camp make way for the cool kids | playing pretend


May 3, 2023
I've been trying not to
Night has fallen, leaving a good majority of skyclan heading off to some super important event called a gathering if he recalled correctly. Not that he cared all that much. All Plaguekit knew was that he was bored out of his mind and needed something to do to pass the time. So, the gaunt, patchy kitten stood to long spindly limbs and tottled off into the center of camp. Wiggling his hindquarters he bunched his muscles and gave a hefty leap so that he may stand upon a medium sized rock. Bathed in silver moonlight he looked off in the direction of the nursery wearing his trademark crooked grin. "Look out world, it's Plaguestar! Leader of...umm," He pauses touching an ebony paw to the purple collar around his neck in thought. He didn't think this far ahead.

A good name was needed, one that would really get a cat's attention. "Leader of stormclan! Together with my co-lead Doomstar we're unstoppable, right amigo?" Storms were strong, bringing forth rain, forceful gales, or lightning. Everyone takes cover when a storm is brewing. It seemed like the perfect name. Puffing out his chest he stands a little straighter, doing his best to imitate Blazestar's more regal appearance while atop high branch. Although his disheveled coat and disproportionate limbs contributing to his rapid growth made his impersonation rather lackluster. "And our clan is better than every other clan because we have two leaders instead of just one." Plaguekit voices to one of his den mates whilst leaning over the edge of his perch. (@DOOMKIT you do not have to wait for them to respond)
Go off the deep end

StormClan. Cherrykit, washing herself nearby in preparation for bed, lifts her head and flattens her ears. The holly bush's remaining leaves rustle in the wind, their jagged edges glinting the moonlight like Plaguekit's teeth. Silver lines trace the misshapen edges of the new nursery, pushed up against the tree that'd claimed Snowpath's life, like the edges of a storm cloud lit by the hidden sun. Plaguekit had been right beside her at the time; she doesn't remember where he went after they were both sent flying with Butterflytuft, or if he'd been in Johnnyflame's shuddering embrace with her. The thought of being pressed up against him doesn't make her want to wrinkle her nose anymore, but rather just cry. She'd never name herself after a storm. Only bad things happen when storms come around.

The little calico strides forth to stand beneath the older kit, pale eyes washed into white as she gazes upwards. "Well I'm Cherrystar," she announces ceremoniously. With a small grunt of effort, she scrambles onto the rock to pose besides the scruffy "leader". The boy may be taller than her, but Cherrykit thinks her long fur and baby fat make her look substantially more like Blazestar, and she puffs out the ample chest fur like she's never seen the ragdoll do. "Leader of, um." She tilts her head and thinks for a moment. "Leader of SunClan." Condescension drips from the look she gives her fellow leader. "And I don't need another leader. 'Cause I'm that good," she preens, lifting her tail.

⭒✧ Chalk's expression is patient as he watches the kits spring about camp, whiskers draped low in relaxation. Their squabble scratched at the same frequency he was used to at home, exclamations piquing his attention every once in a while. Plaguestar's show of strength did just that, the patchy kit naming his clan and fellow leader.

"You're very tall up there." Words monotone, his slow blink was the only discernible sign of being impressed. Cherrykit rises to meet him, the pair ruffled with determination. A fundamental deviation in ideals was unearthed, whether a single leader was advantageous. "Hm? What do you think of that- do you think she's right?" Others might think him to be simply humouring the younger cats, but Chalk's gaze had sharpened into interest. He was invested. What reasoning would they offer?
⭒ ———————————— ✧⭒



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather lets out a giggle of amusement as she watches the kits clamber onto the rock and make their claims as leader. She remembers playing clan when she was a kit, often claiming the leader title for herself and being discontent when she was tossed the regular role of a warrior. It had been silly, but a lot of fun… it makes her remember Snowpath.

To break her thoughts she pads over, she gives Chalk a mischievous smile before looking to ‘Cherrystar’. ”May I be SunClan’s noble deputy? Or is Cherrystar too good for one of those too? I would not be surprised with how strong and noble she is.” Figfeather grins playfully before looking to ‘Plaugestar’ and ‘Doomstar’. The concept of a clan with two leaders was intriguing… but what did they do when they disagreed with one another? Who did the clan listen to when their leaders quarreled?

She blinks upon catching herself taking a kit’s game too literally.
I've been trying not to
Cherrykit makes her way over to his stoney throne, heaving herself upon it to announce herself as leader of sunclan. She declares being a singular leader makes her stronger than Doomstar and himself, causing him to wrinkle his nose. " Qué? You must have bumped your head on the way up." He scoffs, brows pinching together. Using the extension of his towering height he looms over her, drawing ever close until their noses nearly touch. "It doesn't make you that good. It just makes you like any other normal clan." He states in a matter of fact like manner, forked tail lashing once behind him. Plaguekit's tapered ears twitch, catching the arrival of Chalk and he turns away from "Cherrystar" in favor of conversing with the tom.

