border make penance, for with vengeance .. windclan patrol

Oct 14, 2023
( ) //this takes place BEFORE shadowclans kits have been returned but AFTER sunstride visited their border !!

The last he had ventured here was at the inquiry of poor lost kittens. Disappearing right under the noses of their queens and warriors, making rounds to every border under the forest in desperate reach to recover them. Hollowcreek had found it quiet laughable how far their desperation had sent them. Going so far as to visit Clans they hadn't even shared borders with. Of course, learning those kittens belonged to their Deputy had made more sense. Absent from the forest to bare the dangers of the mountains, cats thought to have been dead weeks before their arrival, returning to hear lost kin might have sent him into a frenzy.

But fortunately for Hollowcreek he did not have kin he cared for, nor any connections deeper than his own pelt. He glanced over to the cats trailing behind him, all Moor-Runners attending, as they came closer to the Thunderpath. "All of you know how to behave." Honey cut eyes dropped down to Juncopaw. "Don't make me remind you. Now, let's get on with this so we can beat the evenings chill."

@juncopaw @PRAIRIECRY @Gooseberry

-ˋˏ ༻☽༺ ˎˊ- Juncopaw had scarcely gone to the ShadowClan border; it may have been a blessing to all those involved that she was not here when a poor, pitiful patrol came to retrieve those two stolen kits. Juncopaw wasn't sold on the whole "they were neglected and we're saving them" thing; but frankly, she didn't care where they came from or why. As far as she was concerned, they were here to become good WindClan warriors, which was exactly what they needed, what with all the sappy cowards running loose in the moors, fearful of Sootstar and every cat in her shadow. And they should be, but.. she just wished that this fear didn't lead to hesitance, and reluctance to follow their leader's orders. As much as she loved putting (rather, attempting and failing) to put other cats in line, so many of them was.. a lot!

Juncopaw took the center of the patrol, walking alongside another as they both walked directly behind Hollowcreek. There was no hiding the bitter look on her face as she dragged her tail across the grass. Her mentor, Mocking-grin, wasn't here on this patrol with her: she was stuck with a bunch of bossy nobodies that she barely even knew! But she kept her mouth shut, reluctantly - the orders came from Sootstar herself, after all. Had it been Sunstride that assigned her to this awful patrol, she surely would have kicked up a fuss.

Her mouth was zipped, well, until Hollowcreek finally broke the silence. "I don't need reminding. I'm not a baby," she retorted, casting her sharp green gaze right back towards Hollowcreek. If you paid close enough attention to her body language, and the way the fur rose along her spine, you would see how clearly intimidated she was by the older tom-cat, despite her firey temper towards him. She'd never admit it, though - and that same temper would be casted towards anyone that seemed to have looked past her egocentric mask. Frustrated with the suggestion that she didn't know how to behave, Juncopaw abruptly broke the eye contact to jerk her head in the direction of the Thunderpath. It's scent was almost suffocating as the patrol grew closer, and once again she wished she could be anywhere but here.

  • juncopaw.png
  • JUNCOPAW she/her, moor-runner apprentice of windclan, seven moons.
    an antagonistic silver tabby she-cat with green eyes.
    mate to no one. daughter to former gin rogues. apprentice of mocking-grin.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Frostbite knows he has to act a certain way now, responsibly. He has to remind himself quite frequently, especially at this border. He sees the two cats across from him and his nose faintly wrinkles in disgust as he goes about marking the border. His gaze is sharp and frigid like always, cold and unforgiving. He does not take his eyes off of them, and he hopes it makes them uncomfortable. The apprentice grates his ears with her voice.

"You certainly sound like one." He says casually.

His mouth curved slightly upwards as he observed the two. He has a slew of things he could say, but he will hold back, for now. Wouldn't want to say something too mean and have them come flying over the path to be flayed alive and left for the crows, now would he? That would be just terrible. Even worse, he knows Windclan isn't above it either, judging from how the gathering went. He wonders if such brainless behavior is common over there, or even worse, praised.​

-ˋˏ ༻☽༺ ˎˊ- You certainly sound like one. Juncopaw gasped. The audacity! She was appalled, dismayed! She hadn't expected Frostbite to join in on the ridiculing! Suddenly, the cogs in her brain began turning. She had to come up with something, and fast! Oh yeah? Well, Sootstar appointed me to this patrol herself, so take that, you carrion-munching mouse-brained fleabags! Brilliant. Juncopaw cracked a smug and confident smile, as if she had just come up with the most scandalized and heinous insult of all time.

"Oh. Well, patrol appointed me to this Sootstar, you fleas! Take it!" Oh no. She fumbled. Hard. And now, she was all out of comebacks. The cogs in her brain abruptly stopped. Dumbfounded with herself, it was all she could do to simply stick out her tongue at Frostbite, and quickly avert her dejected gaze to the ground. Her tail dragged, her paws stomped, and she kicked another stone in front of her. Her pride took a hard hit. "I'm not a baby," she mumbled under her breath, pouting now more than ever.

  • ooc // this is my last reply for now so i can let prariecry and others join in! i just couldn't resist writing this
  • JUNCOPAW she/her, moor-runner apprentice of windclan, seven moons.
    an antagonistic silver tabby she-cat with green eyes.
    mate to no one. daughter to former gin rogues. apprentice of mocking-grin.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Being at ShadowClan’s border whilst holding Smogmaw’s kits hostage was a bit of an awkward predicament, but it doesn’t show on Gooseberry’s face. He approaches the marshes with the same uninterested look that is always plastered on his face, never faltering. Even as the one apprentice on this patrol continues to embarrass herself in front of Frostbite, he doesn’t do much except watch with disinterest until she continues to babble.

He doesn’t really care what others think of him or WindClan much anymore, but maybe Juncopaw should take a lesson in humility before she opens her mouth again. “What a wondrous display of proper grammar. Now, maybe you should shut your trap before you make a fool of yourself even more,” Gooseberry huffs at the young she-cat, saying his piece before going back to a demeanor of indifference. He wonders for a moment if he was this annoying when he was a kit.​