making an attempt || swankit


all opinions are IC only i'm so sorry he's stinky
Jun 20, 2023

Tucked between the the brambles forming the camp wall and those forming the apprentice den, Batkit is chewing on a frog leg. These days, the nursery is far too crowded and loud, he can't stand it. Recently, they've even been allowed out of the nursery, invading every waking moment. There was no avoiding the noise. At least if he stays hidden, they tend to ignore him.

Contentedly gnawing away, Batkit's thoughts drift to the older kits. The ones he grew up with. Specifically, he thinks of Swankit.

Batkit has known Swankit and his siblings for his entire life. According to Snowfeather, Swankit was born only a few days before Batkit was. He had never liked the other tom, but he had never liked any of his denmates. Now, with all these new kits, Swankit and his sisters didn't seem so bad. Sure, he didn't particularly enjoy their presence, but he'd pick any of them over Starlingheart and Forestshade's kits any day.

Almost as if his thoughts had summoned him, Batkit sees the cream tabby not too far away from his hiding spot. For a moment, he stares. Snowfeather has been pushing him to be more social recently. Not to make friends, necessarily, just to actually talk to the other kits. Stop treating them as if they're beneath him. Maybe he should say something to Swankit? After all, he was one of the least bad choices.

Dropping the frog leg between his paws, Batkit mumbles a quick, "Um. Hi."

Is this how conversations work? He should probably say something more, but he doesn't really know what to say. Has he ever even initiated conversation with anyone other than his mother?

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  • Love
Reactions: Swansong
————— ☾ —————

Batkit had been a constant presence in Swankit's life, but not much of an intrusive one. Always hiding, lurking, glaring at the other kits. A barbed tongue more befit a snake than a bat; not that Swankit minds all that much. He doesn't take it personally. Some cats are just a little meaner than others, and some cats are just less talkative than others. If Batkit doesn't want to spend time with him (or anyone), that's alright.

He's never known Batkit to be the social type, quite the opposite. Swankit makes an effort, at least, though none of his connections feel quite as tangible as those with his family. It all feels a little too fleeting, but he doesn't mind that either. Swankit doesn't mind many things.

Swankit is engaging in one of his favorite pastimes: cat-watching. He's wandering less, now that his paws have brought him into trouble, now that he knows of dangers beyond the camp bounds. He's watching more. Listening more. An ear flicks as he hears approaching pawsteps, and his eyes dart over, head turning only when the other tom speaks.

"Um. Hi." Swankit blinks slowly, does not seem to react for a moment as he processes.

...This is new.

A smile is quick to grace his tired face, pleasant and genuine. It's so much easier when cats come to talk to him instead of the other way around. "Hello..." he breathes, matching Batkit's quiet tone. He's not really sure why they're being quiet, though. Eyes dart to the frog leg as he tried to puzzle out Batkit's intentions. "Um. Did you want to share this...? It's kinda small... If not that's okay, though..." He's not that hungry, but it'd be rude to refuse a gift.

Unless it's not a gift? Maybe he's being rude, trying to take Batkit's frog leg. "Or you can, um, just sit with me... That's okay too..." he murmurs. Unlike Batkit, the words spill easily from his mouth, if clumsily.
————— ☾ —————

  • //
  • SWANKIT named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 4 moons.
    — shadowclan kit.
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230514003200.png
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Batkit blinks slowly. He hadn't intended to give the impression that his frog leg was meant to share. What was he supposed to do now? Let Swankit share it? But it's his frog leg! He wants it for himself, as selfish as that may be. But if he's trying to be nicer, it would be rude to refuse, wouldn't it?

"Uh-" He gulps before scooting the frog leg slightly more towards Swankit. "Yeah, we can share. And you can sit." He's quiet for a moment before adding, "If you want."

This is why Batkit doesn't socialize. What an awkward interaction. He's never doing this again.
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The awkwardness with which Batkit carries himself does not seem to phase Swankit as they watch him. They wait patiently through his words, continue in their silence for a moment after. He still can't quite make sense of the other kit's intentions. "Ah... That's very nice of you, Batkit..." he murmurs genuinely, stares at the frog leg for a moment.

He really isn't very hungry. He sweeps himself up to sit beside Batkit instead. He doesn't want to say he doesn't want it, that'd be rude, but "Um, I've already eaten, though, so you can have most of it," he lies breezily. "Or all of it... If you want..." he adds, quieter.

"Um, but, thank you... for offering..." He settles in beside Batkit, looking over. He's silent for a stretch as he stares at the other kit, soft blue eyes a little sharper than usual.

"You don't like talking to other cats," he states bluntly, with the same quiet, unbothered airiness as he always speaks. It's not a hard observation to make. And, the heart of the issue: "...But you're talking to me... So, um, thank you for that, too." Swankit likes when cats talk to him, reserved though he may be. He just doesn't like starting conversations; this makes it much easier.
————— ☾ —————

  • //
  • SWANKIT named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 4 moons.
    — shadowclan kit.
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230514003200.png
In the comfortable silence after Swankit tells him he isn't hungry, Batkit blinks at Swankit. It's an odd interaction, but Batkit can't bring himself to care. It's probably the most pleasant interaction he's had with a clan member, so why would he? He finally looks away, taking another bite of the frog leg.

When Swankit speaks, Batkit lets out a snort. "Wow, how could you have guessed?" He hopes his sarcasm is obvious.

The genuineness of the rest of Swankit's statement startles him slightly, his blue eyes widening. "Um," he opens and closes his mouth a few times, trying to figure out how to respond to that. Finally, he gives up, turning to focus his eyes on anything besides the other kit. "You're welcome? And..." He's silent for a few moments. "Thank you for being tolerable?"

It's a question, even though it shouldn't be. Swankit is tolerable, and he's known that for a while. He's just never... complimented anyone on anything before. Is calling someone tolerable even considered a compliment? If it isn't, it should be. To Batkit, it's a compliment.
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