He blinks his appreciation in response to Chalk's compliment, listening as he offers a question. Turquoise eyes stare for a moment before traveling back to his fellow leader standing beside him. "No, she's not right at all." Surely two was better than one. Figfeather approaches next and Plaguestar is shocked to see the marmalade warrior trying to pledge her allegiance to sunclan of all clans. "You should join stormclan instead! We could give you so much more than what sunclan offers." He pipes up, leaning over the edge of the rock to look down at Figfeather.
Go off the deep end
  • Haha
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Plaguekit's head twists towards her as she makes her proclamation, like the sleeping face some eldritich horror dredged from the deep suddenly snapping to stare at her. She meets his disdainful face with a petty glare of her own, though the paleness of her eyes are drowned out by the Cherenkov glow of his. Another kit might back down when he draws himself forwards and upwards, looming over her like a dead tree branch pointed straight at her face. But doubt is something foreign to Cherrykit entirely, and she has half a mind to nip Plaguekit's nose off. "Your breath stinks," she growls, mostly because she can't come up with a response as fast as the older kit, yet still wants to "win".

Chalk's blue eyes and bluer voice are unwavering as he observes the pair, dutifully conjuring some praise for their regal stature. Though Plaguekit is fast outgrowing the little calico, she applies his words to herself nonetheless and puffs up further. The pale tom then offers a question, mostly to Plaguekit, but Cherrykit takes her turn mentally gnawing on it. "Of course I'm right!" she exclaims at the same time Plaguekit claims she's not, but gives it no more thought than that.

Figfeather approaches too, bearing much greater gifts than Chalk. Upon the warrior's gilded visage she bestows what she thinks is a maternal, royal smile, one befitting of a stoic empress. "Of course you may be my deputy," she purrs. She shoots her fellow pretend leader a smug look, possibly the same sort of look Blazestar would give Sootstar later that night, before she steps forward on the rock. "By the power of StarClan, Figfeather is now the deputy of SunClan," Cherrykit announces, eyes beaming as she almost yells to talk over Plaguekit's temptations. "StarClan honors your, um, beauty and strong-ness." She's only ever overheard Blazestar naming warriors, but she figures deputy would be along these lines too. With a satisfied trill, she leans over to press her nose into Figfeather's forehead.
  • Haha
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"SunClan names a deputy's virtues too? Lucky you are, Figfeather." Orangeblossom's whiskers twitch as she joins the little gathering of young SkyClanners, noting with a flicker of amusement that the kits have roped Figfeather and perhaps also Chalk into their games today. With nothing occupying her schedule save for a little bit of playtime, Orangeblossom decides to indulge herself for once in a bit of pretend. Puffing herself up a little, she closes her eyes.

"And yet StormClan is here, with two in charge ... hmm, whichever Clan to join? I may not be as strong as any of the leaders, but maybe there's use for my experience ...?" One brown eye flickers open, waiting for one of the kittens to prompt her joining.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

⭒✧ His eyes grew bright with surprise at Figfeather's approach, returning her smile with a muted one of his own. They remained round as the red tabby offered herself up as Cherrystar's clanmate. Chalk was used to the tolerant doting or stiff correction of adults around the young- it was good to see the warrior engage in play.

One ear looped into the two mollies' interaction, he returned the other to listen in on Plaguestar's response. 'No, she's not right at all.' A little low on evidence but he couldn't critique the conviction. Chalk nodded deeply in response, knowing. Meanwhile, Figfeather was dubbed deputy beside him. Cherrystar's speech was charming, he thought, and he found himself mouthing 'good-ness' at its end with a light sigh of laughter.

"Orangeblossom would make for good competition for the newly appointed Figfeather." A snow-tufted tail lapped the tom's side, curled at the tip as to punctuate his point. From his understanding, her experience was more than enough to prop up these sapling clans. Who could act as their lead warriors or medicine cats? A speculative eye was cast to any surrounding kits or clanmates. Their choices could elucidate the personal characteristics favoured in clan society, unspoken preferences passed on even to the kits. Perhaps he was taking this too seriously.

Breaching his thoughts, Chalk spoke up, "Either of you can have my assistance too, if you want." It was only right he offered to be involved too.
⭒ ———————————— ✧⭒
Doomkit doesn’t care about the Gathering, but like Plaguekit, being left with those in camp has him bored out of his mind. What was so great about meeting other Clans, anyway? Boring. He bets they all stink and are weak. He could be stronger than any of those other Clan cats. And he will, someday!

