private MAKE THE GRADE | forestshade

Mar 30, 2023
Orchidbloom hadn't meant to avoid her former mentor... But upon trying to balance her new life being a warrior and adjusting to having a mate, it just... happened. So many more patrols to go on, now, and so much more responsibility on her shoulders makes her almost wish that they were back to the sniveling little kit besides Forestshade. But they're not, and todays the day that they decide they'll finally break the silence. They had caught a mouse as they came back to camp, and as soon as they arrive, they seek her out.

Once they find her, the mouse drops to the ground with a thud. "F-Forestshade... Hi." they greet her awkwardly with a wince that they thank the Stars that Forest cannot see, but the guilt immediately hits them and they turn their lips downwards. They shuffle their paws beneath them for a second, opening and closing their mouth as they flounder for something to talk about. "U-Uhm... I'm sorry," they start off with, looking away, looking back quite quickly and then looking away once more. Their shoulders feel a little too tense... It's making their back hurt, and thus they slump them forth, taking a deep breath. "Uhm, I just want to- to say thank you... A long- long overdue one, really... A thank you for being my mentor... I, uh, caught this, and figured i'd bring it to you..." they prod the mouse forwards. Silence follows.

She swallows hard, eventually, and decides to break the silence once more. "You... were the best mentor I- I could have asked for." their voice is hushed, quiet. "I don't think... I could have been who I am with anyone else." they shift in their spot, their heart practically pounding so hard within their chest that they swear the other girl could hear. But each word she speaks is true, and she tries her best to make sure they come from the heart.

  • 80192257_BM5b2gMLix2zWQF.png
    orchidkit, orchidpaw, orchidbloom
    demi-girl ,, she/they ,, 13 months
    warrior of shadowclan ,, formerly mentored by forestshade
    lanky yet fluffy cinnamon smoke she-cat with wide blue eyes
    "speech, d1afed" ,, thoughts
    bisexual ,, mates with raggedbite
    smells like lilies and iris'
    chibi by I-IALCY0N ,, penned by chuff
  • Love
She can smell her former apprentice before she can hear her, a twitching ear signaling she knows she’s there. An easy smile rests on the lead warrior’s muzzle as she turns to face Orchidbloom, her tail waving in greeting. “Hi, Orchidbloom. I guess I can’t call you ‘kid’ anymore, huh?” She mrrows in amusement.

The young warrior apologized, and Forestshade finds herself tilting her head in confusion. What does she have to be sorry for? Silently, she waits, and secretly hopes the deliciously fresh mouse she’s smelling is for her. When Orchidbloom finally speaks, it is to thank her, and the patched tabby’s unseeing eyes widen briefly in surprise. An unfamiliar feeling of warmth blossoms in her chest, and probably the softest smile she’s ever bore spreads on her face. “It was fun, wasn’t it?” She grills, sitting to enjoy the gifted fresh-kill.

You were the best mentor I could have asked for. Forestshade has to face away briefly. It’s a strange feeling, to have her eyes gloss with wetness. Her life seems like a mess. Her daughter won’t talk to her, her son can’t seem to stop finding trouble…but this…this feels worth it, in this moment. She helped one young cat at least. “Well, don’t go getting sappy with me,” She orders, but one hard look at her would betray the emotion welling in her features. She sniffs hard, hoping to clear her eyes and nose that threaten to run. “Well…you were something special, too, kid. I’m…I’m real proud of you.” Thanks for teaching me how much I love teaching. It goes unsaid, for Forestshade has never been one for lovey dovey-ness. Deep down, she hopes her former apprentice knows how much she meant - and still means - to her.
The moment Forestshade greets them with their new name, their tail curls around their back in a pleased manner. It was fun, wasn't it, her mentor- former mentor, Orchidbloom mentally corrects themself, trills. She digs in to the mouse she had caught and she breathes a small breath of relief. "Yeah.. E-Even if I w-was scared witless... My whole apprenticeship..." Orchidbloom chuckles lowly, embarrassment in her voice. She wasn't the easiest to train, always shaking, always stuttering- perhaps Orchid had barely changed after all.

"I'm- I'm not getting all sappy!" Orchidbloom sniffles in protest as her former mentor does the same. She is drawn forth on wobbly paws and she presses a hesitant cheek against Forestshades, full of gratitude. I'm real proud of you, she says, and she nearly collapses. A smile grows on their lips, a warmth in their chest. "I'm... I'm g-glad, I was named after you, in a w-way..." it's weird to say, and she cringes just slightly, her ears pinning back. "I... don't think you'll ever n-not be important in my life." and its true, because Orchidbloom has only the upmost respect for her, and the kits that she had spent her apprenticeship playing with.

"It's... weird, now. I- I feel too grown up. Did y-you ever... feel like this...?" their eyes flit upwards for a second, towards the sky, then down to the tortie once more. They feel... a little too nervous with the newfound freedom- Raggedbite had adjusted well, at least... Or thats what Orchidbloom thought.

  • 80192257_BM5b2gMLix2zWQF.png
    orchidkit, orchidpaw, orchidbloom
    demi-girl ,, she/they ,, 13 months
    warrior of shadowclan ,, formerly mentored by forestshade
    lanky yet fluffy cinnamon smoke she-cat with wide blue eyes
    "speech, d1afed" ,, thoughts
    bisexual ,, mates with raggedbite
    smells like lilies and iris'
    chibi by I-IALCY0N ,, penned by chuff
Orchidbloom gets up and steps closer, and the lead warrior can feel her whiskers brush against her own before cheeks press together. She stiffens for a moment, quite unused to the feeling of physical affection, before she allows a small smile to play on her lips and she accepts the touch in silence. I was named after you in a way. She sniffs and angles her muzzle towards the she-cat, a corner of her mouth quirking up. "I, uh- I'm not gonna lie, kid, I don't know what to say. That's really cool. I'm honored..." Chilledstar giving her that much of an honor brings a warmth to her chest that is unfamiliar. She takes another bite of the mouse, chews thoughtfully, and swallows before mewing with an amused snort, "Orchidbloom, you know better than anyone I am an overgrown kit. Here's a secret - no one ever feels grown up!"