wasn't a climber. However, with the possibility of there being a twoleg coming he knew he would have to push himself to achieve the impossible!

There's a blow to his chest but it hardly fazed him given his bulk as he instead channelled his focus into trying to hurry up the tree. It's clumsy but he finds himself scaling up the trunk of the tree until he reached the first solid looking branch. Only once there did he aim to set the youngster down. "Sorry kiddo, didn't want to grab ya like that but you were in danger. That thing down there steals away cats!"