Plaguekit has the right idea—despite the late hour, cats mill about, too wound-up to sleep. His denmate bounds to a rock at the center of camp, cresting it and calling out to all nearby. “Look out world, it’s Plaguestar! Leader of…umm,” and then he fumbles. Doomkit grins when Plaguestar dubs them leaders of StormClan! “Doomstar!” He cries, delighted. With swift, agile movements, the mostly-white kit clambers up the stone so he can sit beside his co-leader. “We will rule the whole forest! We will be the strongest and smartest Clan!

“Well, I’m Cherrystar,” comes a familiar annoying voice. Doomkit scowls, waggling his speckled rump as though he’s about to pounce on his milk-sister from above. “SunClan sounds boring and dumb!” He doesn’t really have a comeback for her comment about only needing one leader. Maybe she has a point… Blazestar doesn’t have any other leaders. Besides, sharing is for losers…

Chalk’s question seems neutral enough, but Plaguestar is horrified at the suggestion that Cherrystar could be onto something. And then Figfeather goes and offers to be Cherrystar’s deputy! Doomstar shakes his head despairingly. “I can’t be in StormClan no more. I’m gonna start my own Clan,” he says, lifting his chin defiantly. “I’m Doomstar, leader of DoomClan!

Plaguestar is his friend, so Doomstar gives him a pat on the shoulder. It’s more like an ill-timed swat. “DoomClan and StormClan are friends. We can beat Cherrystar together.” To him, it seems like a good solution.

Orangeblossom, watching the kits play with amused dark eyes, offers her services to StormClan. Doomstar tilts his head to the side. “You can leave Blazestar and be my deputy instead,” he decides. He doesn’t know the words to the ceremony like Cherrystar, but he makes an approximation: “By the power of DoomClan, Orangeblossom is the deputy! For her. Cool scars and her mean voice.” Truthfully, he thinks Orangeblossom could scare Cherrystar better than Chalk could, so that’s who he picks for his deputy.

————— 𖦹 —————
Cherrykit — no, Cherrystar's announcement of leadership delights Hiccupkit enough to send him into a fit of giggles. She does look like a proper leader, standing up there on the rock. All regal and everything "Hee hee — hic — hee, you'll be — hic — you'll be a great leader, Cherrystar!" He calls quite genuinely, giggle-fit hiccups bouncing him in place. Orange eyes crinkle as he looks up at his sister. She's right, she doesn't need a second leader, and he's too caught up in his laughter to offer to be a deputy.

But then! Betrayal, drama! Doomstar not only insults Cherrystar, he forms his own Clan to fight against SunClan with Plaguestar. Hiccupkit's face contorts into a comical pout. "Aw wait, that's no fair! Cheeeerry we can't just let them team up on you like that," he whines. Seems he's got no choice but to step in.

An idea forms, and slowly, the giggles return. Suddenly, he begins a graceless scramble up the rock, coming ti stand beside his sister with heavy breaths coming from his chest. He gives her a light and playful shove in excitement, a mirror of Doomstar's own swat. "Hee — hic — hee, Cherrystar, hee hee, I got a — hic — plan. I'll make my own clan! I'll be hic — Hiccupstar, the bestest and nicest leader who everyone loves. Leader of - of - of -" He pauses a moment to think.

DoomClan is dumb and boring, but the other names... StormClan and CloudClan, he can work with those. "Leader offffff CloudClan! Aaaaand CloudClan gets along with everyone so you can't fight us, or be mean to us, and we're best friends with SunClan so, so youuuuu - you - you can't hurt - attack - so you can't be mean to them either. Ever. Okay?" It sounds fair to him.

It's definitely not fair for Doomstar to just declare Orangeblossom his deputy without even asking, but whatever. Mommy, you can be Doomstar's deputy if you wanna but please tell him to be nicer." He instructs. Very leaderly and decisive. Only one warrior remaining, so... "My deputy will be Chalk. For the vich - veer - virtues of being. Um. Dip-lo-magic -" A word he's heard from the bigger cats; Hiccupkit puffs out his chest in pride at remembering it. It means not taking sides, like Chalk did with the two leaders thing. He needs one more "virtue" though. He's not really sure what it means, he's just repeating his mom's words, hur it seems to be the reason why these cats are being made deputy...

" — and looking kinda like a cloud. He's perfect!" He concludes, satisfied in his choice. Hiccupstar stands tall upon the rock, wide smile beaming down at Chalk.
————— 𖦹 —————

  • //
  • HICCUPKIT as the first sound he made was a hiccup.
    — he/him. 2 moons.
    — skyclan kit.
    — large, loud, and loving.

    semi-casual character, penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled139_20230509042846.png
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